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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Again, sorry for not making to your guys' posts.
Sorry kay? It's so hard to keep up. I made it to some and the others I didn't get to. But thank you for still visiting me! I just saw that I have once again got 13 comments! The world record in this site! Thanks people, I owe ya big time.
Anywho, school was okay I suppose. A usual same boring day. And I was thinking if should start this fan club thingy like everyone else. It seems like fun! Making all those banners and stuff ^^ I already have an idea! It's called The Bishie Stalker club!! Hehehe. Sounds interesting ne? But for all the guys, I decided to put them with girls of course ^^ Don't want to leave them out now do you? So it would be Anime Stalkers club just to make it fair ^^ But I will be needing some co captain thingys! Like the main crew! Yea like two or three ppl. But I think a lot of ppl would like that so...I should do a contest! But I mean, not all of you have to of course ^^ yea but all I need is what the contest should be about. Any ideas? If you do, comment kay? And if you win you get a special crew member badge thingy! And those who win will um..let ppl sign up for it! Yea that's it! Just say okay you are now an official member, but you have to ask me for the banner thingy. ooh this will be so much fun ^^ Can't wait!
okay I'll see ya all later! Take care! Bye! *super speed waves*

It's Lieutenant Liza Hawkeye from Full Metal Alchemist! Woohoo!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Ah school... It'll never go away.....
School again was absolutely boring. We just do the same things every single day..-_-;; But MyO keep things better! At school I had lunch with the teacher again, fun sort of. I asked her if we can have some free time on the comp when we go to the computer lab. She's thinking about it... It's a good start though ^^;;
Yesterday was my friend's birthday ^^ I didn't figure out until the end of the day. So I said Happy Birthday to the guy and hugged him ^^ Well I hug almost everybody for some reason. But not everybody... not those gross ppl..Ug..
And I just found out I'll be renting my flute for band! *silence* Wow. That was really not important...heheh ^^;;
I'm real sorry about not making it to all of your sites. Still hard to keep up with all the homework. ooh my posts are too long. Must cut it! Sorry for the very long posts. I mean you don't have to read it. Okay I'll stop typing now...

Ranma pic just for the heck of it.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Happy Belated Labor Day!
Hey everybody ^^ Like the subject, Happy belated Labor Day! Sorry I come by yesterday. We went to Sonoma for Labor Day. I didn't even now we were we going. Yesterday morning, my mom suddenly wakes me up on 7:00 o'clock to pack some stuff. Though I'm pretty lazy on mornings so I just waited 5 minutes or so..^___^;;;
Yesterday was fun. We did nothing, we stayed in the WalMark apartment thingy room and watched Orange County ^^ It's a funny movie. And it kinda teaches you something. I think. I dunno.
Oh yeah, I watched the season premire of Yu-Gi-Oh and MARIK LEFT!! I love MARIK!! Sorry.. I'm kinda obsessed with him.. I wish he comes back... I'll miss him... T__________________________T
And I'm sorry I didn't get to visit anyone again. I'll try to after school. If we don't have tons of homework...-___- See ya later!! *super speed waves*

Ah, I pic of my beloved to look at one more time...How I'll miss thee T___T
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Hey guys and gals!
Sup ppl. I think I made it to everyone's sites today. If I didn't, sorry! I'll make up for it! Anywho, onto the post...
My cousins just signed on MyO!! Woohoo! They're weird just to tell ya. Like me! If you want to visit them here they are:
If they don't answer back, sorry. they can't get ahold of the comp. Evil parents!!! Okay anything else...nope nothing. Well that was short wasn't it? I don't think so.. well I'll see ya around!!!

Hahaha..I want food! *runs off to get some*
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
Hey everybody, sorry I didn't get to go to your sites earlier. I feel so sick and my little cousins came from San Diego this afternoon so I had to entertain them. And my cousin lost my very rare Yugioh cards! I almost fainted. Luckily I didn't. Now I feel so sick that my head's gonna explode. Must stay awake to do post...
Okay, my friend Dothakker wants to know if anybody knows any sites for a map maker. If you do, PM her ^^
Oh yeah, happy labor day weekend ^^ It's always good to have a long weekend. WITH NO SCHOOL!!! wOOt!!! *throws confetti* Yayness.
And yay for my sister! She just fixed my LIVESTRONG band. I friggen broke it..O__O;; She sewed it for me. Now I can wear it all day long! I'm just wondering if you guys have one. Well do you? I was the only one in my class until my classmate Alyssa keeps copying me. She has enough money to buy anything. I mean she didn't even buy it for ppl with cancer. She bought it because she wanted to be all cool and stuff. What a weirdo.
Anywho that'll be it for the day. I'll see ya guys later kay? Bye bye *super speed waves*

To end the day, KENSHIN PUFF!!! Yay ^^
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Hey ppls ^^ Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit anyone again. I'll try to after school kay? Too much work! Ug. And still sick in the process. I even went to PE which made me very woozy. Oh well. I'll soon get better.
Oh yeah I got 100 gb signings today! Woohoo! *throws confetti* Something to make me feel better! Thanks everyone!
And one more thing, Bakura had a great birthday ^^ Got a little drunk though ^^;;;;
Bakura: *laying on couch* (just passed out)
Hahahaha ^____^ It was cool, we threw him a suprise party. He got shocked. Very schocked ^^;; Was hyperventilating... okay moving on..
Yugi: *holds up beer bottle* TO THE PLANT CELLS!!!! *loses balance*
Uh oh. Still drunk! Let me fix that! *sneaks up behind Yugi*
*hits him on head with lamp* Hm...plant cells???? O_____O;;;;
Yugi: *falls down to ground, doesn't move*
He'll be better sooner or later... ehehe ^^;;; Anywho, I'll be going. bye bye all!

I wonder why Joey ended up working in a fast food place...O______o;;;;
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Hey guys and gals. Sorry I didn't get to visit and post a couple of days. I'm even sicker than before...ug what a life.
School's ok, my mom just came back from a band meeting for my school. I'm in band! Yay ^^ If any of you are wondering what instrument, I'm playing the flute ^^ At least I 've had experience before. From when I was in I dunno....first grade? Yep in the Philippines we had to this huge test when I was in first grade! We had to play three songs I think it was. It got my mind jumbled up. Luckily I passed.
Oh yeah I just remembered! It's BAKURA'S BIRTHDAY!!!! *throws confetti* GO BAKURA!!!! YAY!!!!!!
I wish you a happy happy birthday Bakura!
Anywho, I'll just end this a short post. Bye bye all!! *waves*
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Monday, August 30, 2004
ACK! I almost forgot to post!
Sorry it's just that this illness I have has gone to it's limits! I didn't go to school since I had a fever last night. But to make me feel better my sis bought me.... GRAVITATION VOLUME 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was about to cry, luckily I didn't ^^;; So read it and I just finshed this morning! Yea, but now I'm kinda pissed of because the next volume will come out in OCTOBER! T__________T But I'll get over it I hope...
Yay my pic made and my first ever wallpaper! But I forgot to type in my name. Oh well. No one needs to know that anyway.
Anywho, I'm sorry I didn't visit anyone again. What has gotten into me?! I can't forgive myself. I've done so many wrongs the past few days and I just can't let it go. Sorry again!
There are too many things rushing through my mind. I don't know my mood. Yea, I have major mood swings. I'll be off now. I promise right after this post I'll visit all of you who posted. Bye bye! *waves* Heh, not much energy to do the super speed wave.. ^^;;

It's BAKURA!!!! YAY ^______^
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Hello ppls, again I didn't get a chance to visit anyone. My friend Katie is here right now sitting next to me. She's sleeping over tonight. She says hi ^^;;
Anyway, as for my cold it's gone worst...but thankx for the comments!! Today nothing happened. Katie and I just made up this fruit shake thing and another fruit thing. I dunno. She just likes to squash everything. Right now she's playing playstation ^^ Ok, you guys didn't need to know that...
I'm probably going to miss Gundam Seed or anything else. And I've been missing Inuyasha since I don't know what time it shows... oy what's wrong with me..
Ug... I feel so sick...
Bye bye all see ya later!!!

It's Full Metal Alchemist ^^;; He he he...
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
I'm sick. I have the sniffles... *sneezes grabs tissue and wipes nose* I'll try to get on the comp tomorrow if I can. Stupid cold. My mom wants me to get some rest so I have to sleep early..And I just have to stay in bed. Sorry.
I might not make it to you're guys' sites. And I'm sorry that I didn't visit some of you yesterday. My friend came over to my house and we swam. A bad idea since I have a cold but I was feeling okay then. Suddenly I got sicker and sicker by the minute. Now my head feels like it's going to explode. Darn. I might not make it to my best friend's party. Well I will it's just that ppl will get sick because of me -_-;;; And my throut hurts now since we had to yell "GO TEAM!!!" on PE.
Sorry, I'm just feeling so crappy. I'll be leaving now. *waves*

Just some pics that'll make me or even anybody feel better ^^
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