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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
*laughs hard* That one just cracks me up ^_____^ Well anyway, hi everyone. Pretty much a very normal day. And I visited most of you, but not all. Sorry bout that, school is getting in the way. So obvious.
Today went along fine. Went to school and I got to read my book over there for quite sometime. I absolutely love "The Martian Child". It's really good and touching. It made me cry before on some couple of pages. At school I got to work on my story too. Still not finished, still revising. And for some reason my friend kept saying she was "The Claw" and she put a pencil under her sleeve. She said it in a funny way and everyone was cracking up ^^;; And then I went home and did my homework, then read again. I'm almost done. I can't wait to know what'll happen next ^^
My bro got a new laptop. For himself. Well since he's nice sometimes, he'll let me use it.
Oh yeah, as I was surfing the internet, I saw this cute avi and I just had to get it. I'm planning to change the theme to go along with the avi. The avatar is sooo cute! It's like a girl (who looks like me in anime version) and she was holding a big chicky! And the background was Yello! Or how I say it, LELLOW!! Lellow's my fave color and so the change will happen pretty soon.
Well wasn't that the lamest post you've ever heard. I'll end this now. See ya later!

RK pic (obviously) This is one is a memorable moment, pretty cool ^^
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Howdy ^^ I'm stickin with the whole quote things. I always run out of subjects! And right now, that quote made me think for a while. That never happens to me.
Today was okay. I started a book called the Martian Child. It's sooooo friggen awesome! I love it!!! It's so cute ^^ Even though it's for adults, I don't care!
Anywho, I forgot some bdays.. *takes deep breath*.. Okay here I go. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SAKANO (from Gravi)!!! *throws confetti* HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HIKARU!! (I can't believe I forgot and he's my theme..and it's from Hikaru No Go) *throws more* HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYEKA (Tenchi Muyo)!!! AND LAST.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAKKAI!!! *throws tons*
Well now that was alot of birthdays.
Oh yeah, sorry for not comin again. Monday = homework day. Well that's it. And since it's their birthdays, they can show off their adorable faces!

The pic's small I know. Nobody even has that much pics of him. Poor Mr. Producer Man...-_-;;

She's in chibi mode ^^

You go Hikaru!

Dear ol' Hakkai. One of my fave bishies!!
Happy birthday to them!! *throws even more confetti* Bye everyone!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Hi....okay today I didn't get to visit again.. T_______T *pokes self* I just had to do that. I'm so sorry for not comin by! again... I'm sooooo sorry!! Today is Sunday, my whole family is actually home so we did some bonding. Sorry..
Now that the weekend's over, life is ruined. But weekends can be boring too though. And I'm kinda getting a cold now. My head hurts so baaaaaad. Must lay down...Aargh, hope all of this pays off.
One quick thing. Ain't the subject so cute?? I love Ryuichi! He's the best ^^
Okay I'm leaving you all now. And oh yeah, thanks for all the comments! Even though I don't visit all of you, thank you!!! I love you all!! *huggles*

It's Sasuke! He's not in chibi mode though... I ran out of chibi pics... ^^;;
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Sup ppl
Hey guys and gals. I didn't get to everyone's sites again... but this time I won't poke myself. It kinda hurt.. Anywho, I'll pay all of you back! I will! Trust me!
The reason why I didn't get to visit is cuz my evil siblings. They took my one and only thing to survive life! The comp. Welll they ARE evil so I didn't argue with them. So I went to my room and drew stuff and soon I fell asleep. And after a few hours, I woke up and it was 8:00. Went downstairs, ate dinner came back up and for an hour, I took a nap again ^^ I guess I was pretty tired. I woke up again and here I am. And my wallpapers have been accepted ^^ Yay.
Oh yeah, today my STAR test results from school came. I was advanced for everything ^^ Yay. But it's nothing to be proud of. I'm sure alot of ppl got that too.
Okay that's it for the day. Sorry for the very lame post. Very tired and sleepy. Um ok. Bye everyone!

Osaka ^^ I think she's in chibi mode too. I've been chibification week! If there is such thing. I made it up ^^;; Well again, bye.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Hey ppls, how's it going ^^ I feel a whole lot better than the other few days ago. And I'm glad ^^ Well at school we moved desks. And I wasn't there cuz of band so when I go to school, I'll be very confused. But I'll miss my other buddies who I used to sit next to. They were so weird and annoying, they're cool. It so fun being with them ya know? At least they're not moving or anything ^^;;
Band went well too. It was actually cool since my band teacher said that I was one of the best. And I've never even played a flute before. Ok I have but I was like 6 years old then. I didn't know any better =P. And it was a different kind of flute so yea.
Okay... I didn't get to visit everyone today T___T I visited almost all but I missed a few! EVIL ME!! *pokes self with sharp spork* That's what I deserve... T___T But thanks for always visiting still. Thanks everyone!

Hehe, chibis again ^^;; It's cute though!
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Friday, September 17, 2004
Hey....(I actually made up a subject)
Heya everybody, anything new? Well nothing happened at school (again). We went to PE which was kind of boring. But I actually helped my team by scoring a few points. It was real weird doing something I've never done before ^^;; I finished my story from writer's workshop and now I have to go let the teacher edit it. Yay ^^ Hope she likes it. Anyway I have go in like 2 mins so have to make this fast.
I didn't make it to everyone again.. AARGH!! Sorry!! I'm trying my best! And now I have to go, this was a report from BW see ya soon everybody!

Another chibi pic. And it's DUO!! YAY!!!!! Wow. I'm really chibified right now...
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
La la la la.........
I do not know why I put that. Maybe it's because I have no idea for a subject. Yea, let's just make that the reason. Anyway, nothin special. Same boring life ^^;; But my friend has a do rag (or however you say or spell it) and my other friend , he put it on like a bonnet and just skipped around the school blacktop like a seven year old. It was some sight I'd tell ya.
Now I don't have anything to talk about! Aaarg... I used to be full of energy but right now I seem well... depressed or something again or maybe even tired for some reason. I don't know why, but I am. Weird don't you think? I'm not the crazy, hyper BW anymore. Just the boring one.
Well I'm sorry if I didn't make it to your site. I did to most of you, but I don't think I covered it all. If I didn't, I'm sure I'll pay you back! Okay. That's it for the day. (hehe that rhymed sort of) I'll see y'all later. Bye!

Hehe. They're in chibi mode. How cute ^^
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Still thinkin of one...still thinkin...
Too lazy to think up a subject, sorry ^^;; Well at school nothin happened. It was pretty similar to the day before I'd say! Nothing special ever happens in this town of mine. So boring... -___-...
I'm really sorry if I didn't make it to your sites again. I visited some ppl but not all goddamnit! Oops. Sorry for that word. I just had to say it ^^;; Please forgive me. I owe all of you big time and just name your price! I really don't care! I'll do anything! Maybe....
Wait I just realized somethin, I actually did do something else than learn! I..... slid!! Yup. It was my first time sliding down the slide at my school. It was pretty exciting. But really shocking. I mean literally shocking. It hurt T___T
Okay that's it. I'll see you guys around. Bye bye ppl!

Kenshin and Kaoru ^^ Yay ^______^
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
...............(dots again, thrilling ain't it?!)
Heya everybody ^^ Again I didn't get to visit most of you guys. The internet was working but the browsers weren't so...yea. I'm really sorry kay? It's the comp's fault! It is! Okay moving on....
At school nothing happened, another typical day. Since I got to be Class President, my dad might buy me a cell phone! WOOHOO!!! He might! That's a great start! But I wonder who I'll call.....Prank calling's fun ^^ Specially when I piss those friggen evil boys at school...I can see it now....
Okay anyway, I might not do that whole club thing. Since my intro has no more room and I can't even put up anything else. There are only 23 characters left. So sorry guys. I really wanted to do it T___T.....and there's nothing else to talk about. I'll see ya later ppl.

It's Tenchi Muyo! Wow, I can't believe how long I haven't seen that show....
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Monday, September 13, 2004
.................. (dots: a great subject don't you think?)
Hey everybody. As you can see I changed the theme ^^ Hope you like it! And I didn't get to post on here cuz the internet was broken. Yup. I nearly died when my dad said that. Luckily my sis checked it out and she actually fixed it. So here I am. Hope I didn't miss any exciting events ^^;; Did I? Or was it really boring? I wouldn't know T___T. Um. This post might be long since it's been forever! (in my days)
Well anywho, when I was in school, I was elected class president! WOOHOO!!!! And a representative for leadership meetings! WOOHOO!!! Well okay there are two class presidents and representatives, one boy and one girl. BUT AT LEAST I ACTUALLY WON SOMETHING!! YEA!..... okay I'm over it. When I went and told my mom she was overjoyed. She said I followed her footsteps and stuff. She practically made a speech. In a while, everybody knew. And I'm gonna get a few gifts for that! Yay!
For school, nothing else happened. I brang my Gravi vol.7 over though. Soon everybody was reading it. It was pretty exciting. My friends really like it, even though it was a shounen ai, most girls loved it ^^;;; Right now everybody is fighting on which person will read it next. And it's my decision. Uh oh.
Well wasn't that a long, boring post of randomness? I'll end it now. See ya soon all!

It's Gravitation! Got this pic from nittlegrasper.com. Highly recommended for Gravitation fans ^^ Well.. at least Nittle Grasper fans.
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