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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Guess who's back?!
Howdy people, long time no see! I hope you had an eventful week without me! As you can see I have changed my site and my song! I absolutely love the song, it's very..nice ^__^;; The new layout is well, it explains on the welcome sign and stuff. Yes I know there is some pink left but bear with me, it's the only thing that matched okay?! *sigh* I'm too worked up.
Anywho, I'm sorry I didn't get to everyone again, I really wish to make it, but suddenly it turned nine and then I couldn't visit anymore..WAAAAAAAHHH!! Will you all forgive me? Please do T__T And if you have a friend on my friends list please tell them that I was busy and gone so I couldn't visit and ask them for forgiveness from me kay? Please do that favor! I'm trying repent here... argh.. Hopefully tomorrow after school I can do more visiting..
And we had to pray the whole rosary tonight and some more stuff, well, for the whole week and next week actually. I'm kinda getting used to wasting my time. But, praying is a good thing don't get me wrong.
Anywho, there's nothing much else to say. So ya. Again though, please forgive BW!! Forgive her for her sins and wrong doings!! Please with a cherry on top?! Remember that favor I asked you! Please!!!
Goodbye now. May all of you have a good day ^__^

Cute, ne? I adore Ginji, but I haven't read the manga or seen the series.. Golly gee..
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Ha ha, I am back again!....okay...
Hey everybody ^_^ Did you all have a good week? I hope you did! I am sorry for not being here much, school has been very stressful and this new comp is acting up! It is evil yet way better than the old one. The browsers again did not work so I am sorry.
Other than that, everything's same ol'. I might not post tomorrow or for a while since I have a lot of catching up to do AND some leadership stuff. I might be putting a sign that I will not be here for a while to others too. Working on that. Also I am working on another theme since this theme has been here for a long time, eh? The next layout is...A GRAVITATION THEME!!w00t! Although I have no midis or whatsoever songs to put on my site that is related to Gravi. If any of you know any midis I could use I would really appreciate it ^_^ Thanks!
Speaking of Gravi songs, I am now addicted to Shining Collection, Glaring Dream, Rage Beat and especially Sleepless Beauty. If you haven't heard of them you should! They are awesome, very catchy too.
Anyway, now for the question of the day! Here it is:
A disaster is happening. You have to gather up your things! But you only can choose just ONE anime (shocking I know) what would it be?
Ha, hard, yes I know. And tell me why! Hehe, I am stressing you aren't I? Good.
The one I would bring is Gravitation! That's my no. 1 choice! Well my opinion okay. Why I chose this anime? Because I would never survive without those hot bishes! Eiri Yuki..Shuichi...Tohma..Suguru.. (yes I consider those two cousins hot XD)..Hiro..And especially Tatsuha! I love him! heehee..
Well that's it for the day. A very long post but I might not post tomorrow so I combined them! Teehee. I hope to see you all very soon!

Nittle Grasper!!!! MY FAVE!!!!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Okay then! Hi everybody, I hope you had a swell time while I was gone! Yes I am back. Had fun to put it in a few words. Too much happened, so I won't tell you anything!
Well okay then the main idea why we went to Virgina (and New York for a little while) is because my bro is getting married! so my bro had to do this traditional thing with em and yea. For the wedding I will be a reader! I read! Interesting...
Oh yea my decision is I won't stay. JOKING! Okay I will a little longer, but I will be going because of too much stress. Too much... Anyway okay! Thank you for persuading to stay though. It was very thoughful of you guys ^_^
Um, oh yeah! My bday is on this post! Hahaha... I just noticed. But for me it is not. But this post is! So say happy birthday to me! Please? It's my birthday!! Say happy bday! Maybe even a gift? Joking. Hehe teasing is fun ^___^ Well I will you all soon and hopefully I will at least visit one person tomorrow! Bye bye now, have a fun um, Wednesday!

Happy birthday me. Ha, I'm really happy huh? Wonder why....
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Howdy all ^___^
Hello there everyone ^__^ I see all of you that commented on my last post has decided that I should stay. Are you sure about that? Not only because of the pics, but will you guys be okay with me staying? Will you be happy if I do stay? I'm just asking. You are better off without me. I mean, I never come visit and I tell you alot of rants. So make a wise decision about this. Ask yourself, will you able to keep up with all my ramblings? Is it okay with you that I might not come visit you every single day?
But I still love ya guys. All of you, even the ones who never come visit, or even the ones forgot that I exist (I'm not talking bout you!), I don't care. I love every single one of you. Keep that mind if I do leave.
Well if some of you do decide I should leave for good, I will leave after my birthday. At least something good comes out of my birthday: I still have MyO and all my friends to go with it!
Speaking of my wonderful friends, I'd like to say thank you for always being there for me everyone. Thank you for everything you all have done for me. You guys are the reason I'm not so depressed or anything, the reason I'm so cheerful! (well okay sometimes..I do get cranky) Love ya all! Thanks once again!!
Haha, now I'm really dramatic aren't I. Hehe, sorry ^__^;;;; TheOtaku has been my main thing! I just have to be sad and stuff!!
Oh yeah! Sorry no pic today. I suck, I know. Still sick and still typing this on my bro's comp. Argh. Sorry.
One more thing, I'll give you some time to think about it, although you don't need it ^__^;; but I will be very busy I will be leaving for a week. Yes, New York, I'm going there for the first time! I'm so excited ^__^!! Till then, adios. I love all of you so much!! Goodbye, see ya next week, and be sure to have your answers by then! Because I will back on my bday!! Haha I can't wait ^___^ See you all soon! I love you all! Okay bye now ^__^;;; [Yes a long goodbye I know] *huggles everyone tightly then leaves treats for everybody*
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Hello there everyone ^_^ Today was rather odd. I did my rounds today, well I visited all the ones who updated early in the afternoon, not the ones who just posted. So I'm sorry if I missed you. The reason that I got off so quickly is that I felt really sick. My stomach started getting all queezy (not sure if spelled right ^^;;) Went to the bathroom and threw up. Yes I know disguisting.. I detest throw up.. Anyway, I borrwed my bro's laptop, because guess where I am now? In bed sick. However my mom or anybody in this household doesn't know I am sick. I thought I should keep it on the down low. So gomen, there won't be a pic today.
Speaking of pics, I'm sorry that the one on yesterday's post offend some of you. Please don't get mad at me that I did post it, it's my site anyway. And I am still the fun loving BW, right? You couldn't leave me now could you? *puppy dog eyes*
Alas, to the question of the day. I can't believe I missed it for the past couple of days though. Here it is:
Should I leave MyO?
A very familiar question don't you think ^__^;;;; I'm being serious. Should I stay or not? If you guys don't want me to, I'll leave. But if you do, I'll happily stay ^_^ Although since it is my site, I might be putting some shounen ai pics in posts. So keep all of your negative thoughts to yourself please. I'm quite sensitive bout everything. Well you're decision everyone. And when you give me your answer, have a reason to go with it. Even if it might be a no. But if some of you decide that I should leave, you'll be able to contact me still. I mean, I'll still be online.
Well okay then. I'll see all of you later. Hopefully I can finish my rounds today. Take care now!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Argy Argh Arghh....
Hello people, don't mind the arghs. I didn't get to go online much today. Well, my time on the comp was let's say, bout 2 mins. And my dad used my 2 minutes! He told me to look for this..blah blah blah. So I'm sorry I didn't get to everyone again. So sorry!
Since my dad took my comp, I was left with the comp that doesn't have internet now! So, I re read all the fan fics I saved to that comp. All yaoi, glrious moments. Hehe.... I'm so young yet I love yaoi..^______^
That was basically my day. Full of yaoi reading. Well I'll see ya guys later!

Yaoi and I don't care! It's my site right? I can do whatever I want. SO HA!! So if you do not like it, don't flame. It hurts my feelings T_______________T Well other than that, bye....
Edit: Again, please keep your thoughts bout this pic to yourself. Please...I have no pics okay?!
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Hi ^__^
Hey everybody, hopefully you survived Monday if you have school. But you shouldn't. It was Columbus Day! That reminds me, Happy Columbus Day everyone ^__^ (well, for some, happy belated Columbus day).
Today was another normal day. Been online mostly the whole day, then I felt so sleepy and took a nap ^__^ Felt good, I should get to sleep early though. I always stay up TOO late -_-;;
Planning to submit some art tomorrow. A while ago, I was in drawing fever.. But now my hand hurts, so I give up ^_^;; And as memory of Toboe, I'm going to draw a picture of her! However I didn't get to see the episode when she died.. T____T Did she say any memorable quotes during the show? If she didn't do you guys know any quotes she said before? I'm planning to make a wallpaper of her too. Well thanks for your help ^^
Okay that's it I'll leave you with a pic today. Yay I got one.. Well see ya!

[Made by some person who I forgot who... Ain't it cute??? I love those two..]
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Monday, October 11, 2004
[Again, I have no idea for a subject..]
Hello there everyone ^__^ Well I already told you why I wasn't able to visit right? You understand right? And my dad was installing the new comp so I didn't get to all of you. But right now it is installed! I'm typing on it right now! It feels weird for some reason. Oh well, I'll get used to it.
Today was absolutely boring waiting for the comp. Which took forever since my dad didn't know what he was doing..but when my sis came home it worked! Haha weird.. But while she wasn't there, I played Kingdom Hearts. I suck at video games but I love 'em. I can never beat Kingdom Hearts ever!! T__T it's sad. I'm at the part when you try to beat the three headed dog. Which gave up on and went to the town. Well Yuffie is there and tells me that Squall is in an underground cavern. I can't get there though T___T I don't know how!! Well for those who finished the game or has it and beat that part, please help me! Thanks..
Oh yeah, did ya notice the music? It's cool, ne? My sis put it up. She got the site from a friend and thought I may like to use a song ^^ I happily said yes and she put it where it is right now! Although I have no idea how she put it. I asked her and she told me it's a secret. How childish... Oh well I will find out sooner or later.
A very boring and lame post, huh? I apoligize that ALL of my posts are like this. Please bear me ^_^;; Bye now! See you all soon ^_____^
[Sorry no pic today. I didn't get to download any pics to this new comp. Tomorrow, I'm sure there will be one waiting for you ^___^]
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Another day...another post...
Hello there. As you know, I didn't get to everyone again. I apoligize. You did know t was my bro's birthday right? You know we had to celebrate right? There you go. So sorry for not visiting everyone. I'll try my best tommorow.
Today, yes we did celebrate (obviously). We only did lunch, and now we're doing dinner tommorow (which this post is on..you know it). We ate at Fuddruckers (not sure if spelled right..) After that we went to Frys!! Alot of anime dvds there and though I should buy Chrono Crusade! And will watch it later on..yay ^__^ All of a sudden, my dad bought something very valuable...hehe.. My father being an impluse buyer, he bought a... new comp!! YEAH!! All these years of waiting.. he said that was our Christmas gift so we don't have anything else for Christmas! Oh well.. at least we have a new comp right?! As for the old comp, we are putting it in my room! SUCCESS!!! Ha what a wonderful day. And it isn't MY birthday..
Speaking of my birthday, it's coming up! Only 18 (I think) days until my birthday! Yay ^___^ My mom asked me what do I want for my bday so I told her first the dvd Final Fantasy Advent Children, then something else! Not quite sure what I want for something else, but I'm getting Advent Children ^__^ oh yay..
Well okay that's it ^__^. Goodbye everyone, see ya soon!

[Ah Full Metal Alchemist..how I love that show..]
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
.......me ish forgetful...
Hi everyone! Remember when I told you I had a victory yesterday? Well, I didn't get to everyone T___T I missed some people, those who signed my gb recently. I keep forgeting to push the button to add the as a friend. So joeyw23.. SORRY! WAAAAAH!! So I owe her. Just thought I should post that since, well it wasn't realy a victory. Oh well. Still love ya joeyw23!
Anyway, today I didn't get to anyone. Our browsers suddenly stopped workin at 5:00 today (yes I'm talking about Friday). Then I restarted my comp but it didn't work again! So I'm making this post at my bro's laptop ^^ He just came and I decided to make a post! Glad he bought this..
Speaking of my bro, it's his birthday on the ninth! Which this post is on but it really is Friday right now! Happy Birthday to him then..haha that wasn't really important to you guys huh? Moving on..
Today since the browsers wouldn't work I went outside to get the mail, however, there wasn't anything for me. And I wasted my time thinking I did. I'm pathetic.
Goku: You got that right.
Me: *jumps in shock*...you again..
Goku: Glad to see ya again as well. *smiles big*
Me: *gives him food to shut up*
Goku: *eats food happily* (obviously)
Again! Another pointless thing! Now for the question:
Got milk? (my sister insisted of me asking this..)
I don't! T____T I love milk and right now I just baked brownies! Hmph! *crosses arms* ... well see ya!

[She has a piggy in her hand!! I ADORE piggies!! Next to penguins and pandas. Haha, they all start with a "P" ^___^]
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