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Monday, October 25, 2004

   Another poem.....

Someone New

someone i just recently know
Someone with whom i can let go.
This is the person I have now found
The person who picked me up off the ground
she gave me a laugh when all else gave a frown
she shows me the hieghts when others knocked me down
she has a aura that can brighten a day
she is the one who scared my clouds away
this is my new found friend or more
this is the girl who i have come to adore

By: Bradley Alan Mills

This is written for a close friend of mine who i have come to adore in a friendly way...she's so cute...This Poem is for Rebecca. Peace and may the dragons watch over you always. P.S. if this is Rayea...I will love, protect, and serve you forever and a day.

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Regrets....none...obstacles many...

Welll as you can all read in her comment rayea will not give me an answer yet....its ok though...i have told her that i will wait forever for her...and that is what i plan to do if necassary....i hope everyone is doing well...and if not then feel free to come adn talk to me aobut it..i can help you with it most likely...or i can just be here to listen if you'd rather that....just know im here for everyone...peace and may the dragons watch over you always.....P.S. if this is Rayea I will love you forever and a day..and protect you for jsut as long.

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Something i must ask.

i know that many of you must think i'm crazy for what im about to do...and just so you know i plan to ask the question that i will ask over the phone tomorrow since i cant see her in person yet....but i do plan to do that....and Rayea please don't be angry with me for this i am only doing everything i can think of to show my love for you....the question is....well we wil get to that later...Do any of you have someone that you would do anything for....i mean anything...if it meant giving your life so they could live...if it meant giving up everything and living in the streets to help them you would do it...thats how i feel about Rayea...Have you ever done somethign that was completely crazy and idiotic...(like preparing to fight 4 people....one of which was a fourth degree black belt)....just to prove that you would do anything for them....have you ever planned a surpirse birthday party and spend hours to get it ready just for the look on thier face......have you ever been hit by a car while on a bicycle and even though you could barely breathe you still managed the other 1 1/2miles to their house jsut to see them for a little while...i've done these things and would do them all again for Rayea...just to see her smile....I even plan to give her something that i told people i would never give up just because she likes it...i will so anything for her and i would do it all just to see her smile....i would give anything jsut to be by her side for a moment..jsts to hear her beautiful vioce say one word.....i do this all because i lov her more then i love myself...i love her more then i love life....I would do anything go anywhere and give anything just for you rayea.....so now i ask teh question that i mentioned earlier......it is addressed of course to rayea:

Rayea Elise Night, will you be mine once again?

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Another poem to the love of my life.

If Only

I wish I could show you the whole truth
I wish I could show you everythign that I am.
I wish I could be everythign that you want
But I am only who I am and I hope that's enough
I hope I can give you all that you want
I hope I can be all that you need
I hope I can show you the all that life is
But I can only do so much and i hope its enough
I will do everythign I can do for you
If only you'll except me for you i really am.

-Bradley Alan Mills

Dedicated to rayea...not een sure if she has read it before though lol

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Here is another poem that i wrote.

Love Is

True love cant be seen
at least not with our eyes
For though our eyes are keen
our eyes often tell lies.

True love cant be felt
not by the touch of hands.
By mind the hands are dealt
and hands on own cant stand.

True love cant be thought
not by the mind of man.
The mind of society is bought
and thoughts soon shift like sand.

True love can be held
in a heart that is true.
And in my heart im told
im told my true love is you.

-Bradley Alan Mills

Dedicated to the love of my life Rayea Elise Night.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

A poem i wrote long ago...I now dedicate it to Rayea

True Love

True Love is what i feel for you
This is a love like never before
The love i have is held by few
Tis true i shall love you ever more

For you my love i would give my life
Without you my love is forever torn
Without you i would live in strife
So here i am knocking at your door

And here i must wait
Not really knowing what you will say
Not really knowing my fate
this i cant take try as i may

Forever I'll love you
Whether you feel the same
I'll love you deeply and true
I'll love no other for feel the shame

-Bradley Alan Mills

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I am having an amazing time....i have been able to tlak to rayea a lot lately and she has been helping me out mor then she realizes.....I love you with all my heart and soul forever and a day and wil protect you for as long or more...To my closest friends on here......Rebecca, Artukei, And Matt.....thank you all for being here in my times of need...never forget that i am here for you as well...its the least i can offer after all the help you all gave me....MEEP....well i guess thats about it for right now...im in sucha good mood i want to go run around...thats what im about to go do....Peace and may the dragons watch over you all.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I have found a renewed source of strength and vigor from one of my friends...she has always been there for me as i have her..but she has now given me reason to hope and live agian....Thank you so much rayea....you may not realize it but yesterday you helped me gian back my life all at once...i feel like i can once agian move the mountians and shape the heavens....if only you wish it so....i just want you to know how much i thank you and how much i care for you...I will love you forever and a day....i will be there for you just as long too......I will protect you as much as i possibly can and i would give my life for you is it ever needed....i will protect you forever and a day. i love you so much rayea.....Everyone that thinks of me as a friend owes her for bringing me back to life....she is the reason i go on and i want everyone to know that...peace and may the dragons watch over you all...exspecially you rayea and i will watch over you forever and a day rayea.

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Sunday, October 17, 2004


I don't really know whats going on right now...but i do have some messages for a few people out there. you acn all read these and comment about them or go to the people yourselves and talk sabout them. i will put there otaku name in parentheses.

Shadow (rain of darkness): You want to harm me....you have a lot of people to go through first...you want to threaten me..but yet you do nothign to back it up...threaten me with empty spells and cheap words...if you can do anything my friends protect me constantly...good luck in life.

Rayea (Rayea Kagome Chan): No matter what happens i will still love you. I'm sorry i wasnt there for you today when yu needed me... i wish i would have been. but i wasn't i shal make it up to you. I will love you forever and a day. Even if you don't love me back. No one can change my mind even though many have tried. The dragons will Guard over you always my love.

Demetre (Demetre): I am sorry that everything has gone wrong for you recently. I am glad for the things that have gone wel though....they make me happy because they make your life better. I hope things continue to go right and that you cna put this whole situation behind you. May the dragons watch over you always my friend.

Artukei (Artukei): Dude thinks for beign there for me...i love reading your comments and you have a great outlook on life..never lose it. I consider you a good friend and coming from me this means a lot. You always seem to have something to say. Even if its not what i want to hear its always the truth. Thank you. Peace and may the dragons watch over you always.

Matt (DemonMessiah): You are one of my closest friends on here. We are similar in so many ways its scary at times. j/k. I am glad i was able to meet you and get to know you as well as i do. I hope we can continue to tlak for a long time to come. I hope everything begins to work out better for you. Just remember to always keep hope. It is what drives us all. May the dragons protect you for all of your days and nights.

Ok...thats all for now.....sorry ot those of you who i ddint say something about these are jsut the ones that i had something in peticular to say to right now....i will add more for the rest of you when i can.... farewell for now my friends. Peace and may the dragons give all of you the protection and care that you deserve. Ieo Sebenne Neia Rayea.

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

   Have you.....

have you ever had one of those days where you were sitting around and jsut realized that you have alomst no friends....and the few real friends that you have dont live anywhere near you...the few people i would be able to truly trust and can call true friends dont live near me.....it hurts to realize this but hey thats life.....life can hurt...its normal but i just hoped that maybe today would be a good day....ttyl peace and may the dragons watch over you always.

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