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Thursday, June 22, 2006
So, today I got to go visit Nicole, for, well, the entire day. It was great. We did a LOT of talking, which I really miss being able to do. Up at college, I don't have a real good girl friend that I can just sit down and talk to...I mean, my roommate it great and all, but we're just not that close. Anywho, yes, it was a good day. Besides talking, we played some darts, played a lot of spastic DDR (hehe), and played some darts. Did I mention how much time we spent talking? I also gave her my graduation gift to her, which I think she enjoyed (even though she called me a tool). When her parents came home, we played a card game with them, and then I went home.
Overall, it was a good day. I start camp on Sunday, which I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, I am ready to get out of the house and be active...being a counselor definitely keeps me busy. Plus, when I am busy, time goes by faster, and that means the summer will go by more quickly. On the other hand, I won't be able to talk to Mitchel all week, so there will be letter-writing aplenty. ^_^
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to talk to some company...aluve'
You Are a Banana Coconut Frappuccino | 
A cheeky monkey with exotic tastes, you get pretty playful when you're hopped up on coffee. |
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Monday, June 19, 2006
It's Been A Long Time
I have the hiccups right now. They're making my tummy hurt.
That's about the most entertaining thing that has happened so far this week. I spend all of last week working at camp as a temporary maintinance worker, and this week I have off. I start working as a counselor on Sunday. I can't believe that it's almost here. I am looking forward to it though. Camp keeps me busy, and before I know it, I'll be back to college, feeling at home once again.
It's a great feeling, really. Feeling loved and accepted. Of course, I am looking forward most to seeing my Mitchel.
Ohmigoshness. I was walking with my Mumsie today, and I think I finally came to the realization that I am going to be 20 soon. I realized that I need a new wardrobe too. I have had a lot of the same clothes since high school. Like I was telling her, the clothes were fine for a 16-year-old, but I need to get some things that are a bit more mature. I don't know if that makes sense to you (the faithful reader)...but it makes sense to me. I also want a suit. I would love to have a nice suit.
Unfortunately, these things cost money...something I am trying to save to keep paying for college. Who am I kidding? I am so stingy with money that it's rediculous. At least I know that I am good with money though.
So, yeah...a lot of nothing in this post, but...oh well. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to watch Family Guy...aluve'
Which Ajah of Aes Sedai are you? (With pictures)
 Congratulations! You are of the Blue Ajah. Involving themselves with causes and justice, Blue Sisters are very loyal to those they serve in the White Tower. Although they may be labeled as meddlesome and manipulative, the Blue Ajah is extremely intelligent and looks out for the good of the people. They will do whatever it takes to see justice done, and their tasks completed. Positive traits include determination and quick thinking. Take this quiz!

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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Too many dreams
I have learned that dreaming not only leads to restless sleep, but confusing mornings. Since I came home from Massachusetts, I have been having some strange-ass dreams. The first series of dreams had me running from, or being chased by...something. I don't know what it was, but I know that it was not of this world, and that it was evil. I was in a palace room, or what seemed like one, that was completely marble, or some other nicely polished stone. There wasn't anything in the room at all, except a few torches for lighting, and something in the center of the room...a statue or something. I didn't know what exactly it was because I never got close enough to it, but I knew that I had to keep it out of the reach of whatever was chasing me. I had that dream a couple nights in a row, each night the dream became a little longer, and I ran a little further.
Unfortunately, the next dream that I had, I don't really remember anything of it. All I know is that I woke up with my heart racing...I was scared, and I didn't know what of. I know that this time I was being hunted, not chased. There is a difference.
The dream that I had last night was the strangest of them all (since I got home, that is). Mitch is having another surgery on his eye on the 8th, and I drempt of that. I went to the hospital with him; I was in the waiting room while he was having his surgery. The doctors came out and told me that Mitch was too sick to have the normal surgery performed on him. Instead of giving him the new cornea that he was supposed to receive, he got an eye of gold. It looked like an eye, with the iris and pupil and all, but it was made out of gold. It was so strange, but it made me cry. I know that much.
I have been telling Mitch about these dreams that I have been having. He said that I get weird when he has to go in the hospital, but rightly so. It's strange how it can affect me so. *shrugs* I can only hope that I get some sleep tonight...which seems to be highly unlikely lately.
Anywho, I started work today. I am doing maitenence (or however the hell you spell it) at camp until staff training starts. It gets me out of the house, and I get paid for it. How can I complain? My arms are killing me tonight, but it's only day 1. I'll have to suck it up and deal with it. ^_^ No worries.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to a jig. That's right, a jig...aluve'

What Persocom Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Jack Shit and Company
You don't know Jack Shit
I know him well
I'm serious--
Jack is the son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack. In turn Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, the deeply religious couple produced 6 children
Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins: Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt. Against her parents' objections, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school drop out.
However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later remarried Ted Sherlock and, because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name.
She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition, Chicken Schitt.
Two other of the 6 children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.
The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.
So there.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, thought you would enjoy that...aluve'
You Are a Green Apple Jelly Bean

Of all the flavors, you're the most complex and the most real. A little sweet, a little sour, and totally tangy. People can't describe you, but they love you!
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Home Again
Well, I am home again. I went to Massachusetts last week to visit Mitch. I took the train for the first time in years -- it was a 7.5 hour train ride, but it was definitely worth it. Of course, it would have been quicker to drive, but at the price that I got the train tickets, there was no doubt that that was the way to go. (Granted, my train leaving to MA was 3 hours late, but that was only a minor hinderance.) Although he doesn't believe it, I had a great time there. There were a couple of setbacks that kind of dampered the mood for a little bit, but that was something that was dealt with by conquering the galaxy in an X-Box game. I enjoyed spending the week there, baking cookies upon request, playing DDR with his little sister, watching the Red Sox games all week, and just having a good time with my boyfriend. I felt kind of silly when I left on the train because I was crying, but at least it shows that I care. I slept terrible last night, being my first night back home...I just felt so alone. I fell asleep just fine, since I was tired from the train ride and all, but my sleep was restless, and I couldn't stay asleep. I hope that it gets better, because I know that I will need my sleep for when work starts up again. *shrugs* This afternoon I am going to go to a parade, since it is my high school's parade season again. I don't have high hopes for them this season -- they are a small band (smaller than usual), but real young. It's too bad too; they have a lot of potential. Nothing I can do about it though. Anyway, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to go babysit...aluve'

What Inuyasha Human-Demon Mix Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
So, it's a little more than my first full week back from college, and I already miss it. I miss being absolutely swamped with work, I miss hanging out with the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega, I miss having a Dunkin' Donuts down the road, and the wraps from Empire that I would get for my meal for the day. I get bored at home, that's what it comes down to. I mean, I love being home and being able to talk to my mom late at night, or being able to play with my little brother and sister, or have healthy vegetarian things to eat in the house, or having time to work out (I have fallen in love with pilates), or having time to catch up on my reading...just having extra time in general. I love the college life though, and that's what it comes down to. The best thing that has happened since I got home, however, was one night last week when I was talking to Mitch (because that's all I talk to on AIM), and I told him that I loved him, and I meant it with all my heart. For our 6 month anniverssary, I sent him two pictures of us from APO sectionals, and a book of happy thoughts, in which I circled the quote:
"when i fell in love,
I started to live like
I'd never lived before."
I was too scared at that point to tell him straight out, but I realized, after I said it, that it was a glorious thing to say. ^_^ So, yeah, Artemis is happy. Um...that's all I have for now. Happy Mother's Day to all those who deserve it...Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to do pilates...aluve'

What Darker Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
So, I'm A Bad Person Now...
Listen to me, you ignorant, self-centered bitch. I went through the process of tearing that little IM of yours to shreds.
"I don't know what your fucking problem is, but I want you to leave me the fuck alone."
I was leaving you the fuck alone; I thought you figured that out when I went out of my way to avoid all fucking contact with you. Notice how for the last couple of months the only words I spoke to you was, "Physics Books, I want them back". I also had no problem, The Polish thing wasn't directed at you, I thought writing "And people who think everything is about them" would have tipped you the hell off, and by the way, I didn't put that fucking Shmoo up there either. My problem is that you kept erasing what I had put up, and I don't stand for that shit so I kept putting it right back up there.
"I am sick of putting up with your 'woe is me' bullshit."
I loved this part. Remember that one time I IM'd you while you were drunk? I told you I felt shitty? Huh? That was the one time I was actually serious about feeling like shit and could have used some cheering up. Your reply? "Oh, pity party Ross 201" That was the last straw for me, that was the point where I snapped and said to myself, "Fuck this Bitch". Guess what, your whole life is a fucking pity party, its always people at theater hate me, Jillian is being a bitch, my family sucks, I have too much schoolwork to do, people on my floor don't like me, my roommate sucks, I don't want to hang out with my boyfriend, does that make me a bad person?, life is hard, I'm allergic to apples, I have to bring up that I had an eating disorder at least twice a week, meat tastes bad to me, did I mention that people at theater don't like me?, Kip is spreading rumors about me, people fucking stalk me, the bitches in my fucking T Shirt club don't like me for some reason, people at camp don't like me, people at home don't like me, blah blah fucking blah. With this many people that don't like you have you ever stopped and thought to yourself, "Wow, maybe I am a complete and total bitch and that's why people hate me?". You thrive on pity, its what fuels you. Everything about you is woe is fucking me, well guess what; other people have it much worse than you, you stupid self-centered bitch. At first I tried consoling you all the time to maybe cheer you up, but you weren't after that, you wanted everyone to feel bad for you. I got sick of your "woe is me" bullshit.
"You have doe nothing but treated me like shit this semester, and I put up with it."
So being truthful is treating you like shit? Putting time aside for you is treating you like shit? Helping you when you ask for it is treating you like shit? Taking hours out of my day to tutor your dumb ass in physics is treating you like shit? This is another statement that once again you got ass backwards. I was the one treated like complete shit, and I am the one who put up with it. You fucking lied to me hardcore, first about the Mitch thing, then about the weed, and don't even think to yourself that it wasn't a lie because you never actually said it. You put up a visage, masking your true self to me, and you did it purposely. You hid the fact that you were a stoner and you hid the fact that you were dating Mitch. All of a sudden you started completely ignoring me. I would make plans with you days in advance and you would still cancel them. Like that one night we were supposed to watch Fight Club. Mitch was late, so you pushed back the movie, it wasn't, "Oh sorry Mitch, I promised Chris I would watch this movie with him, can we just hang out later tonight?" no it was fuck you Chris, your time isn't important to me, and I don't give a fuck if you were pushing off doing homework to spend time with me. When I make plans with somebody I keep them. Whenever I told you something you did that upset me I was being truthful, I wasn't about to lie to somebody whom I assumed was a good friend, but whenever I told you something you turned it right back around at me. I only brought something up if it was making me feel bad, but when I brought it up and told you how you were mistreating me you would go on your fucking little, "I don't like feeling like I should apologize to you" speech, which in turn made me feel worse. So I was put in the situation of either grit my teeth and hide my emotions or be truthful and feel even worse cause I managed to upset you.
I also love how at one point you would only come down and interact with me when you needed something, paper, use of my printer, help with a problem, etc. and how when I mentioned it you would give me shit. I also love seeing you do the same thing to Mike and Bill. After the play was over did you hang out with Bill at all now that he had already helped you with the lights? Have you hung out with Mike when you don't need to use his printer? Do you even stop and chat with Dan?
"No more. Stop trying to make me miserable and acting like Jillian, and move on with your fucking life."
Once again, I had moved on. I wasn't talking to you and I wasn't doing anything to bother you, I had dropped the subject and just pushed you the fuck out of my life. You want to know why every time I see you I would just glare at you? It is because every time I see you, hear you, or even smell that fucking perfume you use I am reminded of how much you fucking hurt me, I get pissed off and sick to my stomach. I was not trying to make you fucking miserable, I'm not a cruel person, once again not everything is about you, you self centered bitch. Also, how the fuck am I like Jillian? The only thing I see that I have in common with her is that I hate your fucking guts. If its something along the lines of I have been trying to turn the rest of the guys against you, you are way off base. I have mentioned to both of them that my problem was just with you, and I knew that they were still friendly with you. I told them that I wouldn't hold it against them for it because that would be a bastard thing to do. Not that saying it to you would make any difference but I see myself as a reasonable person, I make rational decisions and I'm not a complete fucktard when it comes to other people. You on the other hand must have fabricated this list of things I've been doing to make you miserable since I stopped talking to you in some attempt to justify your anger towards me.
"Just drop it."
I had dropped it; you brought it up again, and made me remember what I was trying to forget. Nothing would make me happier than to never have to see or talk to you again. I want you out of my life and I wish I could forget what you have done to me. In conclusion, shut the fuck up bitch, you are broken, leave me the hell alone, and good day.
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Total Slaughter,
Total Slaughter.
I won't leave a single man alive.
La de da de dai,
La de da de duh,
An ocean of blood.
Let's begin the killing time.
Yeah, that's my general feeling toward everything right about now. It's finals week for us, which means less free time than usual until the finals are over. I have 4 finals this semester: today I have Genetics, tomorrow is Organizational Behavious, and Wednesday is Physics II and Organic Chemistry II. The first two finals won't be that bad -- it's the two on Wednesday that I am worried about. >.< Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it except study. I am taking a break right now because I think I am overstudying for Genetics, which is usually counter-productive.
So, being the last week of school, of course I am rather down. I went out with Mitch the other night and bought myself Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I had a bootleg copy on my computer, but I realized that I wanted the real thing...yes, it's THAT good. ^_^ I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I will find time after finals. After we bought the movie, we went out to the movies and saw Silent Hill. In my opinion, it was horrible: the acting was mediocre, there was more plot in the Halo games, the CG sucked, and there were too many holes in the plot. Of course, that is my opinion. You can say otherwise, but you will be wrong. =P
Being the end of the semester and all, I seem to get depressed. I have to leave Mitch and my other friends behind, and go home, where I don't even feel like I belong anymore. I can't wait to get my own place after I graduate. Hopefully I will be able to graduate early and go to graduate school in the Boston area. That would be wonderful.
So, by now you're probably wondering why I put the genocide song at the beginning of the blog. Well, it's just the same shit that I have been dealing with all semester. I never thought I could go through so many emotions over a person inthe course of a semester. A fucking semester! He went from being my best friend to one of the people that I just want to kick in the balls and watch him writhe in pain. Of course, I am talking about Chris: He-who-can-do-no-wrong. Last night I went down to the second floor to ask my friend Mike to print off a paper for me, and I ended up sitting down there for a little bit to watch American Dad. Well, Chris walks by, like he always does when I am on the second floor, and then comes back, stands in the hallway, glares at me, and says "I want my physics books back." Then he leaves. I know he wants his fucking physics books back -- I am not a dumbass. I was tempted to go out last night and catch every one of them on fire...but then I realized that I still need to study for that damn class. Oh, another way he fucked me over! He told me that he would tutor me this semester with physics, and never did because he was being a fucktard and stopped talking to me. Now I am failing the goddamn class. I have never failed a class in my life. I am going to have to struggle to get a D+ in that class, let alone the C that I need. >.< But, no, I am the bad guy. I am always the fucking bad guy. I decided to move on in my life because I didn't have any reason to wait around for him to make up his fucking mind, and I am the one who is the bad guy. Because he "loved" me. He also only told me that after he found out that he couldn't have me anymore. He was only willing to fight for me by trying to be just one step ahead of Mitch. It's a pretty shitty friend that will try to ruin your happiness to make themselves happy. Rather selfish, if you ask me. No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. That's all I have to say. Now I am all worked up. *le sigh* Why can't the highschool bullshit stop when we get to college? That's all I want to know.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is, well, pissed off...aluve'

What Bleach Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
So, it's almost 2:00 in the morn, and I am wide awake. That's normal for a college student, I suppose. I just finished writing half of an Organic Chemistry Lab report that isn't due for another week yet, but I like to keep on top of things as much as possible. This weekend was a complete blur...I can't believe that it is Monday already. Let's see...on Friday I had a genetics exam, which went well, I went to a seminar about Zebra Fish, which was rather boring, and I spent a good amount of time with my Forensics group helping them with their final presentation this week. On Saturday, I helped Mitch clean his place, we had an event for Alpha Phi Omega that evening, I baked giant cookies for all of the brothers for the next day, and I went to a theatre party where I ended up drinking (which I really hate to do) and became rather intoxicated. On Sunday, there was the theatre Barbeque that I went to, which sucked because, well, I do not appreciate being laughed at because I choose to be a vegetarian, I went to work for a little bit, and then we had the APO inducton ceremony for the pledges to become brothers. After the ceremony there was a nice pasta dinner, followed by our GBM meeting and new e-board officer elections. I was running for President against Mitch, and sadly lost, but I got Vice President of Membership against my Big by default. Then I came back to my room to help out my forensics group again, and then tended to my own work. This leaves me wide awake at the moment, with nothing to do. I know that I should go to bed, although I have no interest in doing so. These next two weeks are going to be rather rough, much like it was last year. This week is dead week, which means that next week is finals week, and then I am going home for the summer. >.< Don't get me wrong...I love my family and all, I just hate being in my hometown. When I go there, I am all alone. I have one real friend at home, while the rest are all college friends that live miles away from me. I am going to end up leaving here on really bad terms with Chris, while I still have no idea what it was that I did to make him hate me so. I am going to have to leave Mitch, which will be uber hard due to the fact that I know that he is going to have surgery again on his eye, while I am at home working away, hoping that he will be alright. It's going to be hard. I don't want tocry when I leave, but I know that it's going to happen. I have to leave all of my APO brothers, and some of my friends are graduating, and there is a chance that I will never see them again. It's so depressing...and a depressed me is never a good thing. =( I know that I will be all right, because I always end up fine in the end. It's just the time that it takes to get to the end that is the hard part.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, will be fine...aluve'

What Type of Anime Site Could You Run?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
There Seems to be a Trend Here...
Another Tuesday, another post. Looks like it's becoming a trend. *shrugs* Luckily for you, some things have been going on that I will actually be able to talk about. I just don't know where to start. =P Lately there has been some whisperings of our theatre being torn down/sold due to the fact that the university doesn't want to power the old building that not many people use anymore. The thing is, people in the theatre club are throwing shit fits about it, wondering why the university could do such a thing to us. The incoming Vice President sent out an e-mail to all of us in the club telling us to all put suggestions in the student government suggestion box about keeping the building open. It doesn't make any sense to me at all, because even if everyone on campus put the same suggestion in the box, there is nothing that the student government can do about it...the university wants to make a business deal, not keep 20 or 30 college kids happy by keeping open the theatre that doesn't bring anything to the campus itself. I mean, yeah, it would be nice to be able to keep the building, but there is nothing we can do about it if the administration wants to sell it. That's all there is to it. I wish the people in the club would get their heads out of their asses and figure that out. Things would be so much easier that way. There is no logic behind what they are saying though, and it really bothers me. They think that going to the president and bitching is going to help. If the university wants to make a sound business decision, then there is nothing that we can do about it. It's as simple as that. We should be looking into the future to see what other options we have. We do not know when/if the selling of the building is going to happen, but it would be nice to be prepared in the event that it is, and no one wants to accept the fact that we are going to lose the building at some point in the near future. Stupid people will never cease to amaze me.
And speaking of stupidity, I came to a harsh realization today that almost made me cry. I realized that my half-assed work was getting better grades than the work that I actually spend a good amount of time on. I don't get the logic behind that, if there is any whatsoever, but it really bothers me. It's happened in a couple of classes so far. It makes me feel like the time that I have spent trying to better my work, my grades, and myself, have all been wasted, and it's rather disheartening.
This evening we had a ceremony for Alpha Phi Omega that was special to our chapter, and one of my favourites. It's a great bonding experience for all of the brothers and pledges, and although it is a long ceremony, I love it lots. It's something where you don't have to worry about what you say, because it is all said from the heart. I realized that tonight when I started talking about one of the symbols of the fraternity, and it made me start crying. I wasn't thinking about what I was saying before I said it, I just knew how I was going to start the mini-speech, and how it related, although I don't know if I ever got to how it related to the symbol due to my tears distracting me. Actually, I don't really remember what I actually said, to be perfectly honest. It was a good day, it was a bad day, but I will still and forever love my brothers. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to wait for Mitchel...aluve'

What Sailor Scout Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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