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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Tuesday. Nothing ever happens on Tuesday. I had lab this morning, and didn't get to finish it...I just barely got half of it done. Oh well, looks like my lab partner and I are going to snag some info from other people. Last night was an important meeting for theatre: we voted on new e-board members and for the show for next semester. I was running for Vice President, Tech Director, Treasurer, and Secretary. I was really hoping that I would get VP, but since it is all based on popularity (as they always are), I knew that I was not going to get it. I did get the treasurer position, though. It was rather depressing, actually, because not many people in theatre actually want to take the time to get to know me. I might feel right at home on stage, but there is no way that I can feel at home with the people that I act with, and I hate that feeling. It's not like I can do anything about it, but it sucks. Tony, the director, says that he isn;t coming back next semester either, which sucks as well, because I really enjoyed working with him. If he's not there, then my guess is that Tosca, one of my pledge brothers and our new tech director, will be our new director. I know that she will do a good job, it will just be different working with her instead of Tony. I don't know, I have just been thinking a lot lately, and that is never good for me.
On a happier note, our musical "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" went amazingly. I was so happy with the turnout. It was said to be the best that we have done in a long time...better than R.U.R. (And I loved R.U.R.)
Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to take a shower...aluve'

What Final Fantasy VII ShinRa Turk Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, April 3, 2006
APO Sectionals
This weekend I spent downstate at our APO sectionals. It was an interesting time. It was rather disorganized, which bothered not only myself, but Mitch and Matt as well. I think we dealt with it pretty well though. Matt and I were the delagates for our MO chapter, and we got to vote for our new section rep, and where next year's sectionals are going to be held. It made me feel special and such. After the meetings in the morning, the three of us decided to go to the mall instead of going to some workshops, and that was probably the best plan of action, so that we didn't get more annoyed with the rest of the brothers. That night we had a banquet and dance party, which was alot of fun. On Sunday, I worked, we had a pledge meeting, and then GBM. At GBM, we went over the normal business, and then opened nominations for next semester's e-board. I was nominated for president, VPM, and treasurer, I believe. It's funny, because I am going to be running against Mitch for president. So, that will be strange. Overall, it was a good weekend. Then came Sunday evening. That just sucked...I am not going to lie. It seemed like everything decided to go wrong. After GBM, I had to come back to my room to grab my laptop to go to the theatre, where I will be all week long. Going to my room, Chris was playing with his lacrosse stick in the hallway, and just stopped and glared at me when I passed by. That just pissed me off. I am so sick of dealing with that shit that I am going to snap on him very soon, and it won't be pretty. Then, at the theatre, I found out that I was not needed after about half an hour. That was a waste of time. Stressed out, I said something about it, and ended up leaving in tears. It's going to be a rough couple of weeks. This week is production week, and next week I have a physics exam and an organic chemistry exam within 24 hours of one another. >.< Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to class...aluve'

What Inuyasha Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Wide Awake
So, it's pretty early this morning, and I am wide awake, waiting for my organic chemistry lab to start at 8:00 this morning. Again, I didn't sleep well last night -- I tossed and turned all night. I knew it was going to be that way before I layed down. That happens when I am restless all day and such. It's only Tuesday, and I am just feeling completely burned out. I am going to be spending a lot of time at the theatre this week and next due to the musical being next weekend. This weekend we are going to sectionals for Alpha Phi Omega, which will be great. I love doing things with our APO group. They have become like family to me. ^_^ I mean, yeah, there are some people that I like more than others, but that doesn't affect my overall feeling toward the group as a whole. That is good, because I don't get the same feeling with the Theatre Company, that's for sure. I was nominated for a few e-board positions for theatre...let's see how that pans out. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to lab...aluve'

What Zelda Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, March 27, 2006
I'm the Energizer Bunny
I just keep going and going and going and going...not be choice all of the time. It seems that I may be slipping back into the habits of last year at this time once again. I can't seem to fall asleep easily lately, my eating habits are going to shit again, yadda, yadda. Same shit, different day. I layed down to go to sleep a couple hours ago, and lucky for me, someone in the next room was having sex, so I couldn't deal with that. Yay for thin walls. >.< Now I am watching a special on the History Channel about dwarves. It's really intersting, but I would like to sleep. Hitler wanted to find the gene for Dwarfism. Late night specials are fun. So, yeah, my mind is beginning to wander again, making it difficult for me to concentrate sometimes. I hope this is just a fleeting thing, because I don't want to go through the same shit again. Yeah...Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to try bed again...aluve'

What Mew Mew Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Better things to do
So, last week was spring break. It wasn't all too eventful -- I spent most of my time writing a genetics paper for extra credit and an organic chemistry lab report. I went out to lunch with my Grams on Tuesday, I had an eye appointment on Wednesday, which is also the same day that Mitch came to visit for the rest of the week. On Thursday, Mitch and I babysat my little cousins, and then went out and saw "V for Vendetta," which was a decent movie. On Friday, I took Mitch and my sister out to dinner since the parentals went away for the weekend, and then we watched Rent. On Saturday, I had a meeting in the morning with my boss for the summer, and saw a bunch of people that I worked with last summer at camp, so that was a good time. Then, I came back to babysit the twins, as well as make sure that my sister and her friend were good with the boys that they weren't supposed to have over. That night, my gram took Mitch, my sister, and I to see "The Music Man," a production that my best friend Nicole was the lead in. I was so proud of her...she did amazing! We went out to ice cream afterwards, which kicked my ass (being lactose intolerant and all), and then we came home to watch TV, and then sleep. On Sunday, I had to wake up early to watch the twins...but that was very difficult for me. I woke up feeling like shit, and I could barely stand. It was awful. At least the twins were good for me. My mom and Billy got home around noon, and Mitch and I left around 1. I couldn't drive back to school because I still felt like shit. I came back to have to go directly to work, which luckily didn't last all too long, and then I had GBM and a pledge meeting to attend. It was a long day. Overall, the break wasn't all too bad. Of course, there are other things that I should be worrying about right now, like a paper that I have yet to write, the housing lottery, how some people have reverted to being bitches/assholes to me once again, etc. At least I have learned who my real friends are...again. Oh, how life is funny. Like the title implies...I have better things to do. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is sick of being taken advantage of...aluve'

What Love Hina Girl Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
"It is important to love both the light and the dark, the good and the evil, for all are loved who walk the earth, and it is love that can move mountains, and love that can change the soul."
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Monday, March 6, 2006
Boo Everything
So, it's Monday, and I should be doing my Organic Chemistry lab report, but I am just not in the mood for it right now. It seems like I will be doing that all night tonight.
This weekend wasn't too bad. On Friday, we had an E-board meeting for APO, and then I had a meeting with the forensics group that I am mentoring. After that, Mitch, Matt (a guy from APO), and I went out shopping to get a couple of things for the fraternity. We watched South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, and then went to bed.
On Saturday, we went to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast, and then went to a program called "Knitting for the Needy" for five hours and, you guessed it, knitted. Five hours of knitting is rediculous, just so you know. He and I then went out shopping to get out of the town, and I ended up buying a Bilbo Baggins action figure for $4.00. I couldn't resist! When we got back, Mitch and I went and made a pasta dinner, which was pretty good. I got to sautee some mushrooms, which are always yummy. I did some work, part of Small Soldiers was watched, and I went to bed.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. This consisted of more homework, 3 hours of work, a missed pledge meeting, GBM, food, and then more homework/revieving my forensics group's lab report. Let's just say that project took more than an hour to correct. >.< After that, I was exhausted, so I passed out.
Which brings us to the current day of Monday. I got up a little later than I wanted to, so I didn't get a chance to make coffee. Oh well...shit happens. I don't want to do anything right now, and I can't wait until Friday comes so that I may go home and just get away from things here. I am sick of dealing with the same bullshit week in and week out. Anyway, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to try to do some work...aluve'

Which Witch Hunter Robin Witch Are You
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
No Feeling Right Now
I had an Organic Chemistry exam tonight. I think I did alright, but I am sure that I could have done better if I had memorized a couple more reactions. I am too hard on myself, that's for sure. It's only Tuesday, but it feels like it ought to be a Thursday. Today wasn't too bad of a day...I studied a lot. I also made myself sick in my Organic Chemistry lab this morning. What happened was that I didn't realize that there was some bromine residue left in my beaker. When I went to wash it out in the sink, there was a very small amount of acetone in the bottom of the sink, which reacted with the bromine to produce a noxious gas. It made me feel rather light-headed and nauseous. I know that I should have said something to my TA, but I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal. I don't think it really was -- I have had a headache and stomachache all day, but I am sure that they will both be gone by the morning. I was asked by a couple of people throughout the day if I was feeling alright, because I guess that I was out of it today. *shrugs* It happens from time to time...especially on exam days. At least spring break is coming up. I believe that I will be working on a research paper over the break. That's just like me...always doing work. Someday, I will learn how to relax and enjoy it. That probably won't be for a long while, but it'll be a goal of mine in life at some point.....Yeah. This weekend I am going to be knitting for a program called "Knitting for the Needy." It's where we are going to be knitting some squares to be later sewn together to make quilts. It'll be a good time, and it will also count toward service hours for Alpha Phi Omega. Might as well do something that I enjoy for 5 hours. ^_^ So...yeah. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to wait for Mitchel to call...aluve'
 You shelter a Earth
Terribly vain and proud of his control over most
living beings, the earth demon will drive you
to be just like him and very susceptible too.
Unlike the Demon of Darkness, you will be
hated and alone because of what you
could do to others . Only someone
sheltering a water demon may appease him and
help you get better.
What demon sleeps inside you ? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A couple of minutes.
Well, it seems as if I have a couple of minutes to myself this morning. That is a rare occasion indeed. So, I decided to spend the time "wisely" and write a blog. It's been a while anyway. Of course, nothing much has changed for me -- I am still busy as hell, still dating Mitchel, and still having problems with dealing with ignorance. The most recent bout of the latter occured last night. There are these two girls on my floor that bit friendly with the guys, if you catch my drift. Not only that, but they are loud and disrespectful of anoyne else on our floor. Plus, out RA likes one of them, so he doesn't say anything about it...EVER. Well, my roommate has PT on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so that means that she has to get up around 5:20. This also means that she needs to go to bed early. So, last night when she was planning on going to bed, she went over to their room to ask them if they could be quiet so that she may sleep. They flipped out and told her that they weren't being loud. So, they decided to retaliate that night when my roommate was trying to sleep. They continuously walked by our room, making sure to make a yelping noise every time they passed. One time, they made sure to say something along the lines of "Oh, I am glad that I am not ugly...and a bitch. I think I would have to go and kill myself." I was very tempted to go out there and just bitch at them for their lack of respect, but I realized that it wasn't worth the fight. I ended up staying at Mitch's place last night because I didn't want to deal with them all night. When I got back this morning, my roommate informed me that she and another girl on our floor with PT in the morning got their revenge. Bright and early at 7:00, they banged on the two loud girls' room and just started bitching at them for a good 10 minutes or so. As she was telling me in great detail, we realized that since these girls are so immature, we are going to have to lock our door constantly. Normally, we would not lock our door when we went to take a shower or something like that, but now we feel like we have to for fear of our belongings. Not only that, but I would fear for Shmeagol (my anole) as well. So,'s 10:43 right now, and I ought to get ready for my first class of the day. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is a quasi-functioning robot...aluve'
 yourz is "Sarcasm its only one of the services
i offer" get out there and show it off
Which Kick Ass Shirt Saying Are You?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
End Of February Break
Well, everyone got back today for the end of our February break. I stayed here over break, which is nothing unusual for me. It was a decent break overall, so I am not going to complain. I got to spend oodles of time with Mitch without worrying about how much homework I had to do or whatever. I also got some work done in advance so that I won't have to worry about it later this week. We start classes again tomorrow, and I am going to give blood after my Organic Chemistry class. Mitch and I made some awesome dinner for Valentine's Day, which also happens to be Weezer Day as well. That's right, Weezer Day. Anywho, for the Hallmark holiday, Mitch and I made a scrumtrulescent tomato and vegetable sauce with pasta and italian bread...I was so full afterward. I suppose it is good for me to get full from eating once in a while. I do believe that I was losing weight for a little bit, but after today's feast, I am not too sure. =P I watched Saw 2 tonight with Chris...that movie is screwed up. I was planning on staying in my own room tonight, but after watching that movie, I do believe that I will be staying down at Mitch's place. It's not so much that it was a scary movie as that it was gory, and I felt sick afterward. So, if I am going to sleep, I might as well be in a comfortable atmosphere. Fair enough, right? So, right now I am sitting here waiting for him to get out of roommate is asleep so I cannot really do any reading that I have to finish because she needs to get up in the morning for her ROTC PT training. I suppose I will just have to wait then. So, fun times ensue. I am kind of feling sick from a new drink that I had containing my mortal enemy ice cream. I tell you...being lactose intolerant as well as a vegetarian is not always a good combination. *shrugs* It happens. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to wait for Mitchel...aluve'
 Independent Angel
You are the independent Angel you like to do things
your way and how you want. You hate it when
people boss you around and you hate being put
down for doing your own thing. You wish
people would just leave you alone about it.
So what if you don't like the same things
everybody else does. You're still human, so you
strive to do everything your own way.
Your Quote is
Independence is happiness.
Susan B. Anthony
*`~What Angel do you embody?~`* (Many Results, Pretty Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
What a week I have had. I bombed a physics exam completely, but I flew through a genetics exam the next day with the greatest of ease. I got in a fight with Chris on Thursday night/Friday morning, and I hope that is all resolved now. I went over to State to hng out with Kyle and the Nik on Friday after classes...that was fun until the drinking began. I hate to drink, and I became annoyed with it after a much to the point of almost having an anxiety attack. I haven't had one since I was a senior in high school. They aren't fun. Not at all. At least I have my Mitchel to talk to. I am definitely getting better with the whole talking thing. I am just so afraid of complicating things with everyone, that I am putting other people before myself. I never do that. I have changed, and I am not sure as if I like it all too much. I have been miserable lately. I mean, some things make me very happy...but the ratio of happiness to unhappiness is strongly not in my favour. Le sigh. Maybe I should have gone home for February Break. Oh well. There's nothing I can do about it now. I just wish that people would show me the respect that I think I deserve...that's all. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'
"Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind.
You're realistic and see most things as they
really are. You realize that your life has
it's ups and downs and take things in stride.
What is the theme song for your life? brought to you by Quizilla
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