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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Hello??? O___O
Hello there ppl ^^ How's it going? ....very boring beginning huh? Sorry ^^;; And sorry for that long post yesterday. That was my first long post in quite a while. I feel proud in a way ^^
Nothing really happened at school nor at home. Pretty boring day on my list. Tonight's back to school night in my school and students can't come! *crosses arms* Maybe they say how awful we are so we can't come. O_O Oh my.. I just realized I've been bad at school. Gotta be prepare for the screams of my mom tonight ^^;;; But I'm always a cute little angel ^^

Now aren't I so cute ^____________^ Goodbye all!!!
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Happy Day ^______^
Well, you're probably wondering why it says Happy Day right? It's really not exciting but for me it is ^^ My sis bought me 2 mangas!! Yayness. She got me Saiyuki vol. 3!!! I was so happy ^^ And she got me Ragnarok vol. 1!! I've only played the game though. Only one time too.... Oh well ^^;;
So yesterday I'm sorry I didn't visit you guys. Busy with manga ^^;; And my friend is still working on downloadingn more Fullmetal Alchemist episodes ^___^ I got to see some, it was awesome!! And my sis was watching tv and she saw Cowboy Bebop the movie! I couldn't see it cuz I was somewhere else.. That was a bummer. Luckily, my sis recorded it for me ^______^ I haven't seen every show of the series cuz..and I only saw one episode.... Oh well! ^_______^ Cowboy Bebop - Knockin on Heaven's Door was amazing! And my sis discovered a channel with tons of Anime!!! Yay!!!!!! That's pretty much why it is called Happy day. Or shall I say week ^^
As for school, it's pretty boring..again -_-;; My best friend is moving to Arizona T____T I'll miss him so. We have a love and hate relationship. As friends of course! So I'll probably mail him letters or something ^^;;
Yup I guess that's it. Please comment! I feel so lonely O_O And for those who are a feeling sad or mad, here's some bishie galore!!! Have fun ^^

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Sunday, August 8, 2004
Bored....what shall I do?!?
Yes I am very bored for some reason. Probably cuz it's Sunday. I'm always in a bad mood on Sundays. What shall I do......the only thing now is to....draw I suppose ^^

Or maybe I should swim...

Oh well. I'll decide sooner or later. One question, what would you guys do when you're bored?? That's the question for the day ^^ I guess... Have a fun Sunday ^^
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Hello everybody ^^
Hey ppls. Finally the weekend came!! SUCCESS!!! ^___________________^ School was okay I guess, first weeks are always good I suppose. We didn't get homework this week, but we will on Monday T_T
Anywho, I apoligize for everyone yesterday!! I will visit you guys today kay? Thank you ^^ Yesterday nothing really happened.
But this is for Rurouni Kenshin fans, who would you prefer? Tomoe or Kaoru? Well for me, I would choose......Tomoe ^^;;

Sorry for all KaoruxKenshin fans... Tomoe's just my fave. Yea, the movie made me cry..... Okay sorry ^^;; Got carried away there. See ya later!!
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Hello ppls ^^
AHA!!!! I'm finally getting on the comp!!!! *jumps up and down* Anywho, school's ok I guess. Tomorrow I'll probably post too. About my first week ^^ Anywho, guess that's it. *thinks* WAIT!! Sorry for not going to any of your sites before. Busy.. Now that's it ^^ I apoligze to everyone!!! Anywayz, see you around!

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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Sorry everyone!!
Hi ppl!! I'm really sorry I didn't make it to any of your sites yesterday. It was real busy...We had to paint and everything. I had to get ready for school and stuff.. So I'll try to come to your sites today..or not. Sorry if I don't!! School's coming, I'm grounded still, and whole bunch of other things. Tomorrow is school so I might not post and visit...So sorry!!! But I might post when I get back from school. But I doubt somebody will still come ^^;;; Anywho, that's what will happen. So I'm sorry!!! Please come to my site still even if it's late. I apoligize to everyone!!!!!!! Very sorry!!!!!!!!
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Hello again ^^
Hello there everybody!! I'm finally not getting in trouble cuz I'm on the comp!! SUCCUESS!!! Well..at least my mom's not here ^^;; But all my siblings are just being so darn rude!! Evil them... Oh well. Today is turning out ok. We're painting my room..or shall I say...our room... I want my own room!! *breathes heavy* Anywho... our room will be green ^^ Green's ok I suppose.
But I'm so sad that I have to go to school on.....MONDAY!!!!!!! *bucket of tears* EVIL SCHOOL!!!!!!!! ........... guess that's ok... but all my friends are in other rooms.... EVIL!!!!! Oh well...life goes on...People had worse problems I guess... I'll have to look at the bright side. I don't like being mean...and sad... So yea ^___________________^ Don't be mad get glad right? Yep....*hugs Duo plushie* Yep........T_T....... See ya later guys and gals ^^....T_T
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Hello again everybody ^^
Hello everybody ^^ Sorry I was gone for awhile, I was grounded. Um..I still am ^^;; You might been wondering why. I've been on the comp for the whole entire month. Never ending. So my mom thought it was best for me not to.
I apoligize everyone!!!!!!! I might not go to your sites today since I just sneaked up on this thing right now. My mom's not home from work so I'm safe. And my siblings are...not..mad.. Celebrate!!
So I've just been watching tv..So boring..at least shark week's on ^^;; All these sharks are scaring me to death..Yup that's it See ya all!! But still sad I won't make it to your sites!!!

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Monday, July 26, 2004
Hello there everybody ^^ Okay normal posts are comin back. Goku..um..is afraid of me now...^^;;; He hasn't been here since that horrible tragic....O_O..wait that's a good thing.. YES!!!!!!! Okay anyway, there's nothing much to say..Oh well. Just one thing and I'm out. My mom is seriously mad at me so, I can't be on the comp...^^;; I did something bad..That nobody shall know...Okay see ya later guys!! BYE!!!!!!!
I haven't posted a Ranma pic so....

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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Me: Hey everybody! Sorry I didn't go to any of your sites yesterday! My aunt and uncle's had this big party..And I had nothing to do since my brothers and sis had jobs..I was left alone! T_T
Duo: Alone...alone...alone....
Me: *glares at Duo*
Duo: Sorry..
Me: *goes to other room*
Duo: Hey! I said I was sorry! *follows*
Goku: *sneaks in* Muahahahaha! The coast is clear! *tip toes to fridge* hehe..*eats all food*
*minutes pass*
Me & Duo: *comes in* GOKU!!!!!
Goku: *lying in front of fridge*
Fridge: *has nothing in it*
Me: Goku.... *goes closer to him*
Goku: *tries to stand up* eep! I can't stand!...belly too big!
Me: *goes closer*
Duo: Um...sorry that's all the time we have! And you don't wanna see this...^^;;; BYE!!! *closes door*
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