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Friday, November 4, 2005
Mentioning Cip
...Told you I would. And that's that. Now, it's been a while since I last updated. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, and I have had a lot of things on my mind. Unfortunately, my place of openness and venting is no longer sacred, for I do not know who is reading this blog anymore. It's a shame, really, that I must censor myself in a place like this. It's not that I care what other people think about what I have to say, it's that I don't want to cause any more problems. I have enough on my plate right now. Regardless, I had a good night tonight. I went to dinner with Mitch, and then we went to see the new Zorro movie that's out. That movie was incredibly corny, but a good laugh. We thought it would be an awful drinking game where you took a shot every time someone got hit in the face...needless to say that within 10 minutes, a normal drinker would be smashed. ^_^ It was a good time though. So that's all that matters. So much to say...and no where to say it. How I love how things work out. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to try to sleep...aluve'
 Dominant Personality: Solitude
Good Traits: You don't need people to hype up your self-esteem. You take care of yourself, and don't follow the crowd. You're unique.
Bad Traits: You don't have many (if any) friends. People aren't going anywhere and you have to learn to handle social situations. There are people out there who understand you.
People see you as: Lonely, extremely quiet, and unfriendly. You are never seen around other people, and you don't talk that much. People think you're too selfish in that you don't take the time to make friends.
You're Most Like: Confusion. You wish you had the answers to everything. The difference is that you keep it to yourself, and express yourself in a different way.
You Need More: Grace. You probably walk around with your head down. You need to hold your head high and face the world head on. Be more assertive, but not to the point of aggresiveness.
What's your dominant trait? (10 unique results) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
RUR Shows
Tonight (Friday) marked the second showing of R.U.R. It definitely went better than Thursday night, and my director actually told me that he loved my pissed off energy that I brought to the stage. I loved the comment -- too bad that I had to have an awful day to get that energy up to par. Actually, it's been a few little things that have been getting to me lately, but today just set me off. I had a Statistics exam this afternoon, and I am pretty sure that I completely bombed it. That's not good at all, because I was leaning on my exams to keep me passing in the class, because my homeworks sure as hell aren't keeping me passing. So, I might have to drop the class, which pisses me off, because grades are so important to me...I would really be kicking myself for that and being harsh as well. My Mum says that I am too hard on myself...that may be, but I have always been like that, and I am resistant to change. As for the little things, it's mostly bullshit with people in theatre. Mostly, a couple of people that have no personality of their own. There are a couple of girls in theatre that seem to adopt the mannerisms and personality of whomever they are hanging with. In this example, this is not a good thing in the least. One girl is obsessed with Jolt Cola, and talks about drinking that and alcohol all the time, the other girl talks about getting drunk and dressing slutty most of the time. Both of them have a problem with me as well because Mitch is my best friend. It's petty high school bullshit that college-age students should not be going through. But it seems to happen anyway. I hate it. It just bithers me to see these girls with absolutely no developed personality of their own, looking and acting lost as hell when their friends are not around for them to copy. You would think that a girl of 20 years would have developed at least some shred of a personality; an identity of her own. Instead, she aims to make my life hell, by leading other people in theatre to believe that I am nothing but bad news, and blaming her ruined friendship with Mitch on me. I stole him from her, so she has people believing. After our last show tomorrow (Saturday), we have our Halloween cast party. I am dressing up as Mammimi (FLCL) and Mitch is going as Takkun, so that ought to cause some problems. I doubt that I will stay at the cast party for long because I don't want any problems to be started. So, yeah, fun times.
On a completely unrelated topic, take note of the quiz below. How true it is. I was planning on going on a whole shpeel on love and such, but since my rant was long enough, I'll refrain for now. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to bed...aluve'
The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
“I wanted to turn the whole of mankind into an aristocracy of the world. An aristocracy nourished by millions of mechanical slaves. Unrestricted, free and consummated in man. And maybe more than man.”
Old Snell Hall, Downtown Clarkson Campus, in Potsdam
Tickets: $5 General, $3 Students/Seniors. Children 12 and under free.
Presented by the Clarkson Theatre Company.
Email for more information
You're a Wild Drunk

You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!
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Friday, October 21, 2005
I Think Not
Well, Mitch is back, so that's always a plus. Needless to say, I have had a good week. It's so much better than being depressed, that's for sure. So, what's new? I keep getting confirmation that people are intimidated by me. There are a couple of girls that are intimidated by me in theatre. One of them hates me for it, and has her friends believing anything she says about my, thereby hating me as well, and then there is the other girl that feels uncomfortable when I am around Mitch. The power that I can exert by just being best friends with someone! It's rediculous, really. I mean, how old are we again? I just turned 19...why are slightly older people acting younger than me? I suppose it could have something to do with the fact that I matured much more quickly that I should have, but I do not regret that in the least. People just need to open their eyes and stop making judgements based on other people's opinions. Then again, what do I care? I have never been good with the whole friendship thing, so why start now? I am thankful for the friends that I have, however...namely Chris and Mitch. They are the two best guys that I could have become friends with. ^_^ I could try to talk about how I feel about them, and my appreciation for the both of them, but I am not normally good at such things. (By the way, I have a "Touch me here" button drawn on my side at the moment...) Yeah, so, that's the news. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to update her other blog...aluve'
You Are Internal - Skeptic - Empowered
You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.
You are a total skeptic when it comes to luck.
You believe that people use luck as a crutch to avoid responsibility.
You control your own destiny. The universe has nothing to do with it.
You believe everything can be explained - and you tend to over analyze situations.
You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.
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Friday, October 14, 2005
An Hour Between Classes
...Just enough time for a rant. (I apologize in advance to those that plan on reading this -- I just need to get some things off my chest). I am currently in between classes...I just finished with my Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Spectroscopy block, and I have yet to have my Statistics class for the day. Doesn't that just sound like a fun time? =P So, this week has been complete shit for me. where to begin? I don't want to reheash the whole week, but starting with this morning works. My roommate bitched at me first thing this morning after her shower about something that I have no control over. There is a chirping noise in our room, and it is annoying as all hell. Well, she blamed it on my anole, who doesn't make noises. I told her that it wasn't him, and it wasn't his crickets, because they are all dead. She told me to stop the f-ing noise. I quasi-snapped on her, telling her that it wasn't my fault, and that she ought to turn off her goddamn fan, because that might be the cause of it. But she would have nothing of it. I told my best friend Daniel that I wanted to slit her (my roommate's) throat and watch her slowly bleed to death on the floor. I cannot stand that bitch, and I cannot wait for next semester when I can get a new roommate. Plus, next semester Mitch will be coming back. That is
an entirely different story in itself. My Mumsie is dead-set on me marrying Mitch...and she has only met him once. She tells me that I am developing feelings for him...which I hope she is wrong about. (Unfortunately, she is normally right about such things). I say unfortunately for a number of reasons:
1.) I don't want to have to deal with the bullshit that will be dealt to me by the theatre people
2.) I don't know how my feelings sit with respect to Ted and Chris. I am pretty sure that I have a little thing left for Ted, but after this summer, that is understandable. Then there is Chris, who I know I still have strong feelings for. Given our relationship last semester, that is no surprise to anyone.
3.) Some things scare me.
So, yeah...I have been rather down since Mitch left. People have noticed it, and it is affecting my acting for the "cute" role that I have in the play. My Mumsie wants me to come home on Saturday to just get away from everything, and I might just do that. *shrugs* I don't know. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to Statistics...aluve'
What Your Underwear Says About You

Admit it, you've dreamed of being a underwear model.
You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty.
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
How to Make the Perfect Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Well, I had quite the weekend, that's for sure. It probably started on Thursday. Two of Mitch's roommates (Trent and Rich) invited me to come down to their place. Their French roommate was throwing a party for one of his friends, and they wanted me to come and chill with them. I wasn't planning on drinking since it was a Thursday, but of course that wasn't going to happen. They made me a drink with vanilla vodka and coke. It was good, but I should not have been drinking it. I am such a lightweight. After three of those drinks, I was completely gone. I ended up sitting down at Mitch's computer to send some drunken IMs, and it ended up with me sitting down with my head in my hands for two hours straight, because I couldn't move. It was awful. I hate drinking to that point. I figured that I won't be drinking for a while now, because of that. That's not a bad thing at all, because I don't really enjoy drinking that much anyway. On Friday, nothing big happened -- I went to rehearsal and freaked out my director by telling him that what happened during rehearsal was the most action I had gotten in months. He was showing the lead male how to show me off during Act I. It was pretty funny. After rehearsal, I went to see the Wallace and Gromit movie with Chris and Andrew. That was the dirtiest kids' movie I have seen since Shrek. It was great -- three college kids in the back laughing our asses off, while the little kids didn't know what was so funny. I passed out in Chris's room that night after watching a bootleg copy of the Corpse Bride, and then went to worksession on Saturday morning. We built set for about 7 or 8 hours straight, and then we went to a Chinese Buffet for dinner. When I got back, I hung out with Chris and the guys across the hall, and then I headed back to my room to check my messages. I ended up talking to Ted, his best friend Scott, and an ex-boyfriend of mine from high school, Ryan. That was interesting. I was just talking with Scott, and then Ted IMed me to let me know that he wanted me to talk to him as well. So, I was talking with him, and he was flirting with me like over the summer, which was weird, and then I had Ryan telling me that I was the best thing that happened to him, and that he had no friends because of me, yadda, yadda. I didn't want to deal with it, really, but I did to make sure he was alright. Eventually, Mitch endedup calling, so I got out of talking on AIM because of that. I went to watch another movie with Chris after the phone call, and we ended up staying up and talking until about 4:30 in the morning, so that was pretty cool. I woke up this morning to talk to dumb people online, which pissed me off, and then I got a call from Mitch telling me that he had to go in for surgery because of the goddamn doctors making a mistake. I was pissed, and worried, of course. To keep my mind off of it, I went to brunch with Chris, and then did some Physics homework. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has to study for an APO pledge quiz that is in a couple of hours...aluve'
How to make a Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt |
3 parts mercy
3 parts humour
1 part ego |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness |
Personality cocktailFrom
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Well, it's been a while. We are on break until Wednesday, which is when classes start back up. I went home on Friday to go to Ted's party. Well, it looks like I drove close to three hours for nothing. The party sucked...for me, at least. I went to see Ted, and he completely ignored me. A while later, two of his friends, Andy and Scott, took me aside to tell me what was up. Seems like Ted was having a problem with the whole long-distance thing, and was saying things that were making Andy and Scott worried. They didn't want to see me get hurt. That made me depressed, but I saw it coming. I stayed for the rest of the party, and then left a couple of hours after all of the drunks passed out. I ended up leaving around 4:45 in the morning, and then got hoe around 5:30. I watched tv in my livingroom and then passed out for an hour at 6:00. My little brother and sister woke up at 7:00 and then woke me up (since I had passed out in the recliner). I was still depressed from the night before, but didn't let too much on to it. I went to my sister's soccer game at 1:00 that afternoon, and hung out with an ex-boyfriend of mind, Ryan. Then, I went back to college, although it is still our break. I talked with Ted Saturday evening to see what was going on. It took an hour or so, but I finally dragged it out of him. It went from me asking what was going on with him, to him lecturing me about me eating habits and seeming like he was trying to pick a fight, to me telling him to just be straight-up with me. He said that he was losing interest because of the long-distance thing, which is understandable, I suppose. He then proposed that we stop calling ourselves a couple, but still date when we see one another. It seems sketchy, if you ask a friends with benefits deal. *shrugs* Guys. I finally find one that I don't get bored with during a relationship, and it turns out that he can't deal with commitment. Whatever. I am not going to waste my time trying to make something work if it is only one-sided. Besides, being single has its perks. I do better this way in the long run anyway...that's for sure. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to watch a new episode of Family Guy with Chris...aluve'
You Are 24 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Pure Love
What girls really want from you.
1. Don't flirt with other girls. | It makes us feel like we're not good enough for you. We feel like we did something wrong so you are making up for it with another girl.
2. Even if you're not going out, heck, even if you're not friends, don't say bad stuff about us. | We could be the meanest people in the world to you, but most of the time we're joking and we think you're serious. You haven't seen mean until you say something bad about us. We have evil sides and we're not afraid to use them.
3. We're not toys. | Don't just have your fun with us and drop us. We're serious about things. That's just mean and we'll spend days wondering what we ever did wrong.
4. Put your arms around our waist firmly but gently, holding us close to you. | If you can, smell our hair! For most girls, we try to succeed in making it smell and look good! Plus, we know you love the smell, why try to sneak around?
5. If you've done something wrong, fess up. | Tell us before we have to ask you about it. Trust me, when we ask, we'll be twice as angry, and that's just if you tell the truth. We know. We don't guess when we confront you. We have our connections, and we know what's going on. Lie to us and you can pretty much send your death wish.
6. When we say we love you, we mean it. | We're not willing to tell just anyone that. Our hearts are gentle and it's very hard to trust guys, and it takes time. Don't worry if you tell us you love us and we don't say it back right away. We do, we're just thinking about how sweet it was that you said it first. And if it takes a day or two, we're not deciding. We're figuring out how we can prove it.
7. If we have guy friends, we love how you hold us close when we talk to them. | We think it's cute when you get all jealous, but don't overdo it. We're not dumb, we're not gonna mess around. We're not flirting, so don't blame us later. Now, if some guy friend of our's is flirting with us, then you have every right to overreact and kick his ass.
8. Anything you'd want us to know about you... know about us, too. We'll memorize every fact. | We'll have our friends quiz us on how many homeruns you had in a season, what your favorite color is... But it's gonna hurt if we know so much about us and all you can say is, "Uhh..." and make a guess.
9. If our eyes are shiny, we're either really happy or we're about to cry. | Look at our smile and the way our face is. Is it the same way it is when you make us laugh? If not, we're going to cry. At that point, if you can tell, turn us so that we're facing you and wrap your arms around us tight so that we feel like nothing could harm us at all while we're there, and stroke our hair. When we cry, often we will bury our heads in your shoulder. If we don't, wipe away our tears. Whisper gently in our ear. Tell us it's okay, even if you don't know what we're crying about.
10. Know that we like it when you tickle us. | It makes us laugh and reminds us that you know that exact spot that makes us cry we're laughing so hard. It's cute.
11. Surprise us. | Call before you're at the door, make sure you have good timing. Tell us to look out the window, or open the door. We'll see you and hang up and run to your side. Bring flowers for now reason. Give us candy when we're down, that always works! Show up just to kiss us and see us smile.
12. Show us how much you love us. | That doesn't mean show us how bad you want to have sex. We're not walking beds. (So, in other words, we're not just easy lays walking around.) We love it when you whisper in our ear, or breath on our neck. We like it when you kiss under our jaw down our neck, resting your head on our shoulder. We feel like we're repaying you for every time we rest on you.
13. We love to look at the stars. | Plan a night to surprise us and don't tell us where you're taking us no matter how much we may beg. Take a picnic dinner, candles, a lighter, plastic glasses and sparkling cider. Don't forget to bring lots and lots of coffee for us! We love that stuff. Bring 3 blankets. One for the ground when we lay on top of you in your arms, one for over the top of both of you, and another that you sneak on top of her during the night, just in case she gets cold. Hold us close and let us look up at the stars in your arms. If we fall asleep, don't wake us up. Stay the night with us right there, and let us use you for a pillow. Get comfortable, but try your hardest not to disturb our sleep, because if we open our eyes we'll tell you to take us home.
14. If your friends think it's cool to have sex, it doesn't mean we do. | We have plans for our lives, usually. And if not, we're still not ready to handle that kind of pressure. Being in a relationship is a lot of responsibility itself, and having sex just means you have to be more committed. Wait until we're ready. If you pressure us, we're going to get mad and we might not ever have sex with you. (Another way to put it: We'll dump you, no matter how much it hurts.)
15. Sing to us in the quiet. | Even if you're horrible. Especially if you're good. We love to hear you. If you're bad at it, it just shows that you would show us anything, even if it's not the most pleasurable thing you would choose to do. It shows us you're open with us and are willing to do whatever we want. In the quiet it comforts us and reminds us you're there, and it really turns us on, and you're likely to get a kiss.
16. Dance with us. | With or without music. Even in the funniest of places. If we announce we love the song, that's your big hint that we want you to ask us to dance. And even if we don't say that, offer anyways. The worst thing we could do is say no.
17. Don't embarrass us. | If you act immature in front of us, we will scold you like your mother would. We'll chew you out and rip you a new one, telling you exactly how much we never want to be seen with you. If, in fact, you do embarrass us publicly, after we're completely through chewing you out, say you're sorry. Tell us you didn't mean to embarrass us and ask for our forgiveness. Then, once we sigh, put your hands on our shoulders and let them slide to rest on our hips. DON'T try to kiss us. Wait for us to be ready. Who knows how long we'll be angry.
18. Meet our parents right off the bat. | We love it when you include our family. If you get the chance, refuse to go out with us until you meet our parents. Figure out a day when you can come home with us and have dinner with the rents... Be Mr. Polite to the parents. Shake hands with her dad firmly and cooly. Shake her mother's hand first and be gentle. Do remember, she's cooking your food. Smile at them and smile at her afterward. If she has siblings, be Mr. Perfect. They'll love you if you tell them something they don't know. And if you show them how to do something, they'll love you forever. Keep in mind that they look up to her, so if you play your cards right, they'll look up to you, too. If they're older, they're sure to be protective. They might not appear it at first, but they care deeply who their younger sister is with. If it's a brother, be nice and polite and show him without action exactly how much you want to care for her. Prove to her whole family why you should be with her. Ask her dad. Make sure it's alright with him. Then, when you get the okay, kiss her hand and ask her to a date you've previously planned in front of everyone.
19. Pay for her. | She'd offer to pay for half and even all of it. Don't let her. Call it your treat. Even if you pay every time, it means that we have more money to spend on those little gifts we love to get you. Like those photo albums we love to decorate and put pictures of the two of you together. Those do cost money. And the cologne we get you for Christmas or your birthday? Yah, that's real stuff right there. It ain't cheap!
20. Last, but not least and the most important of all, love her. | With all of your heart, love her. Love her like there's no one else out there for you, because as far as you know, there isn't. Don't doubt our unconditional love for you. Kiss us like you've never kissed before. Hold us like no one could fit more perfectly in your arms. Love us like no one could fill that hold that we do any better. Look past the flaws that we constantly point out and even reject them. When we say we look fat or ugly, reject it instantly and remind us how beautiful we are. Point out something about us you love. Think about her before anyone else.
Awww. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is happy...aluve'
You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri

You're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party.
You may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk!
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Do Not Open Until Christmas
Tonight was an interesting night. This weekend was a good one as well. On Friday I had rehearsal, whic went very well. The director is extremely pleased with the way everything is turning out and developing, which in turn makes me love the play even more. Afterwards, I went back to my room and no one was around. I quickly got restless, and headed over to APO movie night, which had just evded. We headed over to Stewarts to partake in the 60 cent ice ccream sundae weekend deal. That was yummy, but I thought I was going to die afterward dur to the fact that I am lactose intolerant. After that, I went down to Riverside and hung out with Mitch and his roommates and a girl from theatre and did a little drinking. Nothing exciting -- just a good stress reliever. I headed back to my room around 2:30 a.m. or so, but never got to sleep until about 4:30. I then woke up three hours later for no particular reason whatsoever, and couldn't get back to sleep. I got up and watched a movie, and then went to Worksession at 11:00. We did set building all afternoon. The time flew by so quickly -- I love staying busy like that. After that was over, I went for a run, and then my ex-chemistry lab partner Andrew and I met his friend Bill for a movie. We went to see Corpse Bride -- an interesting film indeed. I felt like I needed to write a long thesis about it after watching it. After the movie, there was a theatre party at the townhouses. That was a blast. It was a different group of people to drink with than what I am used to, but it turned out well. I had fun, that's for sure. I stumbled back to my dorm with a friend from theatre that is in the same building as I am, and then I headed over to Chris's room due to the fact that I didn't want to go to bed when I got back. I don't think I was conscious for very long in his room -- I ended up passing out on his futon once again. I am lucky to have such great friends. I woke up this morning at 11:30 -- another day where I sleep in. I met Gretchen this morning for breakfast, did laundry, and cleaned the Riverside apartment for almost an hour and a half. I then had APO inductions, and now I am officially an APO pledge. ^_^ That made my night. I had work, and then I came back and had a late pasta dinner. There was one point in the night where I started to get depressed again because I over analyze things and worry too much about the little trivial things. I then started talking to my friend Sara from home, and she always makes me feel better and forget about what I was worrying about in the first place. Thanks Sara! Well, that's about it for now. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to bed...aluve'
Your Kissing Purity Score: 43% Pure

You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Okay, enough of the depressing things. I am not a depressive person. I don't like to show my emotions at all, for that matter. Today was an alright day. I have been feeling rediculously tired all week, and I have no idea why. I might be getting sick. >.< I seriously hope not. With all of the work and rehearsing that I have to do, I cannot afford to get sick. My Mum suggests getting more Vitamin C in my diet -- she thinks that I might be getting sick due to malnutrition. Mother knows best. So, I was just recently informed by my favorite camper this summer, Mikey, that I am his idol, and that he wants to be just like me. If that isn't the best way to take a study break, then I don't know what is! I love Mikey! Almost makes me forget that I hate the putrid stench in my room due to my roommate's uncleanliness, I am sleeping like shit, and I have a Physics exam tomorrow. But, on the plus side, I am going home in a little more than a week to see Ted for his birthday and probably a few other camp friends that will show up for the festivities. ^_^ Like I said -- Minus depression for today. Woot! And I succeeded. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is back to studying Physics...aluve'
Your Seduction Style: Prized Object

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.
You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.
The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.
You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.
You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.
Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!
You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.
Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.
You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for.
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