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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Hello Ppls!!!
Me: Hey all ^^ Yesterday was a blast! I got Mcflurry or however you spell that..
Duo: *shrugs*
Me: Okay then, well..today I have to be leavin soon so I might not make it to some of your sites..SORRY!!!
Duo: Yep..She's going to her relatives house..Most people hate that!
Heero & Goku: *comes in*
Me: Aha...there you guys are, had fun?
Goku: YUP!!! I ate the most pizza ever in pizza hut! World record baby!!!
Duo: So proud. *rolls eyes*
Me: And you Heero?
Heero: ......
Goku: He's the second place champ!
Heero: ....eheh ^^;;
Me & Duo: *head first fall*
Heero: What?!
Me & Duo: *unconscious*
Heero: O_O
Goku: *in front of fridge eating everything turns to Heero* What?
Heero: ......Can I join?
Goku: Sure!
Me & Duo: *still unconscious*
Heero: *sits next to Goku and eats*
Me & Duo: .....*still unconscious* (meaning good bye all)
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Friday, July 23, 2004
Me: *runs in* GOKU DON'T EAT MY FOOD!!!!!!!!
Duo: Why hello ^^
Me: *pauses* .....
Duo: What?
Me: I was expecting Goku, eating all my food from the fridge.....O_O
Duo: He's not here right now.
Me: N-not here right now?!?! O____O
Duo: Yup. He has a new friend, Heero.
Me: Wow..could this day become...peaceful??? O_____O
Duo: .....yes?
Me: HAPPY DAY HAPPY DAY!!!! *dances*
Duo: ^_____^
Me: Duo, let's celebrate!!!
Duo: Ok?
Me: YEAH!!! *grabs Duo's hand drags him to Mcdonald's*
Duo: Yay?.....
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Hey guys and gals!!!!
Me: Hey all ^^ Happy birthday to chie!! *throws confetti* Suprisingly, Goku is not here yet O__o *hears an knock on door* AH!! *falls off chair*
Goku: *knocking on door* KATLYN!!!!!!! OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!!! *turns doorknob* Woah it's open ^^
Me: *unconscious*
Goku: O______o
Heero: Hi ^^
Goku: You again....Did you do this to her??
Heero: No, you did.
Goku: Oh....^_____^;;;;;
Heero: Hey wanna go out for pizza?
Goku: Sure ^^
Heero & Goku: *leaves Katlyn alone*
Me: *still unconscious*
Duo: The End O__________o *walks off*
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Hey all!! Goku is eating food right now, that he can't be disturbed ^^ So this became a normal post. The other posts were just filled with randomness huh? Okay onto the post...For the past few days I've been trying to make banners. It's horrible by the way. I made the welcome sign in my intro ^^ Very plain and simple no? I don't really care. And just last night I made a Gravitation banner. I was really bored so I guess I ended up making it. Gravitation is well, a very cute anime ^^ I haven't seen it or read it though I've done research ^____^ Okay, now the other day...I watched The Butterfly Effect...I kinda watched it...the beginning.....I was scared ok!! I'm a scaredy cat....and my parents told me not to watch it so I didn't. Glad I'm obedient...I could hear screaming...O___o It was just too violent for me ^^;;; Oh well...Guess that's it ^^ One more thing, this is my Gravi banner:
If you can't see it, it's like that ^^ Oh well. If you can't see it, um....Sorry.
The University of Blogging
Presents to BrokenWing
An Honorary Bachelor of Anonymous Commenting
Majoring in Boredom
Blogging Degree From Go-Quiz.com
Here's a quiz from Demonsprite ^^ Funny no?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Hey Ppls!!!
Me: Sorry about yesterday, you know how I get around food....
Goku: Yup.
Me: You again...why do you always come here?!
Goku: Wait let me think......*five minutes* I don't know...
Me: *asleep snoring*
Goku: Wow. You're fast asleep in less than five minutes... Interesting...
Me: *asleep*
Goku: *whispers* Now I can steal food from her fridge!!!!!! *pauses* I'm talking to myself....weird... *tip toes*
Me: *snoring loudley*
Goku: *in front of fridge* MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *opens door* YES!!!!!! Mission complete!!
Heero: That's my line...
Goku: When did you get here?!?!
Heero: I...I don't know...
Goku: *stares at him*
Heero: *blinks*
Goku: Whatever weirdo...about to eat food*
Birds: CAW!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pecks him*
Goku: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Katlyn did this!!!!! She will pay!!
Me: *still asleep*
Goku: What?!?! It's not her fault?!?! *turns to Heero*
Birds: *still pecking*
Goku: You...
Heero: Bye ^^ *runs away*
Goku: *tries to get out* EVIL BIRDS!!!!!!!!!!
Birds: CAW!!!!!!
Goku: Where is he?!?! *sighs* Oh well....
Me: *asleep*
Goku: Wow. With all those noise she's still asleep. Amazing..
Me: *drools* See ya later ppls... *still asleep*
Goku: *stares*
Me: *snores*
Birds: CAW!!!!! *still pecking*
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Happy birthday to my mom!!!!! ^_____^
Me: Hi everyone ^^ Well nothing happened today, but today's my mom's birthday!!! Me happy for her!!! ^____^
Goku: Birthday?! I just adore birthdays ^^ With all the cakes...
Sanzo: Is there something else than food in your brainless mind?
Goku: *drooling*
Sanzo: I guess not...
Me: We did the celebration yesterday since my dad has work today..Kinda sad he has to go to work. Or he'll lose his job.
Goku: If he loses his job then there's no more food to eat, right?
Me: Sorry Goku, no more food..
Goku: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *sobs*
Me: *pats him on the back* It's ok.
Goku: But all the cake...burgers....BANANAS!!!!!!
Me: I know...*sobs* The bananas...
Me & Goku: BANANAS!!!!! *cries*
Sanzo: Oy....
Me: We'll be ok T_T Be strong GOKU!!!! *sniff*
Goku: NO!!! I WANT FOOD!!!!! *sniff*
Sanzo: I just hate dramas...
Me: Okay guys and gals, have a great *sniff* day...
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
Me: Hey guys and gals!!!! What a beautiful day ^^
Goku: *ran inside* Lookie what I have!!! A burger!!!
Me: Fascinating...
Goku: I know!! ^____^
Me: ......
Goku: *goes to table about to eat it*
Bird: *came out of nowhere* CAW!!!! *scoops up burger*
Goku: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: eheh ^^;; I'll leave you in peace...*walks out*
Goku: *cries* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Me: *in other room with bird* Nice birdy ^^ *gets burger*
Goku: *comes inside* Wha??? *sniff*
Me: Um....*gulps burger* Hi ^^
Goku: *evil glare* WHY YOU!!!!!!! *tackles*
Me: Get off me!!!!
Goku: You ate my burger!!!!!!!!!!! And that evil bird.....
Me: Get over it!!! *gets away*
Goku: No way you're runnin!!! *chases*
Me: *runs* AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
Goku: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!! *still chasing*
Sanzo: *walks in room* -_-;; *walks out*
Me: Sorry guys!!! Gotta run!!!! *running*
Goku: AAAAARGH!!!!! *chasing*
Me: BYE!!!!!!
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
Me: Hey guys!! And gals!!! Sorry about yesterday...I'm obsessed with Saiyuki...
Goku: Yea believe me she is..
Me: HEY!!!! How did you get here?!?!
Goku: Umm...the door?...
Me: Get outta here!! *pushes him out the door*
Goku: Let me go!!!
Me: No you little monkey!!
Goku: Aaargh.....let go!!!!
Me: Sorry guys...didn't know he was comin...*still pushing until he's outside*
Goku: *outside* Let me in!! I want my food!!!!!
Me: Okay peoples, byeeeeee!!!! *eats all his food*
Goku: I hear slurping!!! Is that MY FOOD?!?!?!?
Me: *ignores him*
Goku: LET ME IN!!!!! KATLYN!!!!!!!!
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Friday, July 16, 2004
I'M SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everybody!! I'm glad I survived the cleaning yesterday ^^ My sister did all the work. Cince I was using the computer all day. I feel a little bit bad but I'll live ^^ Today I got mail!!!! It was a package!!! Makes me happy, I never get mail. Guess who it's from?? MISSMISAO!!!!! She got me SAIYUKI VOL. 2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't she so nice?!?! I've been wanting to get that but my mom won't let me go to the mall....SO THANK YOU MISSMISAO!!!!!!!! I really appreciate it ^^ So I read and I read and I finally finished it. I kinda cried at the end though T_T Sooo for all who's reading it and not done, and is not a sap (no offense), then prepare yourself...It's horrible I tell you!!!!! (I'm a huge sap) *sobs* Okay...that's it. Thankx alot MissMisao and thankx for reading ^^

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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Mess all over the place......
Hey peoples!!! Somehow I'm not that cranky today ^^' I have nothing to do again but I'm willing to be bored -_-. My sis says I have to clean our room, I wish I had my own space for once. If I did you can't believe what a mess that would be.. Well, all my siblings want their own room of course. Never had one ^^'. Cleaning is a hard thing for me to master but sleeping, you're on ^^. Soooo since my sis is doing some other stuff I'll go take a nap. Okie dokie then see ya!!!!!

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