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Cheila Figueroa
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Animation/Manga Artist
Real Name
Cheila Figueroa
Passing All my classes
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
To become a Manga/Animation Artist
Draw and make up my own Manga's
Draw, Dance, Sing, and Soccer player.
Hey People's my name is Cheila Figueroa, i live in Texas I love manga so i'm starting one of my own it's called A.M. Adventure, it's my first and i want people's to E-mail me and tell me what you think about it when im finally finished, i will keep you informed ok
P.S. If you visit my site Please sign my guess book!
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Hey peoples Im just relaxin!!
Hey people Im sooo sorry I have not wrote in such a long time itīs just that Im maxin and relaxin in Mexico City and a friend I have over heer finnally just got internet, and I also just came back 4rom Cotija Michocan so you know Ive kinda been bussy traveling around Mexico, and I have also had more time to work on my story, plus draw new characters! Well I gots to run Iīll be chatin with ya laters.
Smile Alwayz ;)
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
A&N Adventures- More Info Just read!!!
AMARUKU is A boy that is 15 and he fights
on the streets of Japan to survive and in his fight's
he finds adventure with a girl named Nakume.
Nakume is 14, she is a beautiful girl that Amaruku stumbles
on while she's on a serach for a mistic dimond that
belonged to her mother for many years before
she died.On the adventure they meet a very
werid boy named Turuku Munusho he is smart,
stuck up, and rich. Amaruku and Nakume
meet him at a tournament that Amaruku was fighting in
so he and Nakume could get money for food and supplies.
Turuku end's up making Amaruku mad by saying he's a
"nothing and that he would never win the tournament."
Then Amaruku gets offended by the stipid remark
And hits him streight in the face. He was nocked out
out but in the end Turuku wants to learn how to fight
just the way Amaruku does. So he packs his things in the
the middle of the night and escapes with his new friends
and the adventure begins. The bad guys or girls are
YoKo she was Nukume's mothers best friend Nukume
wants to avange her mothers death, that Yoko
started. Yoko druged Nukume's mom and then took the
most valuable thing Nukume's mother had it was the
mistique dimond. The dimond was the source of all the energy that
Nukume's mother poscessed she weakend and died two days
after the dimond was taken. She told her daughter that the dimond had
powers if she did'nt get it back then Yoko could do something
terrible but before her mother told her what the dimond could do
she died. Nukume's emotion's were uncontolable and it made
her scream for her mother not to go, but it was too late.
Nukume then traveled to Japan in search for Yoko.
Their are also some other villans that help Yoko.
#1 is called Fuke and # 2 is called Chow. Fuke's favorite
wepon is his glow sword, and Chow's favorite wepon is exploding
disks. They are powerful men that fallow Yoko's every order
but sometimes they have their slip-ups now and then, which gets them
in alot of trouble with Yoko. Yoko has a seceret, she can control
human's most of the time and tell them what to do so she has
a big advantage unless you have a good heart. Also, Nukume
pocesss powers that her mom taught her before she died, she can do
many powerful atacks with her energy and she also teaches
Amuruku how to do them she said he's an natural at learning techniques.
Amuruku said that he perfered a sword but that the techniques could
come in some use. While, Nukume is teaching him these techniques,
Turuku is on the computer at a cafe looking up documents for Nukume
on how to locate Yoko, he is tired but never gives up hope.
He really cares for Nukume that's something that burns up Amaruku,because
he said it was stupid to like her even though deep down Amaruku really
feels something for her too, but he does'nt know that Nukume feels just the same
way about him. That's really where the rivalry between Amaruku and Turuku
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
Guru has spoken. You share this result with 25% of respondents. What Tenchi Muyo Girl Are You?
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