Saturday, October 16, 2004
Howdy all ^___^
Hello there everyone ^__^ I see all of you that commented on my last post has decided that I should stay. Are you sure about that? Not only because of the pics, but will you guys be okay with me staying? Will you be happy if I do stay? I'm just asking. You are better off without me. I mean, I never come visit and I tell you alot of rants. So make a wise decision about this. Ask yourself, will you able to keep up with all my ramblings? Is it okay with you that I might not come visit you every single day?
But I still love ya guys. All of you, even the ones who never come visit, or even the ones forgot that I exist (I'm not talking bout you!), I don't care. I love every single one of you. Keep that mind if I do leave.
Well if some of you do decide I should leave for good, I will leave after my birthday. At least something good comes out of my birthday: I still have MyO and all my friends to go with it!
Speaking of my wonderful friends, I'd like to say thank you for always being there for me everyone. Thank you for everything you all have done for me. You guys are the reason I'm not so depressed or anything, the reason I'm so cheerful! (well okay sometimes..I do get cranky) Love ya all! Thanks once again!!
Haha, now I'm really dramatic aren't I. Hehe, sorry ^__^;;;; TheOtaku has been my main thing! I just have to be sad and stuff!!
Oh yeah! Sorry no pic today. I suck, I know. Still sick and still typing this on my bro's comp. Argh. Sorry.
One more thing, I'll give you some time to think about it, although you don't need it ^__^;; but I will be very busy I will be leaving for a week. Yes, New York, I'm going there for the first time! I'm so excited ^__^!! Till then, adios. I love all of you so much!! Goodbye, see ya next week, and be sure to have your answers by then! Because I will back on my bday!! Haha I can't wait ^___^ See you all soon! I love you all! Okay bye now ^__^;;; [Yes a long goodbye I know] *huggles everyone tightly then leaves treats for everybody*
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