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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I miss my Scribble
Yet another day at home with nothing to do. I went temporarily insane yesterday while talking to Mitch online. I felt really bad...I just snapped. I was freaking out because I couldn't find anything to do around the house. It happens to me when I am at home. I am much too restless for my own good. *shrugs* I need to learn to relax. It's just not me though. Oh well, I have knitting and reading that I could do. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I was woken up twice this morning, though. They were my two favourite ways of being woken up as well. Firstly, my little brother and sister came in and woke me up and then crawled into bed with me until they had to go to the sitter's. Secondly, Mitch called me all excited about something about the Lord of the Rings. *shrugs* It didn't matter. I enjoyed being woken up by his voice. I miss him. A lot. I have been sleeping with Takkun every night, waking up strangling him...poor schmoo. ^_^ It's worth it though, if it helps me sleep and all. I hope Mitch gets his christmas gift soon...and that he enjoys it. (I am still not telling what he got!) Anywho, a boring update, but I am chilly in my kitchen, so I am going to go curl up with my cat on the couch and read. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is out...aluve'
You are...color="green">Mac!
Quiet and clever, you're the young soul in charge of keeping Blooregard Q. Kazoo in line. Although you may grow up eventually, you'll never outgrow your enormous imagination.
Positive traits: Creative, smart, down-to-earth
Negative traits: Easily over-powered, shy
Which Foster's Friend are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Home for the Holidays
Well...looks like the break has begun. I will be home for about a month...and I am not sure how I feel about that. I was ready to get home and get away from the bullshit at school, but I am going to miss some people at school as well. (Well, mainly Mitch, but that's a given.) I got home yesterday around noon or so, and spent a while unpacking and then wrapping christmas presents...mine for family and friends, and then some for my Mumsie so she didn't have to do it. I didn't do much else last night...I spent some time online talking with Mitch and helping Ryan with his Chemistry Mid-term that he has on Monday, and then I went downstairs to knit a little bit and watch some television. When Mitch called me, I was sitting in my recliner watching tv, knitting, and my cat was speeling on my lap. I am such an old lady! I ended up falling asleep with the cat in my lap in the recliner for a little bit, but I didn't sleep well at all. That is to be expected, I mean, I am not used to having to sleep alone. *tear* This morning, I took my sister out Christmas shopping, and I finished up my shopping as well. It wasn't anything spectacular, and I found a gift for my best friend Nicole and one for a boy from camp that I thought he would enjoy. Right now the wireless internet that I steal from the neighbours is not operational, so I am forced to use the family computer with *shudders* dial up internet. At least it's something. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to play a game to try to de-stress after only a day at home...aluve'
Take the quiz: WHAT TYPE OF MODEL ARE YOU (girls only..) (AWESOME PICS!!)
 ABERCROMBIE MODEL you are into having fun, but not doing bad things, but your fun to be around!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
One Final Down, Three More To Go
My first final occured at 8:00 Monday morning. It was my Spectroscopy exam, and it was only 4 questions long. I went through the exam three times and then went to get a white hot chocolate all before 9:00 hit. It was scrumtrulescent. Tuesday is my physics exam, Wednesday is Organic Chemistry, and Thursday is Statistics. It will be glorious once 3:00 Thursday afternoon hits. I have a feeling that I will be in a wonderful mood like I was on Saturday night. Now that was quite the night. I won't get into many details, but I will say that I couldn't taste anything because my tongue felt twice as big as it actually way, and I swear that I could feel the Earth rotating. I hate to admit that I love that feeling. And by the way, dildo is a hilarious word. That's all I am going to say. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to try to sleep...aluve'
Where would you live in Narnia? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 5, 2005
I got two new schmoos today. ^_^ For those of you who don't know what a schmoo is, it's kind of like a platypus with no appendages...but it has feet. It's hard to explain. Regardless, I got two more today. We had Alpha Phi Omega elections today for e-board. I got the Treasurer position. Huzzah. I got keys to the office, and I can pretend to be important now. There was a dinner tonight for APO, which I missed most of because I had to work. It seems like I have a busy night when I have other things to do. I love how that happens. So, I missed most of the dinner tonight, but it's alright, because I don't really feel comfortable eating around other people anyway. It's stupid, really. It's getting worse too. I am actually saying things to Mitch about my eating lately. I suppose in a way it's good because I trust him enough to say things that are bothering me, but it's bad because I am thinking that way. I am eating more because I am not depressed anymore, and it's bothering me because I am gaining weight. I have been told by a couple of people that I look much better now than I did at the beginning of the semester after having come back from summer 13 pounds lighter. I have gained back 7 pounds, and I can really tell. I know it's one of the best things that I could be doing right now, but I don't like it. It's making me feel weird about myself...I don't know what to do. I ought to be happy -- I have a great boyfriend that treats me way better than I think I deserve to be treated...much better than any of my other boyfriends have ever treated me. I have finals coming up, and then I will be home for a month for winter break, so I won't have to deal with homework and petty shit with people here. That's plenty of reasons why I should be happy. Not to say that I am not happy, I just feel weird from time to time. I have spent the last two nights in my room sleeping alone...whichis really weird, but I figure that I need to get used to it since finals are coming up and then I will be home for a month. Hopefully I will be able to visit Mitch over the break though...I would love to visit MA again. *shrugs* I think I am just being silly about things. I know that I am going to end up losing weight over the break anyway due to the fact that it is almost guaranteed that I am going to be depressed for the first couple of weeks anyway. It happens. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, ought to get some sleep...aluve'

Resident Evil: Survival Horror
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Rant Time
"...You have a nice body, but your face doesn't really go with it..."
Yeah, someone that I graduated with once said that to me. I think the only reason that we stayed friends in school was so that we could fight and make up every other week. We don't talk much anymore, yet then again, I don't talk to many people from back at home anymore. I was planning on making this a rant entry, but then I got sidetracked on MySpace, and started looking at pictures of people from Camp from over the summer. For some reason, that always puts me down a little. I never really fit in with that group, I don't think. Most of them go to the local community college, whilst I go away to a "smart college." I don't drink or party nearly as much as they do...if at all anymore. I barely talk to any of them anymore. So why is it that I miss some of them so? It doesn't make sense to me at all. I am still debating going back this summer...I liked my co-workers, but the job was stressful some weeks. I was unhealthy all summer due to the lack of food, but I was kept out of the house. I am not really sure at all. >.<
Right now I am down at Mitch's place...he is asleep in front of the television. I was studying for my Statistics exam on Friday, as well as writing a paper for my Spectroscopy Lab. He has to go back to Boston again for another eye appointment, and the night before always makes me nervous because I never know if he is going to be able to come back. It's nerve-racking. I never really sleep well the night before he leaves, which isn't good at times since I have things to do and such.
I have a new roommate now. Neither of us are in the room for extended periods of time since we both have boyfriends, but overall it's going well. I don't mind her as a roommate in the least, so that is always a plus.
It's an intersting night for my moods. I might sleep until Mitch leaves, or I might pull an all-nighter. I am guessing that the latter would be a bad idea due to the fact that I have an exam to take in the afternoon. That, and I have to go running with my friend Courtney from State as long as the weather holds. *shrugs* It'll be an interesting night. I have a lot on my mind...maybe I'll just screw around on the internet for a while. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to attempt to stop pondering...aluve'
 Cotton Candy- Babe your a sweetheart and your extremely nice you've got friends a plenty that love you cause your addictive :)
JUNK FOOD QUIZ! What junk best decribes you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Thanksgiving Break
So, it's been a while since I last posted. I had a supersplendiferous Thanksgiving break away from home. I went with Mitch to Massachusetts to spend the break with his family. I enjoyed it so much. I made cookies for the family to make a good first impression. It definitely worked...his mother and siblings loved the goodies. His mother even let us make the pies for Thankgiving dinner. I was nervous because I had never made a pie before, but they turned out well. I made a French Apple Pie, and despite the fact that Mitch put the oven on convention, it turned out well for my first pie. We definitely ate all of it. ^_^ On Thankgiving I ate dinner with his family, and then we went to his Gram's place and then to his aunt's. On Friday, I Mitch took me into Boston. I was so happy to be there. It was decked out in the holiday spirit, which made me smile. We went to the Museum of Fine Arts, and spent about 3 hours or so was amazing. I had never been to a museum before, so I appreciated it that much more. There were so many things to look at and just take was simply amazing. Then, we went to Applebees for dinner and I got a much too expensive vegetarian dinner, and then we went to go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I know that Mitch didn't really get it because he has never read the books, and has only seen the first movie, but it meant a lot to me that I got to see the movie at all...and in Boston! was a great break. I learned how to knit as well. Mitch's sister Cassandra taught me how to knit. I think his sister is wonderful. It was great how well I got along with her...and the whole family, for that matter. On Saturday, we came back to school for about an hour, and then we headed to my house so Mitch could meet my family. My siblings were the only ones home when we got there because it was my mother's husband's surprise birthday party, and they were out cosmic bowling. When they got home, they were both drunk. It was pretty mom made Mitch say "cahh." She took kindly to him, which is very important to me. I respect what my mom thinks about who I date. My little brother and sister absolutely adored him as well, which is always a plus. So, yeah...that was my break. It may not be interesting to you, but it was to me. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to do some Physics homework...aluve'
 Wow you're pretty!
If the world was anime how would you look? (This for my girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, November 21, 2005
The Toast Song
"Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, loyal brothers we,
True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty.
Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be,
Men of Alpha Phi Pmega, our fraternity.
Brothers clasp the hands of brothers, strong the circle we
Ever mindful, ever serving, all humanity.
Now we raide our greatful voices, in our song to thee,
Men of Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be."
Today, I am officially a brother of Alpha Phi Omega. I must say, this is most definitely one of the most meaningful days of my college career that I can remember. I know that I don't show it well, but when I got my service pin today, the chains of bondage that are in my family line, and my carabineer, I was just beaming. I don't know if that was apparent or not, but it was there. I can't wait to get my letters either. I got my name today for the fraternity: "Kinky." I am not sure where Noah (my big) came up with that, but it was much better than the other two alternatives: Woman or Biscuits. Fun times indeed. After the ceremony, we had dinner, which I didn't really want to eat because I had a bigger breakfast than normal, but I managed to eat and not feel that badly about it afterwards...out of being polite and whatnot. It was just how I was raised, I suppose.
Last night we had another APO event simply referred to as "A." We as pledges were required to find a set of questions from each brother before "A." Then at the event, we were supposed to answer the questions, as well as do some other shenannegins. It was a great time. That's why I love the fraternity so much...we can have fun, I am friends with everyone, and we can still do good things for the community. Plus, I am dating my brother. Doesn't that just sound great? *laughs* Yeah...nothing like being in a co-ed frat. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is parched, so she is off to quench her thirst...aluve'
 Raeven Witch. you are the raeven witch. mysterious and peaceful, you are a calm witch who devotes herself to worshiping the moon in all its fases. your song is "imaginary" by Evanescence
What witch are you? (gorgeous pics - 7 different results) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 18, 2005
5:17, and all's well
Well, I have my pajamas on, but I know that I won't be sleeping tonight. I actually had nothing to do tonight, and the feeling was strange to me. It was just a strange day overall, to be quite honest. I got a letter from my father in the mail If you knew the history with me and my father, you would know how odd this even is. I got pictures of my little brother and little twin sisters. I can't believe how much they all have grown up. I almost cried looking at the pictures, to be quite honest. The twins are going to grow up to be such beautiful girls...and my little brother is a cutie as well. I am debating writing back...but I try to keep all ties with that side of my family cut, unfortunately. Looking at the pictures, I feel bad...I don't know.
I spent most of the night with Mitch, which is nothing unusual. We played some pool...and I am happy to say that the second game, I didn't do dreadful. I baked some Dead Bread which didn't turn out too shabby later on, and then we came to Empire to get some food. After the consumption of the foodage, we came back to my room, where I passed out for a little bit. My building had a fire drill around midnight, so instead of waiting outside, we just decided to go back to his place. He left to go back to Boston about an hour ago for an eye appointment. Hence my non-sleeping. I get worried, I am not going to lie. I mean, I already lost him once this semester...I wouldn't want to have to go through that again. I don't get worried about many things, because I see worrying to be quite that waste of time, but there are some things where I just can't help it. I suppose it's all understandable.
The other night we had an Alpha Phi Omega event after my Organic Chemistry exam. I was pissed off after my exam, but the event really made me feel better. It made me realize how much the fraternity means to me...and I haven't even been accepted as a full brother yet. The event was just so meaningful though...I couldn't help but feel the urge to cry at one point (although I did not, the thought crossed my mind). I was asked to be the Rock-bearer with a fellow pledge brother, Kimone. That just makes it that much more special. ^_^ Anywho...I am just rambling. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to watch some tv...aluve'
You are the dragon. A dragon, in western lore, is a giant lizard with wings. It usually has the capability to breathe fire. The dragon symbolizes immense power, physical strength, and courage. The dragon has also been a symbol of wisdom and of protection. Dragons may also appear to be greedy as many a tale depict them as keepers of vast hordes of treasure.
Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Kind of Tired after all the exams...
Well, it's been a while since I actually updated this beast. This week has been hell for me...I've been so stressed. I had three exams this week. Last night I had my Physics and Spectroscopy exams back to back, and tonight I have my Organic Chemistry exam. Last night's exams went well though, so that's a plus. All I can do is to hope for the best for the one tonight. So, what's been going on in my life? A lot, I suppose. I have been busy doing a lot of Alpha Phi Omega things. Last night the other two pledges and I kidnapped the chapter's president, and hog-tied him with duct tape. It was amazing. I was super stressed about not being able to get as much studying time in for Organic chemistry, but as soon as we got to his place, I temporarily forgot about the stress. So, that's always a plus. This week is brotherhood week for the fraternity, which is the week before pledging officially ends. Then, we get to find out if we made it in or not. I have definitely enjoyed pledging though, so that's always good. Hell, I got a boyfriend out of it, so it can't be all bad at all. =P Yeah, that's right...a boyfriend. The thought scares the hell out of me, really. After the failed relationships with The Nik and Ted, it's hard to trust the whole relationship circuit again. It just so happens to be Mitchel...but I think we all saw that coming. Well, probably not, but my mum did, at least. She called it when he was in the hospital. Then again, she's good like that. Not too much to say in that sector of my life...I never really have much to say regarding such things. I figure that as long as I am happy, nothing really needs to be said. I have realized that I post better blogs when I am depressed as well. =P Oh well...I suppose some people (whoever still reads this thing) will just have to deal with some boring posts for now. I am not going to apologize...because, well, I just don't give a damn. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't read's that simple. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has an hour before her Organic Chemistry exam. She'd better be off...aluve'
Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others.
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Not too bad...