Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Argy Argh Arghh....
Hello people, don't mind the arghs. I didn't get to go online much today. Well, my time on the comp was let's say, bout 2 mins. And my dad used my 2 minutes! He told me to look for this..blah blah blah. So I'm sorry I didn't get to everyone again. So sorry!
Since my dad took my comp, I was left with the comp that doesn't have internet now! So, I re read all the fan fics I saved to that comp. All yaoi, glrious moments. Hehe.... I'm so young yet I love yaoi..^______^
That was basically my day. Full of yaoi reading. Well I'll see ya guys later!
Yaoi and I don't care! It's my site right? I can do whatever I want. SO HA!! So if you do not like it, don't flame. It hurts my feelings T_______________T Well other than that, bye....
Edit: Again, please keep your thoughts bout this pic to yourself. Please...I have no pics okay?!
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