Monday, June 13, 2005
Back for sure!
[Mood: Go Lucky]
[Current Song: Fall Out Boy - "Sugar, We're Goin' Down"]
[Random thought: Reindeer?? Deer?]
Hey everyone! It is BrokenWing reporting for duty! I know, I haven't been here alot. But now I'm going to use all my effort on MyO. Go MyO! I just love all my friends! And thanks for the visits! I got 2,000 and I didn't even notice it. lol. I don't even remember if I already told you this O.o I keep forgeting everything...And I never go here anymore. But have no fear! I will stay!
Right now I'm sitting on my bed using my sister's laptop. Okay, today I really asked my sis if I could use her comp. This time I can actually read my comments! And the fanart section is finally working! And actually all the links work! Everytime I click on a link on my other comp. They never work. And I mean NEVER. I'm glad I could read all of your comments from the last post! How nice of you guys! I'm kind of losing some friends since I never visit and stuff. But I still love you all!!
Alright...my bf still hasn't come back yet. Of course not. I miss him though.
Oh yes, have you noticed the new theme? Didn't really take much time and I did this quite a while ago. So I might make a new one. Any suggestions for what character?? I can't think of anything. So yea. Please give me your feeback!
Okay. My post for today is about over. I might visit some people, depends on what will happen today. And if I do, I will only visit ones who visit me. So I can pay them back. And when I finish I will continue my rounds.
Yup. That's it. I leave you with this pic! Have fun!
{Hey that just gave me an idea for a theme!}
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