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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Well, hello! This is your favorite commentator, Mei! Let us begin, shall we?
Let us start out with Battle Royale. As promised, this post shall be about it, although I have nothing planned out. But randomness is FUN!
Let's see. My topic in civics is euthanasia. I suppose this could tie in with Battle Royale. I mean, if your friend didn't want to participate in the game and asked you to shoot them, would you? But then they'd be asking of you what they don't want to. So, wouldn't that mean they were selfish? I dont' think I'd be able to shoot my friend no matter what, especially if they were a close one.
That's all for now, folks.
I'm totally bummed. They're leaving me. Make them stay.
Situation I:
He told me the night before that he was leaving. He said he’d be back in three years, I told him I’d be gone. He said he’d be back in January. I smiled. Then we were in the car. He told me nobody wanted him here. He told me I didn’t want him here either, he told me I was always bored. He told me he wasn’t going to come back. I grabbed his hand and told him to stay. He said nothing. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rested mine on his. We stared out of the car window as the rain fell, the windshield wipers pushing them away. I think he’ll be back.
Situation II:
He said he was leaving; he wanted to spread its wings. But I was still dejected. We were preparing to leave. He told me to sit in front so that I could have a more comfortable sleep. I didn’t really want to, but I did it anyway. He was grateful. So he told me he’d stay for a few extra weeks because of it. I hoped he would. I woke up and we were home. He asked if I had a nice sleep, I did. He patted my head. It was my turn to go home. He helped me with my things. I looked as he walked away. I was afraid to ask him if he would stay. Will he?

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Too Much
Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school. Too much school.
Inane Battle Royale comments shall commence next posting season.
For now.

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Monday, September 27, 2004
And so...
In the words of Choir warm-up.
It's Muh uh uhn deh.
Yes, folks, that's right. It is Monday. (Though, I shouldn't say folks because I think the only person who still reads this is Ansmellymo.) I kind of felt like it was Wednesday or Tuesday or something, but HEY! Shows what I know.
And now for a public service announcement.
Today there shall be no mention of Battle Royale except for this public service announcement.
Let's see, since I'm not going to talk about that let's....
talk about something else!
Those of you in Kern County, I invite you to come and watch me and my martial arts family perform (Sikaran Arnis Academy) at the Kern County Fair on Sunday, October 3rd at 2:30 at the Tribute Stage. Though, I'm not expecting such a huge turnout I said, not many people read this thing.
So, see you all soon...?
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
It is time...
It is time to drill you with my inane babbling on Battle Royale!!
First order of business...check out this awesome cosplayer of Kiriyama!
Well THAT didn't work...
Well, let's see what can I talk about. Oh yes, I've finally gotten the Battle Royale novel. It's an EXCELLENT read. Oh my. I finished it in about a day or two. It's so different from the movie, but I love them both as equally. I am currently in the process of nitpicking the movie and seeing the differences, hehe. But Mimura...he's still attractive in the novel because...yeah. You can just tell that Mimura was one of the author's favorites. Anyway...
I'm going to the World Gold Cup Competition (martial arts) at UC Davis on the 19th. Wish me LUCK! I hope I do well in sparring and my weapons forms. *tears* WELL! I guess that's all for now kiddos (if anyone still reads).
You are the weakest link.
Good bye.
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Monday, June 28, 2004
Long Time No SEE!!
Get me out of here. Summer is freaking boring.Why...why why. Why why. Why is summer so boring? My highlight was last weekend. We went to Las Vegas! And whatever happens in Vegas...stays in Vegas. Hehe. Just kidding. I'll be updating on my xanga later on. 
battle royale Otaku Mei
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Battle Royale: Special Version
Battle Royale freaking rocks.My friend, Jeff, is going to do me a huge favor. See, he has the great ability to use his parents' credit cards online to order stuff, while my parents are afraid of that. And now, he's going to get me Battle Royale, the Special Version sometime in the next to weeks. I'm EXCITED!! All those special features...*drool*. Audition tapes! Behind the scenes! Oh, the glory of it all! I simply can't wait. Ah, I'll love you forever for this, Jeff. =)  Mmm...Mimura-ness.
Well, that's going to be it for now. battle royale Otaku Mei
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Yay! My cousin came down from Iraq this Thursday for a visit. I'm so happy. I'm glad that he's safe. I hope he can come back again soon.
Today I went to Bakersfield to train at the gym there. It was really fun in the car because yeah...=) Um...yeah. And I also went to the musical that Michael wrote. It was funny.
I'm in the process of writing a story based heavily on Battle Royale. And also another story of Battle Royale about Megumi Etou (Girl #3) and Shinji Mimura (Boy # 19). Here's a sneak peek for it.

I didn’t know what a crush was supposed to feel like. I would collect pictures of him, just to stare at them, each one making me wonder why I was doing this even more. I know I’m not the only one with my sights on him. He’s a star athlete, and not to mention modest about it, and, of course, good-looking. What’s there not to love? How is a girl like me supposed to resist?
Of course, it’s not like this is ever going to happen, which is why I tend to disbelieve that this is a crush. Rather, I’d like to think of it as more of an obsession, just something for me to do in my spare time. You know, like how I used to look up boy bands, or tear out pictures of cute actors from magazines, that type of stuff. I often speak to Noriko-san about it. She tends to disagree with me. She says it’s something much more than that. She says it’s different when your heart races whenever you see him. So what? I bet my heart would race if I met Brian Joo in person.
But somehow Noriko-san’s works creep around my mind, turning itself over and over, making me rethink my logic. I don’t think I would be nervous to speak around Brian Joo, I don’t think I would try to evade him to avoid making myself look like an idiot. I don’tt understand any of this. Why does it have to be so hard and complicated? Why can’t it be simple?
Anyhow, it’s not like it’s possible. Everyone knows that Mimura is sexually active, and even so, he shows tendencies of a misogynist. And why would he choose me over any other girl like, say, Souma Mitsuko? Nobody knows what he looks for in a girl, either. So there’s no way to predict. And with no way to predict, there’s no way to know for sure. And with no way to know for sure, then there’s no way I can tell him without me knowing I wouldn’t get myself hurt. I’m not brave enough to do it if it were any other way. So I guess I’m going to have to just wait until it all goes away…

I doodled lazily into my notebook, scribbling away little chibi characters, all doing something silly. I’m not really good in math or science; all the other subjects, I’m great at, but I can I never really pay attention in math. But this day, maybe I should have been paying attention instead of doodling in my notepad, because the teacher called on me to finish the half done problem on the board. I stared at the complicated problem, not knowing at all how to do it, but the teacher continued to stare me down, so I reluctantly stood up and walked to the chalkboard. I put the felt tip of the marker to the board and froze. How was I supposed to finish this problem if I didn’t know how?
I could feel the eyes of my peers staring into my back. I began to sweat, and the marker in my hand began to quiver. The teacher let out a sigh, signaling that he knew both that I wasn’t paying attention, and that I had no idea how to do the problem.
“You may sit down now Etou,” he said, thoroughly disappointed. I let out a weak smile and proceeded towards my seat.
‘Gah, how embarrassing,’ I thought to myself as I took notes while Mimura finished the problem. I sunk into my seat. About a long 25 minutes later, class was dismissed and school was over. I gathered my things, which were scattered all over my desk, making me one of the last to leave. Mimura must have had his things in the same manner, because he was still in the classroom with me.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” said our teacher. “I’m glad you two are still here. I need to speak with you both. I quietly swung my bag over my shoulder, and walked unconfidently towards the teacher, Mimura following closely, letting me walk by first. “OK. Mimura, you are doing great in both science and math, but Etou…well, let’s just say that maybe you’re doing less than what you could achieve.” I bowed my head silently, my cheeks burning. “But Mimura, you’re…also not achieving in all your other subjects, while Etou excels in them. So, I suggest that you both get together and tutor each other. Now, this is merely a suggestion, and I can’t force you two to do it, but I can almost guarantee that it would help you two a great deal.” With that over with, the teacher retreated to the back room.
I nodded, my heart skipping a beat. I looked up at Mimura’s face, and saw not a change in his demeanor. I was excited, but also terrified. I didn’t know what it was going to be like, nor did I know how to act in front of him. I had never actually spoken to him. Rather, I would just talk to his friends, who were also my friends. I let out a small sigh and realized this was just going to be hell for me, but I also knew that I really needed to get my math and science grades up. So I knew I was just going to have to trudge and suffer through the extreme heats of hell.
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Hey! Well, I went to Junior Miss last night. It was really good, well for the most part. I was screaming a lot because I knew most of them. I was really rooting a lot for Abi, Dariane, Carrie, Daphne and Lyessa. They all did great! Congrats to Dariane for being Junior Miss and representing us at the American Junior Miss. Thank you for breaking the streak of lyrical dancers by beating them with your piano skills! =) You rock girl, you deserved it! battle royale Otaku Mei
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Well, this is quite interesting. A bit different than what I'm used to. Hmm...I'm not used to you, you're not used to me! Let's get used to me for a bit!For the most part, I'm probably going to be blabbing a lot about Battle Royale, or possibly Shaolin Soccer, but Battle Royale moreso. Hehe. I don't know if I'll be updating this much, since I don't have very many friends...hehehe. But who knows? Well, I guess that's it for now. bye! battle royale Otaku Mei
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