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Slackin Off
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Michael Havoshinshnitzer
I'm alive.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and DBZ
Get Married, Have Kids, Grow Old.
Judo, Mauy Tai, Biking, Sleeping, and Rugby
I'm excelent and fighting, and battle stratgies... not really useful talents for the 21st century, but meh, I've been given these talents, now all I have to do is figure out a way to use them to glorify the lord.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
The tornament
It was fun I p[layed in a total of 5 games Lost 2 Tied 1 Won 2, we got first place adn 75 dollars WOOT!!! The 4th game was the best. Triple over time, each over time you hasd to drop a player, then you had 2 minutes to duke it out, we got down to 4 people on each team. Sadly after that game we had 1 minute before we played the next ,match... That was awful we lost that game 6 to 3... but we still won in the end!!! HAHAHAHA go _________ RUGBY!!! YEah now im off to go to ruby tuesdays
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7:51 in Tennessee this morning
Today i have a touch rugby competition with the surronding rugby clubs. It is sort of like a precursor before the season starts. I have no idea how long it will take, I hope not passed 11 o'clock. I have to watch my saturday moring cartoons after all. Anywaya I hope everyone has a nice day, If you are lookin for me ill probably be playing WoW later today.
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Dreaming is a good thing... while it lasts but eventually you ahve to wake up. So the dream ends... you wake up and you have to face reality.
I used to spend my time daydreaming. I astill do even at school. It is a wonderful thing, but waking up is just not worth it. When you fream everything either goes the way you want it or it ends up in your favor... otherwise it is a nightmare not a dream. When i daydream i dream about being of average health not having to watch what i eat constantly with a calculator(I can do it in my head now :P) I dream of getting the girl and 'keeping' her, unlike so many times in reeal life i lose her. Yeah in case you cant tell today was pretty worthless
PS- I passed my drivers liscence test!!!!!
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hello everyone
I am back... DUn DUN DUN!!! Yeah i know very dramatic... So the reason I havent been on MyO since Xmas is well Im ashamed to say it... but... I play World Of Warcraft now... Yes it is true I Michael Havoshinshnitzer am a geek a nerd... do you know any other suiting words? I am currently on the Gorganash server as 'Havos' if you have an accunt and are bored say hi... Anyways
Update To My Life (Scroll Down to Skip)
I broke up woth Jenna on the 3rd day of school because we didnt talk at all over Xmas break and well 5 weeks of nothing really hurts a relationship... My kidneys are messd up! Right now i have to take medication 4 times a day. I am no longer eligible for the military and I am completely out of shape, cause not working out for 5 weeks straight really hurts the body. Well, this really sux.
I am currently wtching American Idol, it is realy funny I do feel sorry for all the people Simon hurts tho. The reason I am even on MyO right now is because WoW is down right now... Sorry my alliance lies elsewhere Otaku *Evil Laughter* Sorry... Well, at school today I spent the entire day um... sleeping... first block is ROTC and today was PT and since I am out of shape I cant keep up with everyone it sux. 2nd is Junior English all we do is practice for the timed writing I normally slep thru that class. #rd is Spanish 1 our teacher is the most anal person ever!! She has circles drawn on the floor where you put he desks!! how insane is that? That is the only class i really do anything in. 4th is PreCalculas I pretty much ace that class. The first month is all review so I sleep talk eat or flirt with(well atleast try it is really tough in this class) girls. one old... I guess you could say Girlfriend but I dont think middle school counts. Well she is a senior and im a junior she is one of the only girls I like and well today I was able to bum a ride off her... not the best wy to get a girl to like you... "hey wanna give me a ride home cause i dont have a car or my liscense *goofy smile*" !!!I'm going for my drivers liscence tommorow mornig!!! Anyways she said yes cause we live close to each other... I had no idea she new where i lived... creepy. So we walked to her car and got in. The traffic was worse then normal but she wouldnt let me get out and stop traffic. GO figure she said she would have left me if i got out. We stopped at Target so she could get a new CD, it was Yellow Card i think... It was funny, do you think it is weird tjhat i dont like music? Here is the deal I dont listen to music I tolerate it. I think getting music is just a waste of my time... I prefer silence she had a hard time understanding this concpet so i turned off her CD player, and let me tell you that was the most awful awkwad silence of all time. So i waited like 10 seconds before turning it back on buit it felt like it took forever. Anyways so she dropped me off at home and i forgot i had a house key so I broke into the house thru the back window (the screen is loose) Then i opened my backack and thre it was my house key... GO figure. So here I am desperatly trying to get back onto WoW...
Good NIght
Wish meluck tommoow on my liscence test
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Last quiz good night
Your #1 Match: ESTP
The Doer
You are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second.
You love being the center of attention. Chances are you were the class clown.
Competitive, charming, and charasmatic - you have your own code of honor.
You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activies that interest you.
You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur. |
Your #2 Match: ENTP
The Visionary
You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.
You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor. |
Your #3 Match: ESTJ
The Guardian
You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker.
Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to acheive them.
You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities.
Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done!
You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective. |
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I've never even seen this show...
Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Your the Hero---- You have the skills. That's right =D. Anyways, you tend to have an what-do-you-think type of attitude, and you don't care what anyone thinks about you. On the outside you're somewhat cold and insensative(sp?), but on the inside you do care about your friends(and will do almost anything for them) and you may have that secret someone(don't try to not admit it! YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT!!!!). You tend to try to get revenge, and often you want to get stronger then your arch rival...whatever the name happens to be =D
What Role Would You Take in an Adventure?(with anime pics ^^) brought to you by Quizilla
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Again I am hinting at what I am writing about
 You are a narrative writer. Usually a writer of stories rather than poetry, you grew up reading Shakespeare's less popular and heard of plays--like King Lear or the Henry series. Your writing contains a certain order and organization--be it chronological or otherwise. If you are to write poetry, it has to convey a logical (or perhaps unreal) story with some sort of order behind it.
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wouldn't you like to know!
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Monday, December 12, 2005
hello everyone
i'M SORRY BUT IM ON A TIME CRUNCH SO i CAN;'T (ITS ON CAPS LOCK ISN'T IT...) OK so I cant read everyones post today but starfire good chapter (well atleast what i read) I finally got to start my project on the comp then sam comes down and wants on... sigh I'll start it later
PS this is not a school project it is something I have been trying to start for like 5 months I'll release more data on it later
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