Birthday • 1986-08-26 Gender •
Female Location • Delaware Member Since • 2004-06-05 Occupation • Full-Time College Student
Achievements • Over-Achiever Anime Fan Since • The third grade Favorite Anime • Trigun, Sailor Moon, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, FLCL, MahoRomatic, Great Teacher Onizuka, Eureka Seven, Fruits Basket, Hunter x Hunter, Beck... Goals • Get my PhD Hobbies • Reading, Writing, Community Service With Alpha Phi Omega Talents • Playing the Clarinet, Helping People, Being Personally Strong BubblesMegee
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Well, it's been a while since I last posted. The one-act festival is over, and I must say that it went well. That was surprising to me. I got an added part for Saturday's performances as a fairy. I didn't have any lines, but I got to bounce around and follow a guy who was supposed to be a nymph. His name was Jolly, and I was Rancher, his executive assistant. It was fun...possibly my favourite part in all of the plays that I was in. Saturday night was our "messing around" night. It was fun...but there was one one-act that was difficult to complete because the main character (this night, named Fabry) and I were laughing our asses off. On the last night, Chris, Bill, and Short Mike acted as the three kings and brought me gifts. I received a bouquet of roses, a balloon that said "Condratulations, it's a Boy!," and a flask of raspberry vodka. Those guys are the best! All in all, I am glad that it is over.
Now I can get back to my schoolwork. The thing is, when I was in the shower today, I began to wonder if I wanted to do the musical. I know that I said that I didn't have the time to dedicate to doing it, but I will end up feeling bad if I don't. Silly girl that I am.
Oh, what else is there to say? My friend Gretchen sent me the Corpse Bride soundtrack, and I have been listening to that non-stop ever since. I have also been having restless sleep lately. I hope it is because I am getting sick or something. My roommate told me that when she woke up for PT this morning, I was talking in my sleep and sounding a bit perturbed. Over the weekend, Mitch told me that I was talking with him in my sleep as he ate a bagel. Fun times.
So, I just witnessed the funniest thing. I just fed Shmeagol, my anole (a lizard) some crickets. He caught and ate the first two with no problems encountered. However, as he went after the third, he did not expect it to be as excitable as it was. The cricket jumped over Shmeagol, and went about the entire cage. Well, Shmeagol would have nothing of that, so he went after said cricket, and kept running into the sides of the cage. Not only that, but he also got a mouthful of bark every time he missed. Eventually, I felt bad for him, so I intended on giving him another cricket. Instead of just one, three came out. So, Shmeagol's cage was overriden with crickets. What did he do? He hid. That's my boy!
Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, is off to get some coffee with the great and wonderful Mitchel...aluve'
Just Trying to Make Everyone Happy
That's all I seem to be doing lately. I can't say that it is any fun, either. I just can't wait for this week to be over with -- then I won't have to worry about the one-act festival and the pompous directors that go along with it. They all expect that since they are not busy with school work, that neither are their cast members. So let's of my directors is a business major, one is a liberal arts major, and the third is a schoolie. Comparatively, they have next to no work when compared to the science or engineering majors. And yet I get bitched at when Ican't make rehearsals or have time to memorize lines because I have classes, schoolwork, and work that is more important to me. People need to understand where my priorities lie. I was very tempted to tell one of my directors to fuck off a couple of days ago when she was giving me shit about how I need to fit my schedule around her rehearsals. I think not. Doing well in school and making money is much more important to me. Mommy and Dady are not paying for my education -- I am doing it all on my own; that way I will appreciate my education more. Le sigh. People just don't get it...they take things for granted, and then throw a shit fit when things don't go exactly as they wanted them to.
I know that I shouldn't do that musical this semester with my workload. Unfortunately, the way I am, once I am comitted to something, I stay with it. I am in the theatre club here, and I feel obligated to at least audition for the production. My mom tells me not to...and I will fear for my sanity if I do do it, but I know that I will end up auditioning.
So, last night APO went bowling. That, to say the least. I know that getting into details will get me into trouble in some way or another, so I will refrain. The people who need to know how I felt about it already know the situation.
I am just trying to make everyone happy.
It never works.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to Organic Chemistry Lab...aluve'
When Will It End?
The stress, that is. I do believe I have gotten way in over my head. Last night, I didn't have any homework that needed immediate attention, and I was freaking out because I have a paper to write that is due on Tuesday that I HAD to get done that night. Instead, I spend some time talking with Chris and a stoned Bill, and almost passed out on Chris's futon. That was after an APO rush event of S'mores and hot cocoa and the viewing of Lost, South Park, and Drawn together. But, that was after 2 hours of work, and dinner and homework before that. Then there were classes before that, and some time at the gym as well. Yes, I do believe that I have way too much going on. I got half of my paper done this evening, so I decided to take a small break and write a blog. Tonight, I have a forensics meeting with the group that I am mentoring with another guy. This other guy hasn't done anything for the group whatsoever as of yet, which is rather unplesant for me. I have a feeling that he is going to be riding on my grade for mentoring. Kind of sounds like when I took the course last year, and my group members made me do all of the work. Hey, I got an A in the course though, so I am happy that my hard work payed off. Anyway...time to get to my meeting. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is overworked...aluve'
So, I guess that service is overrated now. Being part of a dry co-ed service fraternity is not something that most people around here are into nowadays. Having to pay dues to help out other people is a waste of money. We live in an individualistic society...and I am ranting about this for no reason at all. I love the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega, and I wouldn't want to be with any other group of people.
I guess some things just bother me. I am not an idealist when it comes to being a vegetarian, but when it comes to the standards that people should have, I suppose I could be called an idealist in that aspect.
Or a hippie.
I hate hippies.
I also hate this funk that I have slipped into once again. I hate how it comes on from time to time for no apparent reason. I mean, I am sure that there is some obscure reason somewhere, but I have yet to find it.
It may be because I have had alot of time to think today. I had rehearsal this morning, and then after a quick stop to Dunkin' Donuts, I was basically in my room all day. I mean, I went to the gym and then to a girls' hockey game (our team won, by the way). I just feel rather unproductive today. It was a nice day as snowed out, but it wasn't freezingly cold out as it normally is around here.
I think it started when I saw my friend Gretchen when I was getting a coffee. For some reason, I started thinking about the fact that I really don't have any close girl friends at college. I have never had good luck with keeping female friends around, and sometimes I just need a female in my life to talk with. It's a weird way to think, I suppose.
On a different topic...I spent the night with my fellow brothers playing 007 Goldeneye for the N64. We held a tourny to get our name out there...and I came in second. I have no idea how, but it was a glorious feeling. ^_^
I am a hippie...
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is out to do other things...aluve'
So, I have been becoming increasingly sick and stressed lately. The first week of classes have been rather hectic for me, on top of work almost every night, as well as rehearsals for the one-act fesitval that is coming up in a couple of weeks. >.< That's right , a couple of weeks. When I heard that, I kind of freaked out. Now, I have loads of homework, work every night, and I have to memorize my lines as quick as shit. Needless to say...yeah.
What a week.
Luckily it is Thursday now. I have a feeling the first part of this semester is going to go by slowly...I know the first full week has. At least today I am feeling a bit better than I was yesterday. I wonder if the late-night chinese food that we consumed last night had anything to do with it? I know that I felt a little better after having eaten (that, and the fact that I hadn't had anything to eat all day anyway).
So, today's schedule isn't too bad when compared to the rest of the week so far. I have Organic Chemistry lab 8:00-11:00 this morning, Organizational Behaviour with Mitch 2:30-3:45, and then a Forensics meeting sometime around 8:00. It's not too bad...I ought to have time to do homework and such. Hell, I got up early enough to have time to post a blog. Fun times.
Since I have been sick this week, I have been rather irritated with life in general (I hate being sick), and I have been taking it out on Mitch. I feel awful about it, because I know that he is getting sick as well. He tells me not to worry about it...but come on! We all know how I like to over-analyze just about EVERYTHING. *shrugs* There is only so much that I can do.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, must get ready for O-Chem Lab...aluve'
A Bit Tired
Well, I am back at college now. Actually, I have been back since Sunday, but I am actually back in my dorm room for the night for the first time since I got back. It was mostly a time to chill before the classes began. On Sunday, we didn't do much due to the fact that Mitch, Trent, Alicen, and I were just getting back, so we were tired and such. On Monday the four of us planned on going bowling, but it was closed, so we went to the mall and played at the arcade for most ofthe afternoon. On Tuesday, errands were run, the new guy moved into the apartment, and I made chicken and biscuits for the guys for dinner. Today most of the rest of campus moved in, and I spend a good amount of time in the dorm. My friend Jill that went here last year is visiting me for a couple of days, and she is off visiting some other friends at the moment. Not too much is going on in my section...feeling a bit tired lately. I hope I am not getting would not be a good way to start off the semester. I am interested to see how this semester will go. Judging by the past semesters, I am hoping it doesn't go as they did. So far, each semester has been dramatically different...and I don't think I can deal with that. I do not like change, as is the same with many people. I mean, I don't want everything to be the same as last semester, because there was much too much drama that I was thrown into. I know that I brought some of it upon myself, but not all of it. I am not going to be the optimist and say that I hope that my friends will stay my friends and the people that dislike me will leave me alone because 1.) I have learned better than to hope for things, and 2.) nothing even relatively close to that will happen with some of the people that do not like me. That might make sense. *shrugs* I know what I meant, at least. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to read the Odyssey...aluve'
I met the Grim Reaper in my dreams last night. Well...I never saw him, but he was there...I could feel him. He took the life of my anole, Shmeagol. Shortly after, something akin to a soul stealer appeared in his cage. This was a bigger lizard...some sort of Geko looking thing with horns. He looked like he was eating my anole. But I say my sick anole's dead body in the corner of his cage. This looked like a much healthier version of Shmeagol. I guessed this was his soul. I just sat in my bed and watched him leave this world. And then I woke up to hear arguing. I can't wait to go back to school. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, bits adieu...aluve'
Homeward Bound
Happy New Year all! I am at home now, once again. I just spent near a week with Mitch and his family in good old MA. I don't know how many times I am going to mention it, but I love it there. I love his family...and according to what he says, they like me as well. W(h)oot. I had a good New Years watching South Park and not doing anything else. While I was visiting, I also go to go to a Barnes and Noble as well as get Starbucks coffee...both of which I have never done before. That was a great time, and I realized that Mitch knows a lot more about me than I thought he did. ^_^ That also makes me happy. I came back home yesterday, and got a speeding ticket in the process. >.< Damn my out of state plates. I baked an apple pie last night, which turned out looking marvelous. I also came home to parental/sibling arguments...which always pisses me off to no extent. What it comes down to is the fact that my sister and I both loathe the man our mother married; he's an asshole to her and a controlling bastard. The sad thing is the fact that we can't do anything about it. We believe that the only reason that my mom hasn't divorced him yet is because of the twins. That is one of the reasons that I hate coming home from college. That, and I live in a rediculously small town with nothing to do. And when I say small, I mean small...I think the population of cows just may outnumber the number of people here. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'
This is going to be a short post. I am currently visiting Mitch in good old MA, and having a wonderous time. I came here on Wendesday, and plan on leaving on Monday, weather permitting. I made good time getting here, after having my brakes replaced, and an oil change. Yeah, Daniel messed up on my brakes the first time, which does not make me too happy, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Today Mitch and I went to the mall, and I got a Sugar Ray CD and an N64 Pokemon Stadium game. Hehe. It's so childish...but I love it. I have also grown attached to playing DDR...yeah. It's as addicting as everyone says it is. Anywho, I would like to wish a happy birthday to Chris. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'
Happy Freaking Holidays
Well, to those of you who have become bored of my recent posts due to the fact that I have been happy will be pleased to learn that this will be a ranting post. Oh, where to begin? It's the holiday season, I am stuck at home with nothing to do, and my mother is freaking out because Christmas is at our house this year. I do things around the house...cook dinner, clean, babysit the twins, and I get no thanks from anyone besides my mother whatsoever. It;s rather discouraging. So, I have gotten into a couple of fights with my mother today, and I hope that tomorrow (Christmas) will be a bit better. On top of that shit at home, I am still dealing with bullshit from school. I was thinking that the between semester break would allow me to get away from that, but was I completely mistaken. I am still getting shit from Chris about my dating Mitch...about how I have abandoned him since I began dating Mitch, etc. I just want things to be good between us. Just because I have a boyfriend that treats me well and makes me happy should not give other people reason to try to fuck up my life. It's rediculous. Plus, my brakes are going to shit once again. That won't be good for my drive to MA. Hell, I won't be able to take the damn drive if I don't get them fixed with all the money that I don't have. *growls* Happy freaking holidays to me. Let's see what else there is to complain about. Oh, my appetite and the lack thereof. I have been getting yelled at since I have been home about my eating habits. I have only been home a week too. It seems that I am good for the day eating a thing of yougurt. I am getting yelled at constantly about that, so I am making myself sick trying to choke down food to make everyone else happy. It seems that I am not allowed to just be happy for an extended period of time. I am also afraid that I am going to get back into the anorexic phase that I have been battling for 2.5 years now. *shrugs* I can't make myself hungry. I can only do so much. Hell, if I had the money, I would probably go get some mental help about it. But, I don't, so I won't. I just hope that I still get to go visit Mitch. If not...well, this break will suck ass. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to play Santa...aluve'
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You are the warrior of dragons! Your a ball of blazing light and energy. Your inner flame burns strong and bright, and your always taking the initiative in everything you do. There are no half-measures when it comes to your personality, so your lively, energetic, daring and sometimes combative in achieving your goals and desires. You view all experiences as a challenge, to be handled with the utmost zeal and strength. In doing so, others possibly find you too assertive and even self-centred, but this is usually because of your confidence which you possess at the heart of your dragon-like nature.