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Michael Havoshinshnitzer
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Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and DBZ
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I'm excelent and fighting, and battle stratgies... not really useful talents for the 21st century, but meh, I've been given these talents, now all I have to do is figure out a way to use them to glorify the lord.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Not really anything to say, I didn't see 'K' at all today so I couldn't ask her out and tommorrow I have to go to a orthadontist appointment so I probably wont see her after school.
Wish me luck
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Drill Meet and 'K'
Ok so I wake up at 2:45 am, Ya know that feeling when you want to get out of bed but you don't. Well, I had that feeling till about 3:14 when my mom busted open the door and yelled, "Michael we leave in 15 minutes lets go, GET UP!!!!" So I ran into the shower I shaved in aboput 3 minutes dried and put on my jogging suit. Grabbed a banana and hopped in the car. 10 minutes later we arrive at school, I am a cheif (when you reach the rank of cheif you gain a but load of responsibilities so I had to be there early) so I had start rounding up all the freshman and sophmores who were trying to sleep. 'K' got there 15 minutes later and I got side tracked wjile flirting with her (well attempting, it is really hard to flirt with a girl at 4 o'clock in the morning). Any way at 4:45 the charter bus arrived and we slept all the way to the drill meet, I think it was like 3 hours maybe 2. So we get there at around 7 and we dont do anything till 10. Unfortunately I'm on the academic team so I had to take a test at 8:45. I finished the test with about 45 minutes to get in my uniform. All the guys were in the bathroom and almost done changing by the time the Ac. Team got there. I had to share my extra black socks to some of the freshmen and a couple of my brand new white undershirts. and then we fall in for inspection, then we drill (this is the stuff that wont make sense to most people so I'll fast foward) Ok, now the the athletics department. It started out with pushups. The way it worked was there were 2 schools in the room, the only way it would be fair is if the other shcool would count. So i got this guy named Adam to count he went first and did 52 pushups in caedence next I went and did 57, unfortunately Adam is a sore loser and he didn't count outloud there fore I 'only' did 52 pushups. I was pissed but I didn't care I was tired from doing pushups. Then we did sit ups. Adam went and he got 89 sit ups... Then I went and got 163 sit ups ('K' got 38 pushups and 176 situps) Anyway All the guys on my team got over 115 situps only one guy on there team got over 100 sittups. We owned them. (My aim for nationals is 70 pushups and 250 situps, wish me luck) Ok, then we had to go down to the track to run the 16x100 (16 people relay each running 100 yards/meters) I was on the team but Masterseargent(Our teacher and mentor) was worried about my knee so he replaced me with another cadet (Grrrr!!) So I watched... we beat the team we raced against but there were 14 scholls total we raced for time not heats. Then the 8x220 was held 'K' ran both of these and we wasted eevry one. After that we had the award ceremony we placed 1st in situps 2nd in pushups 1st in basic drills(2 of them) 3rd in exhibition drills(2 of them) 3rd in colorgaurd 1st in the running events(2 of them) and 1st in academics. We got first place over all and we celerated by rubbing shaving cream on anyones face who fell asleep on the way back. It was awesome. 'K' is a heavy sleeper we never got her but she slept through all the noise we made so she slept the entire way back.
I never really got any time to talk with 'K' today I hope me waiting until monday or tuesday to ask her out wasn't a mistake... Oh well
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Friday, October 21, 2005
And now for stage two of everytime I ask a girl out
the doubt
The silent killer of all relationships that could be Any way it is 8 am and I called 'K' 15 minutes ago to make sure that she was awake (read yesterdays post for an explanation) Her dad picked up and I asked him to make sure that 'K' was awake he laghed and said he would and we hung up, I just fed my dog and finished breakfast so here I am...
Ok so for the asking out gig/sting/operation what ever you want to call it. First on the items that I need, the most crucial will be a ring case (the one that flips open, ya know the one every girl wants to see when a guy gets on his knee) Well I'm not getting her a ring that would be too expensive, instead I dicided to mess with her head and place a hershey kiss inside it (OK an explanation for the hershey kiss- about a month ago I needed away to show her that I was interested, so I bought a small pack of hershey kisses pulled one out gave it to her and said, "'K' will ya kiss me" she smiled stared at and took it with a snap laughed and smaked me lightly. Also she turned 18 in early October I bought a couple packs of hershey kisses from the vending machine, I didn't know it was her birthday so I had to improvise, taped two peices of notebook paper together dumped in the 36 kisses along with a note that said, "Eat these in the back of your car so I can say we made out in back seat" "PS. Now that you are 18 you can buy porn legally, bad 'K'." She smiled smacked me lightly then gave me a hug then she left)
Ok now I totally forgot what I was taliking about in the first place gimme a sec to look up at the top.
OK, so I'm not sure where or when this is going to go down but I know I can't wait too long other wise she will think all I want to do is flirt with her. Also I have to throw her parents into the factor, She does want to go out with me but Will she still say no until I talk to them, This predicament pauses my idea for the suit (Plus the last girl I asked out with the suit and flowers, one year ago on Feb first,(I picked the first to ask that girl out because it was easy to tell how long we had been going out)
) and I dont want 'K' to think I do that for every girl I ask out... man this got really complicated all of a sudden... Ok well I have to go finish getting ready for Drill Practice (I don't wake up looking this good)
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Thursday News "Funny Story"
OK, the big drill meet is in two days now (Dun dun dun). Ok so the girl I talked about two days ago we will call her 'K'. We live in the same neighborhood and since she has a car and i dont :( She offered to give me a ride (For those of you who don't know She is in rotc too) to practice. SHe was supposed to pick me up at my house at 8:45... it was 8:50 so I called her house (Dun dun dun). She picks up "Hello?" in a weak voice... It turns out i woke her up. SO she says "Ooops!" and tells me to come in through the back door and watch TV on the couch. (I think to my self, why the back door, could it be no it couldn't be, (I'm a bad boy)) So i cut through yards to get to her backyard, I pause... I hear a hose runing in the front yard... It is her dad washing his car at 8:55 in the morning 'awkward' So since I don't want to look like a perv and randomly end up in her house living room when he goes inside I walk the long way. As I go up the big hill her dad pass's me in the suv fakes like he wants to hit me smiles and waves, I wave back. So five minutes later I get to her house. I look and see her car in the drive way but her mom's jeep is in the garage (I looked in the garage just in case, thank the lord I did) So I go to ring the doorbell but before I can "Bark Bark Bark Bark"(Scratch scratch scratch) Her to tiny dogs come scampering across the wooden floor and alert the entire neighborhood of my aproach to the door. After 2 minutes of growling and barking her mom comes down stairs opens the door and immediatley the too tiny but ferocious dogs jump me I swat them down gently and Her mom hands me two treats I share these delights with my two new best friends, Chewbacca and Lil Bit. 'Chewy' is a licker I sit down on the couch Chewy jumps up and gives me a fat kiss on the lips I have to fight this dog away just to get him to stop licking me. Lil Bit o the other hand has a different quirk she likes to be scratch on the but... so Chewy is licking me and Lil Bit is putting Its butt in my face. I had to endure this for an hour before 'K' is ready to leave. Why does it take girls so long to get ready??!!! It is now 9:56 and she puts on her brand new shoes (I hear about them alot today) And we get into the car. It takes about 11 minutes to ge tto school (It would take a legal driver 15-20 minutes to get there) So we get there and practice drill until 12:30 we head back to the rotc area and wait for our pizza to come (Me being the gentleman that I am offered to share my pizza with 'K' because she did not have any money) During this she peels off all the pepperonis and gives them away to anyone that will eat them. In the midst of the pepperoni fight her friend 'O' pulls her off to the side (Me being a little paranoid and all notice this as well as every other conversation going on at the same time) However they were to far away for me to hear but one can only guess what the conversation topic was (Me). So 'K' leaves with 'O' 30 seconds later 'O' enters the room alone and signals me to come over... I know what she is going to say by the look on her face. She tells me that I should ask 'K' out one more time because she talked to her and 'K' likes me and that 'O' is quite positive that she will say yes. I say "thanks for the heads up" and mumble just loud and clear enough for her to understand "now I have to plan something" (Up until now every girl I have asked out has never been able to say no because I really don't let them, come on to all the girls out there, would you say 'no' to a guy in a suit with flowers while he was on his knee in front of half the school... If you say know to this you are pretty cold hearted If you think I am cold hearted well you are wrong You dont know how much guts it takes to do stuff like that) Anyway I will share my plan with you guys later.
wow long post
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Good morning everyone
Hello it is 8 o'clock and ill be leving for school in 45 minutes the rest of the week is fall break but i Have a drill meet for rotc so we are goin to practice from 9 to 2 woot 5 hours of fun... that was sarcasm...
ok so please read yesterdays post and comment or private message me
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Okay... I need some help on this one... from anyone
Okay since I can'task anyone around me I thought I'd ask a bunch of people I don't know, makes sense right anyways I, believe it or not am having girl trouble, yeah I know your saying how can a good lookin guy like me have girl troubles... ok if your done laughing... ok ... are you done laughing yet?
Down to my serious question.
First I would like to know your thoughts on a guy dating a girl older than him )by more then a year). Also I have asked her out before and she has said "My parents won't let you unless you 'date' them" in other words I have to show her dad and her mom that I will respect their daughter (which i do) Then I asked her what her answer was not her parents then she said "I don't kknow, maybe" and left to go home. She is a Senior and I am a Junior.
I need to know what you guys think
Should I go for it and talk to her parents, keep prying an answer out of her, or just drop it.
I relly don't know, I have and will continue to pray on this bbut I ned a little help from my friends *Starts singing Beetles song*
Please get your friends to come and comment as well
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My dog just entered the room...
Ok i am sore from yesterday. I rode my bike 4 miles in about 13-15 minutes. My quads and 'glutes' are relly tender... (awkward silence) Oooookaay, Anywayss today was a workout day for rotc and i did surprisingly well even if i only did 45 pushups and 160 stups in cadence. So i have 2 more days to workout and get up to 55 pushups and 200 situps wish me luck im gonna go work out.
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Monday, October 17, 2005
And nine days later i decide to post once again...
Okay so right now i am recovering from pnemonia and during this 3 week period i have not been able to work out at all, and i have a rotc drill meet this weekend... in this drill meet there is a athletic devision and i am on that i have to do pushups and situps, and i havent been able to work out for three weeks THREE WEEKS!!!! So I am having to workout rapidly to get back to over 50 pushups. So I would really appreciate it if you all would pray for me this saturday morning. While I attemtp to compete in the drill meet
Thank you all,
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
yup here is a quiz

What Anime Mood Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Hi everyone!
IM sorry i havent posted in a while im gonna try and change that so im back and sadly i have pnemonia i think i spelled that right oh well im sick and im stuck in bed rest so i cant do anything it is really lame oh well have a nice day everyone
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