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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Can you guess?.....Yup...Exactly....Bored....
Okay i'm the insane fun loving BrokenWing again!!! No body might visit me anymore, soooo I just wanna post ^^ I'm really bored...I'm playing by myself...sad isn't it? Still got those stuffed animals...and I baked cookies...what else?!?! Oh well.... Thankx for reading!!!

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*mutters* I don't wanna wake up....
I'm still sleepy -_-;;; I'm really tired that's all..I woke up by sister's cell phone..aaargh...WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!?! *breathes heavily* Okay I'm good... Later today, I'll be the same ol' BrokenWing ^^ I'm pretty cranky in mornings...As a warning, don't come near me until after lunch...Okay, adios. See ya!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Cute Stuff always get to me...
Hey ppls!!! Okay today, well nothing really happened. I just went to the garage and I was looking for something..I somehow forgot what it was..^_^;; And I found a box!! Thrilling isn't it? Anywho, I opened it and there was tons of....STUFFED ANIMALS!!!! lol. They were soo cute!!!! So, I played with them and threw them at my sis. Hehe *evil grin* Guess that's it..

Thankx for reading!!!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
HI PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey peoples!!!! Well..I downloaded Naruto!!! Okay my friend did it for me..But just pretend I'm him!! Hope it's doing good. Anyways, I'm always bored and you know it! So I have nothin to tell ya. Okay guess that's it.

Thankx for reading!!!
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
Me bored....again...and again..
Hey people! I'm pretty bored, and I want to be entertained. My untalented self is not that fun anymore ^_^;; I tried to survive but I didn't make it. Just wondering if I should download Naruto. I haven't seen it yet and alot of people say it's really good. Do you recommend it? Or to some people who hasn't seen it well...You should see the show!!! Um..guess that's it. And thanks for all the help from yesterday. Think I got it. Okay gtg. Thankx for reading!!

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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Hey guys and gals!!!! Nothing much happening over here. Just playing video games.Starting on .hack//Infection, needing help. I just started so I have no clue on what to do..If anybody would like to help me, YAY!!! Thank you!!! Okay that's it!!! Thankx for reading!!

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Friday, July 9, 2004
Quizzie thingy...
Decided to take quiz thing..whatever...
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
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Monday, July 5, 2004

Hey you guys and gals!!! I'm back from a very long trip!! Good to be with my great friends. I've spent hours and hours sitting on my tired butt.. But I had fun! Vegas was awesome and so was Utah. Though I couldn't even go near a casino I sneaked up to one and touched it!! In my family that's a miracle. Well, if you are too lazy to read my story then just welcome me back! But for all who's so kind to read something I've written then I'll be glad to tell you. Here it goes:
First, we of course drove. 8-9 hours and yes it was hard. But after we were done for a bathroom break all of a sudden our van broke down (we had two cars by the way)! Lucky for us we had a relative living near where we were. So we stayed there for two days and my parents rented a car. Then we were back on the road. After 4 hours we arrived at my aunt's house in Vegas. Okay, you know I'm a kid right? The adults went gambling. That's why me and my cousins and sister and brother (my other brother was gambling) watched White Chicks. It was hecka funny. We stayed there for about 2 days. Then we went to MissMisao's hometown, St. George, Utah. It was fun. I got to see her house for the first time!! Muahaha!! Okay ahem... Anyway, we went to my other aunt's house. They had a music room and my brother so wanted to play the drums and guitar. I got to play one chord on the guitar!!! I suck. My cousin is eight years old and he could play the drums like a pro! I was impressed. Well, me? I hit one drum and that's it. Heh. But my brother and my cousin was jamming to my fave song!! "The Reason" by Hoobastank!! Yay!!! I was in major shock that my uncle knew that song.. Amazing.. Anyway that's it. Hope you had fun reading this boring story bye!!!
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Friday, June 25, 2004
See ya guys!!!!

Okay guys time for me to go.. *cries* But I'm only gone for one week so that made me feel better. And I won't gamble. Of course I won't and I hope my parents don't. I remember the last time. *has flash back* *shudder* Anyway, I'll miss you guys!!! I won't make another post after this so, BYE!!!!!!!!
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