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Michael Havoshinshnitzer
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Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and DBZ
Get Married, Have Kids, Grow Old.
Judo, Mauy Tai, Biking, Sleeping, and Rugby
I'm excelent and fighting, and battle stratgies... not really useful talents for the 21st century, but meh, I've been given these talents, now all I have to do is figure out a way to use them to glorify the lord.
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Today is quiz day (lots of fire)
 You are Pyrokinetic!
What's Your Magic Power? brought to you by Quizilla
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Here's a quiz
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful be it mentally, physically or both. People look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal, be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Good Day`
All day was awesome. After the 7:30 I walked over to Jenna's 7:00 class. Last night I told her I had 2 surprises for her and she was curious to what they were. (On Saturday I took a peice of her favorite gum, bazooka bubble gum, She complained.) First I pulled out some huge, HUGE red dice. SHe said something earlier about wanting some fuzzy dice for her car. These dice were too big but they fit nicley on her bag. As she said I pimped her ride. Then I pulled out 3 packs of Bazooka gum, she was wowed and hugged me... then I pulled out 2 more she hugged me again... I pulled out the last 2 and she hugged me again, Yes this was all a plan to get hugs. She was over joyer, I got her her favorite gum and in her favorite #, 7. I definately did not plan on the # thing but that was a plus. Anyway, I got to walk Jenna to her classes and I was late once but Phil (Mr. Phillip, we all call him Phil) didn't care. In Phil's class he gave us notes and we talked all class period. In Chemistry 2 I ogt back my test score (bad) and then we watched a movie (good). In 3rd block (Drivers Ed/ROTC) I watched other cadets take a test and left in detween class to be with Jenna during her lunch. Jenna doesn't have a 4th block class so I just met her outside her 3rd block class and said good bye there. IN ROTC we talked about the flagfootball game and goofed off, with 30 minutes left of class I had to get people to clean the class rooms and pull the flag down. I walked Jenna to her car (I need to get a car... I need to get my liscence!!!) I hugged her goodbye and gave her my cell phone # (I could of sworn she had it...) Then I had to run back to ROTC and get my stuff all the while getting praised by other girls about how sweet I was and that I do have a heart. I wasn't going to say no but I had to go to rugby practice. At rugby I had to lift weights above my max, it was hard, I'm sore and relaxing while I eat my fudge bar.
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
OK the weekend
On Saturday we beat Air force 66 to 0 woot. Jenna came during the first half so I got to spend some time with her. After the game she wanted to know if I could go to the movies with her and her little sister +her sister's boyfriend. My mom practically screamed NO. I can understand her point of view. We were leaving for Virginia Tech in 2 hours (at 2 o'clock) I signed up for the open house to see what I could do there. So we leave at 2 o'clock and get to Blacksburg, Virginia at around 6:30. We get a hotel room and spend the night. Got up and left for VT at 8:00 the Open House started at 8:30. It lasted till 2:45 with no time to eat lunch. NOw granted I know how to earn a $3,000 and $16,000 scholarships, I think missing luc=nch was worth that. So I am definately thinking of VT but it is still only my junior year in highschool so I got time to think about it.
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
SO I forgot to mention this earlier but today is a flagfootball game between out Navy rotc and someone else's Air Force rotc. They have beaten us every year I have played but this year they lost their star player wish us luck
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Friday, November 11, 2005
OK so...
Ok so my parents know that me and Jenna are going out now because I left my suit put together in my closet... Ooops! So I told them not to tell her parents and they were quiet I don't think they'll tell... Now I have to tell Jenna
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
OK all I have to say is it is weird, It's like I'm back in intermediate school where holding your girlfriends hand was dangerous. It's not a bad thing though I don't know how to desribe it though... So today was good, I drove to school this morning and got passd by Jenna (she drives like a maniac) She came up behind me before I even got out of the neighborhood she honked twice and I replied by honking my pathetic excuse for a horn. About 3 minutes later she passed me, so I get to school in about 13 minutes I went on the highway and I went 15 miles over the speed limit. And she still beat me there, she went the long way too. So after 7:30 class ended I went up to my first black and dropped off my junk, I headed back down to her 7:00 class she got out 5 minutes late so I got there right when she got out. I was greeted with a hug we talked a little bit and I walked her to her 1st block class and hugged her goodbye. I suffered through my class and walked over to her locker she was talking to a friend, I walked her to her 2nd block class (repeat earlier process) After 3rd block ended it was lunch time, Jenna had 4th lunch today so I got to eat lunch with her, It was really awkward now I thought it was ok but my friends coulcn't talk about what they nowmall do ("Hey look at that hot chick over there she has a nice ass!" or "Damn she's got a nice rack!") So it was really quiet, they all laughed when Jenna fed me a chheto(I flicked them off when she wasn't looking so they laughed even harder) After lunch we walked down to rotc (I spend a lot of time at rotc) So I kinda well forgot all about 4th block rotc and messed up twice on my Job as Platoon Commander, but our instructor was in a good mood so he let it go. After school we all headed down to go to drill practice it was ok but the main thing is on the way there I held Jenna's hand (I know it is childish but for some reason it wasnt...) After drill practice was over we went back to rotc and hung out there for about 30 minutes. Then I walked Jenna to her car and hugged her goodbye. Then I got a ride home from my Dad home but, BUT, (rewind, yesterday, we had a delema Jenna couldn't taske the flowers home because her parents would freak, my parents don't know either, so we had to get rid of them we ended up giving them away at academic practice for someone to give to their mom... well her mom showed up just as I was leaving and told me right in front of myad "Hey, Michael roses were a good choice... *gasp* is it ok to say that?" I shook my head and said "eah sure" but I was screaming NOOOOO!!!!. SHe sighed and left, My dad asked what was up I said "ell Michelle wanted to know what to get her mom for her birthday I said roses" I dont think he bought but just in case I called michelle and told her to tell her mom what was up, about 3 minutes later I get a call, it is michelle "hey michael I just want you to know my mom's birthday is November 2nd just in case your dad asks" (Dear God thank you for this awesome coincidence) I couldn't belive it this mascarade might actually work! I was thrilled but not convinced my dad is paranoid and will find ouot eventually. I just have to hold him off.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Today was awesome
Ok so today I finally asked Jenna out, I wore A black JAcket and pants with a blue shirt(her favorite color) and a black tie. I had a dozen(12) roses, and I had a ring box with a hershey kiss inside it.
I got dressed while Natasha distracted Jenna, and John(Natasha's boyfriend) went down to kroger to get the flowers, I when John arrived I had waited about 15 minutes and I was nervous but I didn't show it, I called Natasha and she led Jenna near me but Natasha kept going so I had to call her back and when Jenna crossed the corner. She froze, I handed her the flowers she smiled and said "oh no", I got on my knee and said "lets try this again" (this is like the 5th time I've asked her out) I opened up the ring box with a hershey kiss inside asked her and she said yes (woot) + I got a hug (double woot). Unfortunatley there wasn't much time to enjoy the momnet I had to go to class
So I go to classes for the rest of the school, day and it is pretty much the same where ever I go (I'm still fully dressed out) Girls say awe how cute (then I explain and they say even cuter then they think why thier boyfriend doesn't get them flowers) the guys split on this, some ask why I'm dressed up I say "asked a girl out" they answer with an understandable "oh" and move on, others say I did too much or it was over kill, But I answer "it was worth the effort" then the girls go "awe how cute" again. So I go down to rotc after 2nd block to say hi to Jenna She wasn't there and I forget why... oh well, While I was there I learned a quick little tid bit, 3 guys in rotc has a crush on Jenna, I can think of one in paticular, I guess since now we are going out people think I need to know this information... I don't really care As Jenna put it earlier I won. If they pose a threat it will be dealt with but I don't think they will... anyway So I went on through 3rd block listening to some recruiters (boring) SO I went out side and goofed off. As 3rd block ended I went to luch ate and came back... Jenna was there, I am confused I was told that she left... But none the less I wasn't complaining. We hugged hello (woot) and talked a bit. Then I technically skipped 4th block, I was in the rotc area but I didn't listen to the recruiters. I was doing something more interesting, even if it was Just sitting next to Jenna I was fine where I was. After 4th block we had Academic Practice, About half way through that Jenna left I walked her to her car hugged her good bye and she honked as she left... Not a bad day if I say so myself
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
The drill meet
OK so only 15 people showed up we normally have 25-35. I had to do colorgaurd, This was the first time I had evr done left rifle, no joke, that went ok but the other drills sucked big time, you can only imagine how bad it was, the uniform inspection went ok though
And Jenna, I'm sorry but the rest of the information is posted on my other site, so if you know what that is, then head there now
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Hey everyone
I'm in a much better mood now, I have a drill meet in about 2 hours so I gotta go get ready wish me luck
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