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Michael Havoshinshnitzer
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Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and DBZ
Get Married, Have Kids, Grow Old.
Judo, Mauy Tai, Biking, Sleeping, and Rugby
I'm excelent and fighting, and battle stratgies... not really useful talents for the 21st century, but meh, I've been given these talents, now all I have to do is figure out a way to use them to glorify the lord.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Final Exams
Today I took my Lifetime/Wellness and Chemistry exams to day they were easy . The wellness test had questions likewhat is CPR and what do you dial for 911. Chemistry was easy for me because I'm a genious, atleast thats what my friends tell me. In chemistry I could have made a 64 on the finals and still have had an A but instead I aced the test and have a better A. Now I'm in the local library waitin for my mom to come pick me up. I need a car... ... and a cell phone... ... and a no wait thats all I need. Anyways as you can tell I'm bored and this is all I have to do.
You know that girl I asked to the formal. Well it turns out now that I've asked her I get in trouble for flirting with other girls. All I hear from her friends is "I'm gonna tell Jessica" so I'd better watch it and tone it down a little. I get in trouble and we aren't even goin out. Oh well, if it leads to that I'm okay with.
Well time to take quizzes
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I'm better now I was in a better mood yesterday but I forgot to post
Have a nice day
more details later the teacher is coming
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Friday, December 10, 2004
bad knews
She pulled me aside after class to day and told me that she would go with me but just as friends. *whoopee*
(The * stands for SARCASM just incase you couldn't tell)
the rest of the day just got worse especially at lunch
i'll just stop there
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Moderate... ... right

your clothes are properly folded, hung up and put away. you watch tv in moderation. you like to visit with friends but also like a little alone time as well. you tend to change clothes frequently and you definitely wash your hands after a visit to the toilet! | |
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What an eventful day... ...
to put it mildly at least. Last night I bought Christmas presents for my bro and sis and their presents didn,t cost as much as I thought it would so I had 20 bucks left and so I decided to buy the biggest freakn teddy bear I could find, within my budget of course. So I stop by walmart and get a big teddy bear take it home pu it in a box(my sister had to wrap it for me, thank you Sam) Anyways so its wrapped up and lookin all pretty(I can't believe I used that word) So I snuck it into school before my 7:30 class and puy it in the class room across the hall. After class was dismissed I told Jessica to follow me we went into the stairwell beside the class room and I asked to the Military Ball(a formal dance for all area 9 NJROTC cadets) I'm not sure if she said yes or not she talked very quietly like she was wispering it sounded like she said 'she didn't know if she was going or not' I'm not sure if thats a yes or a no. I just nodded my head and acked like I could understand her. So when she stopped I told her to go into the class room and look on the table she did. And of course she didn't see the HUGE BOX ON THE DESK!!! So I had to go in and point at it at first she thought that it was a practical joke and the box was empty. She got off the wrapping paper ok but she had a little difficulty opening the box(she is blonde after all) She opened it was suprised and then she hugged me(YES Go me)Then an awkwrard silence... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I said"Ok this is officially an awkward moment" she agreed and some how her freind, also named jessica, got in there agreed as well. Then the rest of the day was pretty much normal. Except for the random outburst through the hallway from her friends "CONGRADULATIONS" and "HOWCUTE" and of course from my friends "PIMP", "LEAVER", and "WAY TO GO." So here I am I might do a few quizzes but then its bed time later
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Sorry Ive been gone for so long
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Friday, November 19, 2004
nothing today
bye bye
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Rugby conditioning has started(it started yesderday) Yesderday we ran 2.5 miles 10 stadiums and 64 push ups Today we Sprinted 1 mile and then did some other sprint excercises. I'm about ready to die. I'm gonna go to bed early tonight have fun.
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Still playin HALO 2
But now on heroic setting next legenday then I'll start adding good posts bye bye
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Friday, November 12, 2004
HALO 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah today I beat HALO 2 now what you ask I'll do it again
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