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Friday, October 8, 2004
Victory ^____^
Hello everybody! About "Victory ^____^" as the subject, I did have a victory. guess what? I visited everyones' sites!!!! *nods uncontrollably* YOU GOT IT!! WEEEEEEE *runs with streamers in both hands* ^______^ *then holds up banner with a V on it* V for Victory!! *does victory dance* But the sad thing is, I didn't visit all of you before huh? This is like the very first time. Okay not the FIRST time but at least the third or something. But at least I made it! Better late than never, ne? WOOHOO ^_______^
As for the rest of my day, it went pretty normal. I woke up at 11:30 today. It felt goooood to sleep 10 hours ^___^ I should keep getting my sleep until school comes back. But I just found out that me and my sis will be going to the east coast for a week.. so that means I won't be here T___T Maybe I'll be able to update but I'll see if I can find a comp around. I'm leaving on the... 20th, yea. We'll be going to New York how fun ^^. But only for one day but still! Mega shopping.. hehehe...
Goku: I wanna come!
Me: Sorry no can do fella.
Goku: Why not?
Me: I do not know.
Goku: Why not?
Me: *glares*
Duo: You're leaving without us?!?!
Me: Hello Duo, and yes I am leaving.
Duo and Goku: YES!!! WOOHOO!!
Me: *hits them on the back of head*
Duo and Goku: Ouch..evil...
Now that was pointless!! Now for the question!
Are my posts too long for ya? They always do end up being dramatically long huh?
Goku: Yes they do..
Me: Shut it. Oh well, I'm waiting for your feedback! See ya guys and gals later ^___^

[Ain't this picture cute? I love it so much it'll be my next theme. I love its penguiny touch. It's too cute...]
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Finally a post..
Hi everyone, long time no see! I tried getting to my sleep these days since there's no school. And if I go to the internet, the browsers never work. So yea. But this afternoon it did work, for 15 minutes or so ^^;;. So I decided to change my site a bit. Hope all of you like the new theme. Yes it is very pink, although I'm not a huge fan of the color, it's okay right? People will still come even if it's pink right?..Oh well -_-;;
Anyway, today was boring. Yesterday was at least the one with an activity involved. I went to watch Shark Tale yesterday. lol, guess I was real bored that time. It was a cute movie, but nothing beats the movie Shrek 2 ^^ Shrek was hilarious, it's my family's favortie ^__^;; Anywho, at the movies I saw my friend, I said hi and we sat next to each other and my mom and his mom chatted before the movie began. Thank god my mom didn't freak cuz my friend was a boy. When a friend calls, my asks, "Is it a boy?!" She's way overprotective. That's life I suppose.
Anything up since I was gone? And news? Anything at all? Well if there is, please tell me! I'm missing out on so much.. it's sad T____T
Oh yeah, Goku came back with me too! Here he is! *grabs Goku and shows him to everyone*
Goku Hi....*waves*
Me: ^__________^ Oh yeah, the question of the day [I always forget]! Here goes:
What's your fave movie?
I can't answer that too many. Or I just can't think of one ^^;; Wow, I can't even answer my own questions! I must be that amazing ^______^;;;;
Well I'll try to visit today if nothing comes up and hopefully the browsers work next time. See ya! *hands everyone cookies and milk*
EDIT: It was little kagome's birthday yesterday!! Well happy belated birthday!!

[eeeeee!!! They are soooo kawaii ^^ (fave yaoi couple..) Hope you don't mind the shounen ai(kinda) of the pic!]
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Hi everyone, sorry I was gone for a couple of days. I really didn't feel like postin and actually getting on the comp late at night to post. And I didn't get to visit everyones' sites for two days. Sorry!
Today is the start of my fall break!! Yay!! Two weeks off would be enough for me. Yesterday was family day, we had to sing all these kiddy songs ^^;; But, I had fun singing it with all my friends.
I'm planning to change the theme pretty soon. Don't know the theme yet though ^^;; Oh well, it'll come.
And about that story at school I'm makin, I'm finished! Everyone thinks it's funny ^^ Yay ^___^
So that's that. Goku, is well, not here. lol. I guess he sneaked out ^^;; I'll see ya all later, and I'll try to visit kay? Please don't ignore me if I don't visit for sometime. I'm really trying my best!

Bishie goodness ^___^ I absolutely love Hiro and Shuichi. I didn't have a pic of Tatsuha or Yuki though T_______T
EDIT: I can't believe I missed fuujin-sama's bday! Well, happy birthday girl!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
[lol, couldn't find any good quotes ^^;;]
Howdy everyone. I didn't get to everyone again... sorry! Today I got extra homework since my GATE teacher thought I was "good" at painting and made me finish the project we're doing. T_____T I don't like finishing things...
Anyway, school was, fine ^^;; We had a weird yet interesting assembly about Science. Every one was sooooo fascinated. Like it was that cool -_-;;
Oh yeah, that dude who follows me is getting very distant. It can be a good thing, but not always since I'm all alone! T____T
Goku: Have no fear, GOKU IS HERE!!
Me: Oh look, it's what I needed all along ^^;; *huggles Goku*
Goku: Oooh a hug ^___^
Me: Well anyways, that's it I guess. Oh yeah, the question of the day! Here it is:
What's your fave song and color?
For me, the song is "Greatest View" by Silverchair and "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park. As for the color, I love yellow! Or shall I say it, LELLOW!! It's so bright and bubbly and all ^^
Goku: I don't know mine...
Me: Oh well, here have some..FOOD (again)! *rolls out buffet in a cart* Dig in!
Goku: I sure will!! *runs to food*
Me: *pulls him by the shirt* Not yet you. You are last!
Goku:... evil...
Me: *ignores muttering from Goku* Sorry no more nursery rhymes. I just can't think of any ^^;; Bye!

Goku: I have a bunny on my head! Bunny bunny bunny BUNNY!!!
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
[Don't think it's a quote but it's good enough.]
Howdy everyone, thanks soooo much again for the comments everybody! I got 15 again! YAY ^____^ I love all of you!! I didn't really get to every single one of you since I visited a little early and the ones who updated later I didn't get a chance to comment. SORRY!!
Today was an okay day. Remember that guy who followed me everywhere? Well, he followed me again. I'm beginning to like it since nobody ever followed before but anyways, we were at the swings (yay ^__^;;) and we were talking and stuff and he coughed something. He thought I was dumb enough to be tricked but not me! I figured out what he was coughing and it was "I love you" *squeal* lol, Anybody can seriously hear that one ^^;; Anyways, that's how it went. And everyone is saying that he likes me ^^;; He's very good looking, so he might have a chance XD lol, enough my love life.
Sorry Goku didn't leave that much food yesterday. He kinda got out of control, ^___^;;;
Goku: *comes in quietly and eats cake from fridge* ^______^
Me: I knew he'd come ^_^;; *joins him* Oh yeah, question of the day. Here goes:
You want some cake?
Well there's alot here! *hands some out* Well that's not really the question. Here it is:
What was your worst experience ever?
I really don't have an answer right now ^^;; It's kinda tough.
I'll see ya around everybody, here's your ending song!
Me and Goku: Twinkle Twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky! Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder where you are!!! YAY!! *throws confetti*

Me: *squeals* He's taking off his shirt!
Goku: *blushes*....
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Monday, September 27, 2004
[I found a site about excuses for not doing your homework. That one was, I guess that's my favorite ^^;;]
Well anyway, howdy everyone. Okay, I didn't get to everyone again T___T I really tried my best but things got in the way. Too much to explain so sorry! Hopefully I'll make it to your guys tomorrow since it's a minimum day for us. At least something good comes out of Monday huh?
Okay nothing else is happening and I guess will. I'm thinkin of changin my site a bit, but I have no idea what theme I should do. Any suggestions?
Oh yeah I almost forgot, the question of the day! let's see.. AHA! Here's one:
If so, here have a buffet! *pulls out buffet in a cart* Now all of you, share!
*Goku comes in out of nowhere*
Me: Hello there long time no see!
Goku: *stares at me then pounces on food*
Me: O________O
Goku: *gobbles all down*
Me: O________O.. *calms down and sings* I'm a little tea pot short and stout!!
Goku: *gasps then sings along* Here is my handle and here is my spout!
Together: When the water's running hear me shout! Lift me up and pour me down! YAY!!!!!!

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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Hey ppls, you guys actually beat the record on the comments! 15 comments!! (To some of you that may be a little) Thankies so much! You rock!
Again as you know it, I didn't actually get to visit anyone. Sorry kay? Today we had to go celebrate because it was my grandparents' anniversary. We went to eat and stuff. We didn't actually go to the resteraunt on 3:00 or somethin, we went to the mall ^^;; I bought Fruits Basket vol. 2 and the New Type magazine. I'm thinkin if I should suscribe but I wonder how. Since there wasn't any card thingys to fill out and stuff.
That was basically my day. At least something good came out of this. Alot of comments and new manga ^^ Yay ^______^ Well I'll see ya around guys ans gals. Bye!

Lina from Slayers ^_________^
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Howdy all, 9/24/04: Something happened. And it is all says on this pic:

Yeppers!! I finally reached 1,000 hits!! Thanks for everything guys, I mean, I never expected this to happen... Even though I don't visit you guys that much, you still came! Thanks. Okay I just to get it out a little. Here goes.
My throat hurts now. Oh well. Thanks so much guys and gals! You ROCK! This is the happiest moment of my life. Imagine if I got 2,000... Heheh ^______^;;; Well that's it for the day! THANKS AGAIN!!!!
EDIT!!: It's Shanny's bday today!! Happy bday ^^ Go say happy birthday to her!
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Friday, September 24, 2004
I think I know the whole point of this quote, to not get it. Well, anyway, sup all. I didn't get to anyone again. God do I suck! But thank you for always comin to my site everybody! I love you guys!! *hugs tightly*
My day went well I suppose. Today we had the first leadership meeting and well, it was ok. Other things at school were pretty interesting too (not that it isn't everyday). My friend at my class kept following me. EVERYWHERE. It was so weird, he kept talking about anime - which is a good thing - but, well he followed me EVERYWHERE. It was kinda creeping me out so when lunch came by, I got seperated from him and he was gone. But when class rolls by, there he goes again. Stalking me! It freaked me out. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy but I need space. Weird huh?... O______O;;;
Okay, that wasn't really anything important now was it? Oh well, there's nothing else to talk about anyway. And I noticed most of you guys have questions of the day. May I steal the idea. I mean, there's no point of me telling you all that and you guys don't know what to say sometimes. Trust me, alot of ppl get that. Okay here's my question:
Have you ever been followed by a person EVERYWHERE?
Well there's no need to explain my answer since I just told you ^^;; Okay that's my post. See you all later!

Ed! In honor of that ungettable quote ^_______^
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Ha, I've always wanted to do that too ^^;; And of course, howdy everyone. I didn't get to change my site and visit anyone today. Sorry. I kinda lost the avi and I couldn't get on the comp since my sis was doing this online test for school. I couldn't do anything ^^;;
As for school it was a pretty normal day. Boring and such. And Wednesdays are half days so yeah.
My bro came back from work and he bought me Fruits Basket vol. 1 ^^ Yayness! He told me it was a prize for being class president. Like being class president is soooooo cool. Well it's not. It's boring ^^;;
That's it for the day. Hopefully I'll make it to at least one of your guys' sites. See ya soon everybody!

Osaka ^^ I don't what she's doing, and I don't wanna know..
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