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myOtaku.com: BrokenWing

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Hello again ^^
Hello there everybody!! I'm finally not getting in trouble cuz I'm on the comp!! SUCCUESS!!! Well..at least my mom's not here ^^;; But all my siblings are just being so darn rude!! Evil them... Oh well. Today is turning out ok. We're painting my room..or shall I say...our room... I want my own room!! *breathes heavy* Anywho... our room will be green ^^ Green's ok I suppose.

But I'm so sad that I have to go to school on.....MONDAY!!!!!!! *bucket of tears* EVIL SCHOOL!!!!!!!! ........... guess that's ok... but all my friends are in other rooms.... EVIL!!!!! Oh well...life goes on...People had worse problems I guess... I'll have to look at the bright side. I don't like being mean...and sad... So yea ^___________________^ Don't be mad get glad right? Yep....*hugs Duo plushie* Yep........T_T....... See ya later guys and gals ^^....T_T

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