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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Movie Night
So, this one time, I was at Scottie's place for a movie night. Our first movie was "The Emperor's New Groove," which just may be one of my favourite Disney movies ever. Now I know why Big A was pushing me to see the movie all summer. The next movie, the one that we are currently on, is "The Hills Have Eyes." Those types of movies bore me. I watched the first 20 minutes of the movie, decided that it was going to bore me, so I got online instead. I feel like I am being a poor sport, but I don't know what else there was for me to do. I didn't want to just sit there and not enjoy the movie at, yeah. I went shopping with my sister today, and it was glorious. We both spent WAY too much money, but it was a good time. I got my hair cut too. I also got new glasses, so with the haircut, I kind of looked emo today. The sad part is...I absolutely love the new look. I told my sister that I needed to buy some more black clothes so that I could pull off the emo look more often. She just laughed at me, and agreed. Hehe. Hey, I know I look good. =P (Yes, I am super-modest too) I go back to school on Wednesday, and I wanted a new look for that I feel good about myself in that aspect as well. I love feeling good about myself. Although I am depressed on the inside about the end of the summer being upon me, I am overall still happy with my life, and especially happy with the way I look. It's still a new feeling for me, to be happy with life, so I am still going to rave about it. For all of my regular readers (if there are any), thanks for reading up on my life. I appreciate it. It may be boring to you, but to me is fun and exciting...and I just have to talk about it. So, yeah. I have run out of things to talk about. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, must find something else to do...aluve'
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Friday, August 18, 2006
It's All Over Now
So, after 8 weeks of going completely insane, it's all over. Today was the last day of camp for the summer. :-( It's such a bittersweet feeling...that's all I can describe it as. On one hand, it's good to be home, but on the other hand, I would love to be able to go back to work on Sunday morning like I did all summer. It'll be strange to stay at home all day on Sunday. I don't get much of a break though, because on Wednesday, I leave for school. It's crazy. Where did the summer go? It'll be hard to leave the glorious people that I worked with all summer and get back into the swing of things back at school, and I know that dealing with some of my old school friends will be interesting as well. Such is life. (Which I still love, by the way). Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, does not feel like writing any more of this blog...aluve'

What Is Your Ideal Sword?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
It's Saturday, and I am bored...
So, this one time, I went out shopping with my sister in the morning. It was a good time...we stopped and cashed her paycheck, only to be waited on by Scottie's roommate's girlfriend, so that was pretty cool. Then she got some stuff for camp, and we left to JoAnne Fabrics so that I could get two orange gel pens. A girl that I work with, Heather, and I are planning to make a songbook for Ernie, the counselor that is leaving for CA in a week. Then we went to Dunkin' Donuts to get some nice caffeine -- she got a coffee coolatta while I just got an iced coffee (which I am still on the caffeine high from, if you cannot tell). After that, we went to the mall to get new sunglasses, and I must say that I absolutely love the pair that I got. They make me feel good about myself, along with the way that the rest of my life is going. Let me tell you, that is quite the accomplishment for me, to feel good about myself and all. After the sunglasses, we went to FYE (also in the mall), and I ended up getting an N*Sync CD for $4.00. *le sigh* Again with the Boy Bands...but unfortunately I cannot help it. I blame camp for that one. Let's see, after that we went to Claire's so she could get a pair of leggings, and she bought me a ring for 50 cents. =P Oh, what else? When I came home, I did some more packing for college. Although I am not leaving for a couple of weeks yet, I would like to have everything packed before the end of camp so I am not rushing around trying to get everything done before I leave. that's a depressing thought. I really don't want to have to leave. I knew this was going to happen. I feel that I have grown up from what I was when I left school, that it's just crazy. I was sitting in my house last night, and I was thinking that although I hate the town in which I live, I am no longer as arrogant as I used to be about it. I used to think to myself that I am better than all of the people left here, and I knew it, and would talk down to some people, scorn the name of the town, etc. Now, I am still arrogant about it, but it is all internal. I mean, I know that I have more of a future by leaving this place and going off to college and all, but I do not think so lowly about this plce anymore. It IS my home, afterall. I guess I have come to terms with that. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has better things to do...aluve'
You Are Dr. Bunsen Honeydew | 
You take the title "mad scientist" to the extreme -with very scary things coming out of your lab.
And you've invented some pretty cool things, from a banana sharpener to a robot politician.
But while you're busy turning gold into cottage cheese, you need to watch out for poor little Beaker!
"Oh, that's very naughty, Beaker! Now you eat these paper clips this minute." |
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Week 5
So, this one time, I still loved my life. This week was another good week for the most part. One of the most annoying kids from last summer was one of my favourite campers this week. I love how things like that can happen. There were some down points to the week, however, as there is always going to be. The first instance was on Tuesday, which was my night off. It started out well, and then I got lectured by our assistant director, Krisha, about my eating habits (or the lack thereof). I always get pissed when people try to force me to eat when they know nothing of my past, but then again, I do not want to talk about that part of my life, so they won't know. That put me in a bad mood, and then we went swimming. It was more like Scottie pulled me into the water with the rest of the counselors, but that's how it goes. We got yelled at because of the swimming by someone on a powertrip, and my night just sucked. Then on Thursday, I had another incident on the High Ropes course where I broke the p-cord, and it was Andy's turn to go up and fix the element. Again, we sent the kids to the waterfront, and enjoyed the time up in the tree. Then I sat at dinner with Scottie's cabin, because the table that my cabin was sitting at was full. He had a kid that was showing signs of anorexia, and it really depressed me. I didn't want to see an 11-year-old boy have to go through such a thing. I know from experience that it's no walk in the park whatsoever. Then later that night we had the new staff initiation, and then had an emotional campfire. Our program coordinato, Ernie, is leaving next week to go to CA to go to a good culinary arts school. He's been with camp for 3 years now, and it's going to be real hard to have to say goodbye to him. He made a speech at the campfire, and didn't leave a single dry eye. the majority of the week went well though, and my cabin was amazing once again. I am loving it. It's depressing to think of the fact that there are only 2 weeks remaining...I really don't want to go back to school. I have changed a lot, and although it's all for the better, I don't know how other people are going to take it. It's strange...because I know that I am a better person because of it, but I don't know if my friends back at school will be able to appreciate that fact. *shrugs* We'll just have to wait and see for when the time comes.
Anywho, that's all I have for the time being. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to babysit the siblings...aluve'
You Are a Boston Creme Donut | 
You have a tough exterior. No one wants to mess with you.
But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out. |
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
RIP Shmeagol
So, this one time, I came home on a Friday after staying late to help out my boss at camp, and my mom forgets to tell me that my anole, Shmeagol, passed away on Wednesday. After being home for an hour, she pulls the "By the way, your lizard died on Wednesday, and I was afraid to tell you." I couldn't help but giggle at that. I figured that he was on his way out when he stopped eating...again. I know that anoles don't have long life spans, so I chose to not get too attached to him. No biggie. I'll just have to get another pet when I get back to college.
In other news, this week was amazing for me. My girls were so good. I had 7 girls, all of them 11. My classes went smoothly as well, except for an incident on Tuesday's first class. Andy and I were setting up one of our elements (the Multi-Line) and right off, both of us knew that we were going to have a bad had stormed out that morning, and it just threw everything off. The first thing that I did was the snap the p-cord to bring up the dynamic rope. It was still halfway through the pulley, however, so in theory, I was just going to have to use the bear claws to climb up half of the element to pull the dynamic cord the rest of the way through. After I went to get the bear claws, I started to climb the tree, and I hear Andy basically say "Oh Shit." As I looked up, the dynamic cord fell out of the pulley. I just laughed to myself, and climbed up the rest of the way of the element (about 60 or 70 feet). I was up there for about an hour and a half, with Andy on the ground, the both of us trying to figure out what to do. Eventually we got the p-cord up on one of the cables of the element, which I strung through the safety belay device, and eventually got across the element to fix it. I am not going to lie, it was quite nerve-racking. I had the kids in the class go away from the high ropes course, because I was thinking to myself that it was so damned slippery up in the tree, that if I fell, I definitely did not want the kids to have to experience it. Luckily, I got through the element alive and safe, just a little shakey after getting out of the tree.
Then there was the weekend (actually, it was 10:30 on Friday night), where I went to Denny's with the camp crew. There we were, singing songs from RENT, after having ordered our drinks, and getting ready to order our food, when the waittress came back with the drink orders. She ended up spilling two sprites down my back. I was not pleased. Actually, I was extremely pleased with the way I reacted -- I waited for the waittress to leave until I exploded. I calmed down a couple of hours later with a couple of Schmirnoff peach iced teas (which are absolutely amazing, by the way).
Overall, it was an interesting week. I am certainly not going to complain. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to take her sister to work...aluve'
You Are a Mango Margarita | 
Complex and sophisticated, you're the type most likely to order a round of twelve dollar designer margaritas.
You also entertain with flair, and you've whipped up a few original signature drinks in your time! |
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Week 3
This weekend, I am exhausted. It was a long week with a cabin of 8 girls. Half of them were angels for me, and the other half were absolute hellions. It was an interesting and stressful week. My sister was supposed to be in the cabin with me throughout the week, but an incident on Sunday made her leave until Thursday. Needless to say, I needed her there this week. I was glad to have the week be over, although I will miss a few of the campers that were not in my cabin.
Right now, I am pissed off, so I am not really in the mood to blog. Last night I spent with the camp crew, and it got kind of boring, so a few of us left to watch a movie at one of the counselor's apartments, and then I passed out and stayed the night there. Today, I went to the zoo with the family, and then I went to watch a friend sing and dance at a festival, which was pretty cool.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, still loves life, but is not in the mood to talk about it right now...aluve'
You Are 40% Lady

You tend to make up your rules of etiquette, throwing all conventions aside.
And while you try to be a lady (sometimes), your behavior is often quite shocking.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
The Weekend
To make a long story short, I had THE BEST WEEKEND EVER!
Thank you.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to Camp now...aluve'
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Friday, July 14, 2006
Week 2
So, I still am loving the job. This week was Tumble Camp/Cloverbud Camp. I had nine Cloverbud gals, ages 6-8. Since they were the little ones, they only stayed Monday-Wednesday. The girls were amazing for me. They were a little slow with getting things done, but they were little, and I let it slide. On Tuesday I had a breakdown that I didn't see coming -- it started off with my girls taking half an hour in the shower in the morning, and just as long to get dressed. We only had a half an hour for shower time before we had to go set up for breakfast, so I had to yell at them for that. Then I had a high ropes session to teach by myself, and I had to run all over camp to find the keys to the shed to get out the equipment, set up the course, and take the keys back across camp all in 10 minutes time. I only had 3 girls, and the course was taking me a lot longer to set up than it should have due to me being stressed. The girls got huffy, but I got it all set up. The first girl went up with no problem...the second girl got up on the obstacle, and there was an announcement over the loudspeaker saying that all of the campers and camp staff had to meet in the lodge due to a huge storm that was heading our way. So, I told the girl up on the element that she had to get down, and she said that she didn't want to; she wanted to complete the challenge. I threatened to come up and get her, which got her done. I had them wait in the shed while I took down the course. Then another announcement came on, saying to get up to the lodge NOW. Shit, I thought, I still have to coil the ropes. I ended up coiling up two of the three before the third announcement. I told the girls that they had my permission to run to the lodge while I locked up. Still in my harness, I ran up with them. After that fiasco, it was time for lunch. Already stressed out, I just wanted to relax at lunch. Of course, that was not going to happen. All of the campers at my table decided that it would be hilarious to all call my name just to say "hi." I tolerated that for about 20 minutes, and then I went outside to take a few deep breaths and try to calm down. I told myself that it wasn't worth getting worked up over, and calmed down a little bit. When I went back inside, all of my girls came up to me, calling my name, hugging me, etc. I looked to another counselor, and just started crying. Luckily, he got the girls away from me so I could go back outside and relieve my stress. I ended up getting a half an hour off so I could go relax in the staff lounge, and when I got back to my cabin, all of my girls apologized to me. Yes...they were amazing.
It's funny to say that that wasn't the worst part of the week. On Thursday, I had to go to the Emergency Room. Fun times, right? Well, here's the story:
I woke up in a good mood -- I didn't have any kids to worry about for the rest of the week, and although I didn't get much sleep, I felt rested. Breakfast went fine, and then all of the counselors had some time off so the kids could do their tumble classes. After the classes, we had free swim. I was talking to a counselor in her cabin, when a snake came in. Since all of the girls in her cabin were in their bathing suits (and I elected to take care of any snake problems with another male counselor that I work with), I decided to get rid of it ASAP. I picked it up with no problem and took it out of the cabin. I noticed that it was to shed soon, but thought nothing of it. That is, I thought nothing of it until it bit me. The loose skin gave it just enough room to bend its head up and strike my thumb 5 times. I dropped the little fucker, and called over the counselor that is the other "snake charmer." I was pissed because I got bit by a little 1.5 foot snake when I was taking care of 4-5 foot rat snakes all last week. I went up to the nurse to get it looked at and cleaned, and then I had to go to the emergency room. I hated going there...the people were super rude to me, they didn't know what kind of snake bit me or if it was venomous, and just gave me a bunch of shit. I had to get a shot of some sort of super antibiotics that basically made me out of it for the rest of the day. When I got back to camp, I wasn't allowed to teach the high ropes like I was supposed to due to liability reasons, which I understand. It still pissed me off. It's all good though -- my hand has feeling back in it, I got paid today, I got some great news last night, and I am just sitting here, loving life. That's not a bad thing, right? I know it isn't.
Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to make plans for the night...aluve'
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A | 
You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter |
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
I Love My Life
I really do...

Yes...I love my life. My job is the best ever!
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off'
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Happiness, Camp, etc.
To make a long story short, this summer at camp is going to be amazing.
What? you're an eager reader? Nothing better to do? Wish that Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, would expand on such optimistic thoughts? Splendid! That I can do.
So, this week was Staff Training. There are 20 counselors this year. Er...make that 19. The head lifeguard quit because she "wasn't a camp person." It happens, but she brought it upon herself by keeping herself apart from the group. Anywho, staff training went by splendiferously. Our assistant director was my first camp counselor, and she's been in the camp scene for 8 years now, which is much better than last year's assistant director. the group as a whole is getting along amazingly. Of course, not everyone likes everyone, but that happens, and we deal with it. This year, I am co-coordinator of the High Ropes Course, which is one of the main reasons for me coming back this year. On Thursday, the other coordinator and I spent all day up in the trees. We had to replace some safety devices. I wish I could put into words the sensations that I was experiencing while up in the tree. To put it simply, it was amazing. I had a beautiful view of the lake, and there was a hawk that flew right past me, probably 30 feet away or so. Then there's the fact that I was just strapped to the tree so that I could just hang there hands-free 60 feet in the air...ohmigoshness, it was just such a rush. I love the ropes course. It just makes me so happy. That feeling has carried on through today, which is Saturday. just the feeling of happiness and feeling...I don't know...somehow free of any burdens that I may have been carrying. It's difficult to explain, but I know what I am feeling.
Another good way to tell that we have a good group is that fact that we all went out to dinner at Applebee's last night and had a GREAT time. (Unlike last year, where we just hung out to drink and party, etc.) We had to wait for an hour to get seated, but that was because there were 25 of us. We stayed for a couple of hours, just having a good time, and then we went to one of the counselor's apartments to watch a movie, but we ended up watching "So You Think You Can Dance" instead. That was fine with me...I have never watched the show before, but one of the counselors, who just happens to be the other coordinator of the High Ropes course, is going to audition for the show the next time around, which is awesome. We are all hoping that he makes it, of course, since dancing is basically his major in college. It would be great to watch the show and just be like "Hey, I worked with that person."
The Week was also full of a lot of new things for me. Take, for example, that I have completely opened up compared with last summer. Or how I willingly put on a bathing suit and went swimming. Hell, I even passed my swim test so that I could swim with the rest of the counselors. Now that is a feat. Last summer I wouldn't get in the water on my own free will whatsoever. So, yeah. Good times indeed.
Today, I went shopping (on my own free will) for some new clothes and some camp goodies. I ended up buying $40 of clothes in TJ Maxx, and a CD in FYE. I also bought the twins a birthday gif, since I won't be here for their 4th birthday this week.
So, in conclusion, life is good, I love my job and all of the people I work with, and being in this hyper-happy mood absolutely rocks!
I love my life.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'

What Color Are Your Anime Eyes?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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