Monday, August 30, 2004
ACK! I almost forgot to post!
Sorry it's just that this illness I have has gone to it's limits! I didn't go to school since I had a fever last night. But to make me feel better my sis bought me.... GRAVITATION VOLUME 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was about to cry, luckily I didn't ^^;; So read it and I just finshed this morning! Yea, but now I'm kinda pissed of because the next volume will come out in OCTOBER! T__________T But I'll get over it I hope...
Yay my pic made and my first ever wallpaper! But I forgot to type in my name. Oh well. No one needs to know that anyway.
Anywho, I'm sorry I didn't visit anyone again. What has gotten into me?! I can't forgive myself. I've done so many wrongs the past few days and I just can't let it go. Sorry again!
There are too many things rushing through my mind. I don't know my mood. Yea, I have major mood swings. I'll be off now. I promise right after this post I'll visit all of you who posted. Bye bye! *waves* Heh, not much energy to do the super speed wave.. ^^;;

It's BAKURA!!!! YAY ^______^
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