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Friday, February 11, 2005
The Phantom of the Opera
Last night I had my first Calculus II exam, and I was pretty sure that I was going to be incredibly depressed after the exam, seeing as how it was calculus, and I suck in it. I know that I got a few wrong for sure, but I think I may have pulled off a passing grade. I won't jinx myself though by giving myself false hope, but you know, whatever. After the exam, my roommate and two guys from our floor went out to see the Phantom of the Opera movie. It was a great movie. I love the play and whatnot, so seeing it in the movies was quite an experience. All four of us knew most of the songs, so we were singing along silently in our heads. There were some parts we didn't like about it, but overall it was great. We all suggest it to everyone. This weekend we have a long's February break, so we don't have class until Wednesday. A bunch of people are going home, but I am going to stay here and just hang out for four days. Fun times are ahead. ^_^ Anywho, I do believe that Artemis, Goddess of the hunt, is off to the gym...aluve'
 The Napoleon (He's Only Come To Take The World)
What Type of Slytherin Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Team America
Monday was the most stressful night I have had in a long time. Here's the deal: I am in a Forensics Lab, and we work in groups of four. On Tuesdays we have lab reports due, and each member of the group writes a portion of the lab paper, and then e-mails it to me so I can fix grammar, and transition all of our different pieces together. Well, come midnight, I didn't have anyone's piece of the paper besides my own. I was freaking out...I even went to their dorm rooms and told them to get their work in to me. I had by big Italian bodyguard come with me to stare them down and intimidate was 1:30 before I got all of the parts of the paper in. At 9:30 Tuesday morning I got in the revisions that were needed. It was crazymaddness. Besides that, Tuesday went relatively better. I saw a bootleg copy of Team America. it was a good in-your-face movie. It had a wonderful analogy about life in it, and I had to include it in:
Gary: Oh no we aren't! We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks! And the Film Actors' Guild!... are pussies. And Kim Jong Il!... is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks!...because puusies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, but the only thing that can fuck an a dick...with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much, or fuck when it isn't apporoporate... and it takes a pussy to show 'em that. But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don't know much in this...crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we are gonna have our dicks and our pussies... all covered in shit.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'
 Well well well, the old fashioned 17th century vampire, one of my faves. You look for the good things in life, you posses a lot of classical class, and follow that of the original vampires, you have no shame in what you are, infact you embrace it, you love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Your wealth is unspeakable and your way of luring people with your mystical ways and looks is amazing, and most people would often call you The Seductress. Please rate this quiz!
What Kind Of Vampire Would You Be. (New And Improved, With COOL Pics!!!) FOR GIRLS ONLY!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, February 7, 2005
And That's All Folks
The one-act festival is now over. I think it went well, of course having our last performance on Saturday night being by far the best. I had so much fun, regardless of me not knowing my lines. Between our two shows on Saturday we went out to dinner with the theatre and got stuffed, but it was a good time. After our last show of course we had a cast party. My friend Bill from my floor came with me and my roomie, so that was great, and I got to hang out with Cip and two of his suitemates, which I haven't done that often recently. It was a fun night of catching up on old times, dancing and singing, drinking, and just having an overall good time. I ended up walking home with a guy named Mike from theatre. He's a good guy...I never really talked to him much before Saturday night, but when he walked me home we had a good conversation. I enjoyed it. He had his arm around me to keep me warm, and I saw that as sweet. Thinking about it now, there were a few weird interactions. There was one with my roommate and another guy from theatre, and then I realized that I was flirting with a guy at the cast party for a good portion of the night...he told me that he was going to make me a smoothie some day. The way he was describing it just sounded so good. Cip told me that I was doing something dangerous by flirting with this guy though because he gets ideas into his head before the ideas are formed. "He's struck out more than the Red Sox" he said. (*laughs at Cip's comment*) I hope no harm comes from it. ^_^ It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...I have a feeling that will happen a few times this week. There was a girl that had to break another guy's heart at the cast party, one for my roommate to break, and another one for me to break...I won't get into that story. If you are curious about that one you'll have to ask me yourself. ^_^ Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to beddie-bye...aluve'
 You are most like Raven. Quiet and usually soft spoken, you don't like crowds and can be slightly gothic. You try to repress your emotions for one reason or another but one of your most powerful emotions is your anger. Your temper sometimes gets the best of you and when that happens those in your way would wish they weren't. You seem somewhat creepy to others and you earn a few odd stares but who cares? You aren't an outdoors person and avoid venturing outside when you can. You are generally the smart one and maybe not by trying to, the most cynical and sarcastic of the bunch which can be good or bad. You don't like anyone invading your privacy and you don't seem to be all that social. But for what it's worth you can be quite handy in a tough situation. You are drawn to the darkness or night most of the time. You appear mysterious and/or potentially dangerous at times and not everyone trusts you right away.
Which Teen Titans Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Tonight...they are tonight. Bleh. I don't know my lines as much as I should...hopefully the girl that I am acting with can do improv a bit. ^_^ Besides that, I had kind of a bad day of the few that I have actually had this semester. It all started when I woke up late and got to work late. Then I just wanted to flip out when I realized that there are about two people there that actually know my name -- the other ones just call me "hey you" or some other name that begins with a K. I try to correct them, but they just don't listen. So, that set off the bad day. Then I had Bio lab, which was fine...a forensics meeting late in the evening where my group didn't show up...I was just stressing out way too much. Today is a good day though. That's all that matters. I made it a good day dammit! Aretmis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to plan a party for tonight...aluve'
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
I Found It!
Hawksley Workman
Track 1 from : (last night we were) the delicious wolves (2001)
In a house by the tracks
I want, I want you back
In a dress that's faded black
I want you back
I want you back
All the ways that my mama taught me how
I want, I want you now
In any place you'll allow
I want you now
I want you now
It's never very hard staying true
When I'm staying true to you
When your kiss is all I think about
The proof is in your moves
And your grooves
And the little things you do
And the silly things you laugh about
I called, you came
I called, you came
It seems to be
The only way
I'll be dreaming of the kissing That i'm missing
Truly wishing that you listen When i sweetly ask you to
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
All the ways you never ever had
I want, I want you bad
You know I'll never make you sad
I want you bad, I want you bad
As if I never said the words
I want, I want you first
The only thing that can quench my thirst
I want you first, I want you first
It's never very hard staying true
When I'm staying true to you
When your kiss is all I think about
The proof is in your moves
And your grooves
And the little things you do
And the silly things you laugh about
I called, you came
I called, you came
It seems to be
The only way
I'll be dreaming of the kissing
That I'm missing
Truly wishing that you listen When I sweetly ask you to
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
In a house that's by the tracks
I want, I want you back
In a dress that's faded black
I want you back
I want you back
All the ways that my mama taught me how
I want, I want you now
In any place you'll allow
I want you now
I want you now
It's never very hard staying true
When I'm staying true to you
When your kiss is all I think about
The proof is in your moves
And your grooves
And the little things you do
And the silly things you laugh about
I called, you came
I called, you came
It seems to be
The only way
I'll be dreaming of the kissing That I'm missing
Truly wishing that you listen When I sweetly say to you
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
Striptease for me baby
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That's All Folks
Well, for the first time this semester I slept all weekend. It was amazing. My roommate had her best friend up this weekend as well, so I was the good roommate and let him have my bed. I ended up staying in a friend's room on the fouton over the weekend, so it was all good. On Friday almost everyone on my floor was drunk beyone belief, but it was hilarious to watch. This one guy that we call Moses got a "little" pissed off when he couldn't find his hat, so he threw his cell phone into the wall and broke it into three pieces. Then on Saturday I had to work, and since it was such a nice day out (above 0), I decided to drive back to college, and then walk to the theatre, which is right across the street from where I work. I did the "worksession" thing, and then I went to chinese dinner with Cip and another theatre junkie, Mike. It was fun. I got back here between 5 and 6, and was bored out of my mind. It ended up being a weekend of closed parties at the frats, so unless you had connections, you were stuck in the dorms. Well, my roommate had connections, so she went out, but I ended up staying in and watching movies all night. I am finally starting to catch up on the movies that I should have watched years ago. Like, last night I watched Mallrats, Wayne's World (which I have seen before), and the Shawshank Redemption. On Friday wewatched Hero, which was excellent. Last night I ended up passing out on the fouton about half an hour before the end of Shawshank (around 3:00), but it is my Mum's favorite movie, so I have seen the end before. My neck is pretty stiff today from falling asleep sitting up. My friend told me that he was going to wake me up so I could lay down and sleep, but he didn't want to disturb me because I need to catch up on my sleep still. ^_^ Oh well. It's all good. Slowly I am catching up from my all-nighters. Hehe. Overall the weekend was decent, and I don't have anything to complain about. I was bored last night before the movie festivities began, so I took a 500 question Purity Test, and I got an 85% purity level. That is pretty impressive, considering the last time that I took it (around the end of the last semester) I got around a 90%. I love how things can change as such. I was walking around campus with my roommate today, and we were talking, and we realized that we haven't even been back here for a month yet, an already so many things have changed. I know that I have, for one thing. I go out and enjy life now...I socialize, and I go to parties on some of the weekends. That's not all of course. We have just done so much is such a short amount of time. It's truly amazing. I know I keep mentioning it in my recent posts, but I am just so proud of my changes that I can't stop talking about them. I am alive, and it's great to know about it. Sometimes I would wonder if I was just some soul-less body aimlessly wandering around the earth. I think I have finally gotten out of the bitter stage in my life. It took way too long for that to happen, but I am relieved that it has. Next weekend is out one-act festival. I have no idea how that is going to go, but I hope that my Mum shows up to one of the performances. That would be awesome. I had to meet her last week so she could drop off some things to me, and she laughed at me when she found out that I was hungover and...uh...nevermind. That's the kind of relationship we have, and it is awesome. Give it up for my Mumsie! Okay, now that is out of my system, I am going to get going. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has other things to do...aluve'

Your Hidden Power Is Dark Angel
You have a Evil and Demonic Soul. You use your hidden powers for the evil of hell. You are in constent war with the heavans for you want to destroy the pathetic humans were they want to save them. For all people see in you is that any emotion expecially love is a waste of your time but your so mysterious that people don't know you do have a shy emotions that are kept locked within you.
Gem Stone:Black Pearl, Eye Color:Black,Hair Color:Black with Grey Streaks that is down to your waist pulled in a braid
Quote:You said you read me like a book
but the pages are all torn and frayed
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 28, 2005
The Song Is Still Stuck In My Head...
Which song? Well, it's actually two songs. One is "Island in the Sun" by Weezer, and the other I do not know the artist or title of, but it has the lyrics "Striptease for me baby" in it. ^_^ Don't even ask why it is stuck in my head, because Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is not going to tell. And speaking of telling things...I have to get a little something off of my chest:
Don't look at me with those eyes.
Don't even try to judge me.
You don't know me.
I may have changed.
This is the real me.
Get over it.
You don't control me.
Change is inevitable.
Get over it.
I just wanted to say something to that extent to all of those people who have had the balls to lecture me lately. I know what I am doing with myself.
On a completely different topic, I cannot go to the gym for a few days because I messed up my ankle last week, and this wek when I tried to go to the gym I messed it up even more and now it is swollen and bruised all to hell. "That'll teach you to be healthy." ^_^ Such is life. It goes on with or without you. This weekend I am voluntarily kicking myself out of my room so my roommate can have her friend over. I am allowing him to sleep in my bed, so I'll probably be in a freind's room all weekend...hopefully, at least. If not, the lounge is right next door from my room. Besides that, not too much is happening. At least, not enough for me to talk about on a place where strangers can look at everything that I am talking about. Some things are better not talked about in a public place...some things that only four people in this world know right now ^_^. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is telling naught...aluve'
 You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek or more passionate embrace. super markets and work places are your favorite places to attack your loved one with all your love =p
What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
There's a day called Friday? *ponders for a moment* That sounds familiar. I don't remember much about my Friday night though. It's an interesting story, I suppose. A bunch of people went out on Firday night instead of Saturday like the normal around here. I stayed in with a couple of friends of mine. They had a bottle of Jack Daniel's and a bottle of Southern Comfort. They mixed the Southern Comfort with coca-cola and were drinking that. My one friend gave me a cup of that, and it was pretty good. I think I had two glasses of that. You couldn't taste the alcohol in it, but you could sure as hell smell it. I am a lightweight...have I mentioned that before? Well, it hit me all at once. I was laying on my bed, and a guy named Greg knocked on my door to give me my White Board that had fallen off. I was standing at the door, and realized that I was beyone drunk. I went out to the lounge with the two friends, and just sat at a table with my head on it. The night after that is pretty blurry. I know that I ended up puking, which I have never done because of alcohol before. Oh well. It was worth it definitely, although at some point I wrestled a guy and was dropped on my head. ^_^ Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is going to go do homework...aluve'
 You are a Belly Dancer. You are charming inside out, your life follows an interesting rhythem, beautiful and smooth, you know how to be the center of attention when you want to, you love your friends and you can trust them on your life. Your ideal man is the one with a sweet witty character who understands how much freedom is important to you.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Keep on Rolling
This is amazing...two posts in two days! What is wrong with me? Must be the boredom...or the putting-off of Biology studying time. Such is life. I was so proud of myself last night. I went to bed before 12:30. I was so freaking exhausted, that I just kind of passed out watching my roommate and some of our friends play Mario Party 4. It's always amusing watching it becuase everyone always gets so competitive about it, and I just sit back and laugh. I know that I would be just as bad, if not worse, if I played with them. ^_^ I just got off AIM talking with my sister, and she is in a great mood, so I am happy for her. She finally found a guy that is worth her time. Yays for all! Well, now she is calling me on the room phone, so Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is off to answer the ringing...aluve'
 In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
A Tale...
"How To Be The Worst Roommate Ever"
A Tale by Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt.
It was the beginning of the semester, and everything was going well. Artemis and her roommie were getting along quite well; they would stay up all night talking about boys, school, life...things that best friends do. The would go out on the weekends and have fun. During the week they would complain about homework and watch endless movies. This day happened like any other normal day in the life of Artemis and her roommate. It was a Wednesday...nothing special. It is about 10:00 at night, and all of the homework is finished. Artemis goes to a friend's room, and later on her roomie joins in the festivities. The group decides to watch the Exorcist. The movie does not get paid attention to however, because everyone in the room is ticklish..enough said. The Exorcist ends, and the roommate wants to watch the Lion King. This means that Artemis's friend must download the movie from the internet. While this is taking place, Artemis passes out on her friend's bed. She asks her friend to set the alarm for 8:00 because she has to work in the morning. Artemis stays the night in the friend's room, while her roomie goes back to her room. She does not have class the next day. Artemis gets a good 6 hour sleep and wakes up completely refreshed. However, as soon as she realizes what happened, it was too late. Artemis had set the alarm in her room, and was not there to turn it off. The roommate who could sleep in as long as she wanted to had to get out of her lofted bed, walk across the room to Artemis's bed, crawl up into Artemis's lofted bed, turn off the alarm, and then crawl back into her bed again. Artemis was truly the worst roommate ever. To fix this problem, Artemis apologized profusely, only to get a laughing roommate in return. "It's okay," she said, "you had better things to do...I went right back to sleep after anyway." Artemis was truly happy. She was not the worst roommate ever. Artemis had the most awesome and understanding roommate ever.
The End.
 the studious student. You are definitely pressured and suffer from side effects from built up stress. You are constantly occupying yourself with books, studies, or some other hobby. You feel squeezed in place and have litte movement. Most of the time you are busy with work and family, and would love to spread your wings and relax. One like you needs to find a certain time of the day to just sit and release the tension. However, you are doing fairly well in school, but that does not mean that you can continue stressing yourself out. Take a breather and head out with some friends. You can consider going into a field like librarian, polotician, journalist, Archeologist, scientist, or lawyer. You have a brain...NOW USE IT....but please...spare yourself the pressure and create some down time for yourself. Or develop a hobby that releases tension, such as knitting (it worked wonders for me)
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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