Wednesday, September 22, 2004
*laughs hard* That one just cracks me up ^_____^ Well anyway, hi everyone. Pretty much a very normal day. And I visited most of you, but not all. Sorry bout that, school is getting in the way. So obvious.
Today went along fine. Went to school and I got to read my book over there for quite sometime. I absolutely love "The Martian Child". It's really good and touching. It made me cry before on some couple of pages. At school I got to work on my story too. Still not finished, still revising. And for some reason my friend kept saying she was "The Claw" and she put a pencil under her sleeve. She said it in a funny way and everyone was cracking up ^^;; And then I went home and did my homework, then read again. I'm almost done. I can't wait to know what'll happen next ^^
My bro got a new laptop. For himself. Well since he's nice sometimes, he'll let me use it.
Oh yeah, as I was surfing the internet, I saw this cute avi and I just had to get it. I'm planning to change the theme to go along with the avi. The avatar is sooo cute! It's like a girl (who looks like me in anime version) and she was holding a big chicky! And the background was Yello! Or how I say it, LELLOW!! Lellow's my fave color and so the change will happen pretty soon.
Well wasn't that the lamest post you've ever heard. I'll end this now. See ya later!
RK pic (obviously) This is one is a memorable moment, pretty cool ^^
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