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Friday, August 27, 2004
*thinking to herself* .........think of a subject now...think..
Hey everybody, sorry I didn't visit you guys yesterday. The worst thing happened. We got ANOTHER writing assignment. Oy. How could life be this complicated.
Today is my best friend's birthday. But she isn't on the MyO. I know that just didn't make sense since you don't know her so I'll stop ^^;;
At school nothing happened. But I finished something there! wOOt! You know that story I was making in school I told you guys about? I finished it ^^ But I don't think it's any good. I have to edit now. I doubt anyone in my class can even read their names XP I mean how hard is it to read Shuichi? Or Ryuichi? My goodness. My people should learn more!
I brought in my manga and one guy didn't like it cuz he couldn't read the names. What an idiotic moron. I know, at first I didn't know how to say the names either but I learned didn't I?? Well my rambling shall end now. My post gets boring to the second, eh? Oh well. I don't know what to talk about so I dunno *shrugs* For some reason I'm just not in the mood. Like I'm depressed or something O___o...
I'll end it with a FLCL pic. Have fun y'all!!

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Thursday, August 26, 2004
I've decided..........I'm not leaving!!
Well I've been thinking, I don't know if I am the youngest, but who cares. I'll stay. Well...at least for now.
School again was a very boring day. Not much fun but the good part was we had no math homework! wOOt!! (sorry to offend math lovers) But we had a horrifying writing assignment to do. Don't get me wrong I really want to be a famous writer but what we write is just plain boring. Story starters? All my friends were like "what the heck is this?" The weird thing about when I turn it in my teacher always asks me, "Can I read this to the class?" Am I that good? I don't think so. My teacher didn't even have to say who wrote it. Everybody just turned to me like I'm really good at writing. Trust me I'm not if I do say so myself ^^;;
Not to brag or anything but the ppl at my class always say that I'm the "best". Today someone called me "the perfect idol" I mean what it is up with these ppl? Are they out of their young minds? Well every single person in our class are young and very naive ^^;; Even me! And I'm darn proud of it!!
I'm really a nerd. Super nerd would be enough. But how come? I wonder why....what else...oh duh! *smacks head* I am very sorry that I didn't visit some of your guys' sites. I really tried to but that whole writing assignment was bugging me. I just had to get it over with.
Woah. This is very long isn't it? I'll end it now. Bye bye everyone see ya tomorrow!! *super speed waves*

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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Typical Day ^^;;
Hey everybody ^^ Today was an okay day. I had to go to G.A.T.E. after school. It's like an program for "gifted and talented children" Yea, like I'm gifted and talented. Ok enough of that.
At school we didn't do much. Just a plain, boring, day. But part of our class got to have lunch with the teacher. We were maniacs. But our teach didn't even care ^^;; That was good thing. And I can actually read manga in school!! wOOt!! Everytime I take out my manga and read!! Bet if I was in another class I'll never get it back.
At school we have this Writer's Workshop thing. We make up a story and.. read it to the class I guess. I'm writing about Gravi ^^ But I changed it a little of course. It's forbidden to even think about Shounen ai in elementary school. It's doing well. When I'm finished one day I might even post up here.
And I've been thinking if I should leave theOtaku. I dunno. It's kinda like breaking the rules since I'm "younger" than 13. *shrugs* Just thought about it.
I'll be leaving now. Bye bye ^____^ See you tomorrow!!!
Puff SAKURA ^_________________^

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I just had an idea!! I'm typing this at 9:10 pm. And this post will include in tomorrow's updates am I correct? So I'll probably put a post every night. Yeppers. Maybe I'll actually get some more comments ^^ But thankx to all the ones who did make it to my site! I love you all so much *huggles*.......and that's it to the post. There's really nothing to talk about so I'll be heading to bed. I'll see ya!
Puff VASH!!!!

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Sunday, August 22, 2004
Another subject!!
Yup another subject. How thrilling ^^;;; Anywho, I've been writing long posts lately huh? They will probably come and go as they please. But right now I do not how it's gonna turn out. So be prepared......okay you might be lucky this time but the next, you will be reading!!! I hope ^^;; I'll just tell you about my day then.
Today my mom's gonna have a party with her co workers. Since we have a pool, everybody's going to be wet. Can't wait to see the madness. And again there will be tons of food. I'm just gonna steal some and will be headed off to the comp ^^;; I'll even make a fort for my own protection. Yep that's basically it.
Bye bye now!! *waves like crazy*
Here have a cowboy bebop pic!!

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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Subject ^^
Well there's always nothing for a subject so I guess I'll just put "Subject" ^^;;. Anywho, it's my fave day today!! Happy Saturday everyone!! I absolutely love Saturday! But to break the good news into bad news (for me of course) I'm being forced to go to this house warming party of my cousin's. They just moved to my town (yes it's a town not a huge city ^^). But his kids aren't going to my school, they're going to a different one. The one my school hates ^^;; Oh well, at least they'll only stay there for a year.
As for my day, it's doing okay I guess. My stupid bro lost his book "The five people you meet in heaven" Luckily my sis downloaded it on a cd. So you actually can listen to it ^^. I decided to listen and I was hooked. It was pretty amazing how this author says something like that. Well of course I can't tell you since it's going to be a spoiler. But you'll love it ^^ This author taking one story, taken by two different angles. Yup that's it for now ^^;;
I recommend the book to mostly anyone. Anyway enough of the book. That's it. I'll be going now. Adios, have a great day ^^

It's Tatsuha from Gravitation and a tv. Seeing them together makes me happy. Especially when Ryuichi's on ^_~
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Friday at last!
Thank god. I've been waiting for this day...^_____^ Today at school basically nothing happened. We got to get out early since the teachers will have a staff development meeting. We were so happy that for some reason all of us were singing the Hamtaro theme song ^^;;;; Really interesting ne?
Oh yeah and I'm oh so sorry for not comin again! School's tough! And I might not visit today...I'm very sorry everyone!! I'm trying my best! We even have homework on weekends T_____T I promise that tomorrow I will visit each and eveyone of you who posted.
As for the last two days, I have been reading my Gravitation manga. I absolutely love that show ^/////^ It's just a cute story that I wanna squeal ^^;; And of course I have been doing tons of homework. My mom is pretty mad because I buy tons of manga. Rude huh? Oh well. That's how she is. And because I didn't clean my room for two days she told me she won't let me buy more manga! I didn't clean my room because I was stuck with homework! I even buy manga with my own money but she still won't let me. Yea I'm in torture.
Well that was a long post of ramblings huh? I'm sorry ^^;; But thanks for always being there everyone! Friends like you guys will last a lifetime. *huggles everyone* Thank you so much you guys!! I love you all so much!

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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Hello everbybody ^^
Hey ppls, I might not visit you guys today. It's my bro's birthday. 21 to be exact. He's being tortured to spend time with his family. So no drinking today ^^;; Well that's just it. Sorry if I won't come!

Goodbye all!
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
wOOt!!!! IT'S SATURDAY!!!!!!
Yayness for Saturday!! I've been waiting for at least one day to wake up at 11 ^^. At sunday I have to wake up at 8:30 since we have to go to church. But this day I finally get some sleep ^^;; Glad I woke up or I wouldn't have posted. I love sleep ^___________^
Anywho, I totally messed up on my button and I made a new one ^^ I really didn't know the size so my bro told me. Here it is:

Went for the Trigun look ^^;; I'm kinda thinking I should change my site to a Trigun theme. I'll probably do it later on today.
That's pretty much to it. Here's a cute lil pic for the day ^^ Goodbye all!!

Now isn't that cute ^_____________^
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Friday, August 13, 2004

TGIF EVERYBODY!!!! I'm SO Happy ^_____^ The last day of the school week!! *dances around like crazy* Yayness! I can go on forever! *stops* Which I won't...dizzy @___@;;;; Anywho, I tried to do a button and I think I did ^^;; Here it is:

I hope it works.. I want a button for soooo long. If it works, whoooper!! I do not know why I said that O_o. Oh well. And I didn't know what the size of a button was so... it's ok right?
School went well I suppose. We have free time every friday and I saw my friend reading Trigun Manga!!! I was really shocked ^^;; I didn't know someone in my school actually even knew what anime is. lol I have a new best friend now ^_~ Yep, that's basically it. See ya!!
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