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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...
Okay, so it might be past that time of the year, but IS snowing out, after all. Yes, yes, it is winter, and it snows quite a bit around here, but just let me have my fun. It's like a heat wave has hit us's currently 15 degrees out! Yesterday it never got above zero, and the wind chill was about -35. I was so freaking cold. I had a test last night, and I ended up walking over with a long-sleeved shirt on, my hoodie, my friend Bill's hoodie, and my friend Chris's ski gloves. I was almost warm! *laughs* I think I am getting sick. I hope not though, because that would just ruin my weekend. That will teach me to stay up all night two weekends in a row. *le sigh* I had better not be sick. *shakes fist at her immune system* Anyway, I do believe that Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, will be off for the time being...aluve'
 You are a Fox demon. You are sly and charming and can squeeze out of any situation. You are very beautiful and you use that to your advantage. You are a half demon so you don't fit in with anyone.
What Kind of Demon are you? Gurlz ONLY! Anime PICS! brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Uno Mas...
Yet another fun weekend of little sleep. It all started on Friday around 8:00 pm. Return of the King Extended Edition was first. I couple of friends of mine and myself had the random urge to watch all 4 hours and 10 minutes of it. After that was over, we decided for uno mas. I believe the second movie was South Park Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. Ta make a long story short, we watched a little more than 12 hours of movies in a row. There was ROTK EE, South Park, Baseketball, Animal House, Ace Ventura, and another one I think, but I an't remember it. So, I didn't really get much sleep that night, but I did manage to fall asleep during Animal House. Then I had to go to work, and after work I passed out for a couple of hours. Around 9:30 ish I went out to a frat with a few people from my floor. After the festivities at the frat were over (we left early because we were bored) we went to the local Bagelry and got some food. The we came back, and I watched another movie -- Vampire Hunter D-- and fell asleep watching that. (There was a Bond marathon on all weekend, so there was some of that being watched as well). It was some good times. My roommate mentioned how I was in the same guy's room all weekend watching endless movies...hehe. Then Sunday was yet another sleep. I got up about 2:00 ish. Not too much happened at all, I got up and watched Steven Lynch (funnier than hell) and then did homework. Later that night I watched a movie called American History X, which isn't that bad of a movie, but it had a couple of parts that made me shudder. Besides that, it's been a great weekend. I am still in a good mood, and I love it. ^_^ I don't know what else to say...okay, I got it. On Thursday, a friend's friend got smashed...I mean absolutely trashed. I stayed up with the friend for hours to make sure the drunk friend didn't get into trouble. So I got a little sleep that night, so the weekend wa sfiled with me not sleeping too much at all. *le sigh* It was all worth it. As for now, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to take a shower.
You are beautiful because of the pure, sensitive, good hearted, unexperienced vibe you give out. You most likely haven't done much such as sex, drugs , and alcohol. If you have you were probably just experimenting out of pure curiousity. Your curiousness may lead to danger if you cannot control it! People like to be around you because of your young personality. You like to have fun and be happy. You are well liked by most people but some may find you slightly immature. Don't let people bring you down, for you are a wonderful and beautiful person!
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my quiz! XoXo <3 Lana
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Sleep, Work, and Euchre
Okay, okay, I confess...I don't really know how to play Euchre, but I did the other two things! Work went well for my first was basically just training and getting to know the people that I work with. I did get some sleep in me so I could function at work and in my whole two classes for the day, and then after work I had to go to our One-Act rehearsal. Huzzah. My roommate is joining me in the festivities and is in an act with me, which is awesome. Since I got back this semester, we have become a lot closer. It was her goal to take me out with her one weekend, and now she has corrupted me. ^_^ I now love to socialize with people on my floor and go out with them on the weekends. I spend a lot of time in our lounge now. I am just so proud of myself for coming out of my shell. My roommate is proud of me as well. It's all good. Everyone wins. That's the way it should be. Besides that, I watch other people on my floor play Euchre, so doesn't that count for something? I am going to say it does, just for the sake of being difficult. ^_^ Now I have nothing to do...class at one...I'll just talk to some people until then. Artemis, Goddess if the Hunt, is off to do something until her Biology class...aluve'
 You are quite, cautious, tend to live in your own world, you usually love to read and to collect vast amounts of knowledge, you are incredibly unique.
Who are you from your birthday date (easy steps, amazing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
36.5 Hours
That's how long I stayed up between Sunday and the morning of Tuesday. I was aiming for 48 hours, but then I decided against it because I start my job today, and I didn't want to fall asleep whilst putting books back on the shelf. I now work at the downtown library here. I start my job today, and I can't wait to start making money. So, yeah. Now I have something to take up my time. Add in the fact that I am actually socializing this semester, and you have one non-depressed Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt. I am so happy to be rid of my depression. Besides that, I should be exhausted, but I am doing pretty okay. Alas, I must go to my Forensics Lab shortly, so Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to do that...aluve'
 Your inner soul is very mellow. You're very laid back and pretty much enjoy life! You're quite an average person, you enjoy hanging out with your friends, but also making sure you're doing alright in school. You love to have fun and laugh, but you're also quiet at times and just like to soak in the pleasurement of simple things. You have a pretty good life going on and wouldn't trade it for anything else :)
What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (With Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 7, 2005
It's the End of the World as we Know it
*sings the rest of the great R.E.M. song* that we have THAT out of the way, we can get down to business. Okay, so the title does have something to do with this post...lately, I have been having these dreams. I don't normally sleep long enough to dream, but lately I have been. The dreams have all been disturbing as hell. I believe that all of my most recent dreams have been about the end of the world, with a different catastrophic event in each of them. The strange thing is that in my dreams, everyone is freaking out about the end of the world, but I am extremely calm. The threat does not even phase me at all. I watch people that I know die, and have no emotion of saddness running through me. These dreams have been happening all week. It's strange. The other night I was watching the second to last episode of Wolf's Rain, and I began to cry. I hate to cry, or show any emotion at all, for that matter. But I just cried. I have no idea why (well, it was a depressing episode, but still...) but it was strange. I have been sort of depressed ever since. I don't know what is bothering me. The dreams have me emotionless, during the day I am my normal self, and at night I think about...something, and that gets me down. What is bothering me? I wish I knew. *shrugs shoulders* I may not be sleeping/eating/feeling normal, but it will pass. It had better pass, because I don't want to get sick. I am starting to fall back into my old eating habits, and that is never healthy. I am dreading going to sleep because I don't want to dream about death anymore. So...yeah. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt should be off to clear her mind before bed...aluve'
 You are a Ballerina. You are the classic princess between all, you have an opinion about almost everything, your friends respect you and see you as a role model cuz you are always in your way up. Your ideal man is someone who respects the successful and intelligent woman you are.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy 2005
Well, well, well. What a fun New Year's I had. I went over to my friend Arison's house with a few other people, and we just hung (or hanged?) out. It was fun catching up with some people. I ended up leaving because I was sick of smelling the pot that people were smoking. I am not in to that crap, and I do not enjoy being around people under the influence. It is kind of depressing in a way...doing such things. I do not disappprove of people doing such things, because it is their lives and all...I just do not want it to be done around me. That's all. I know that I need to come up with a New Year's Resolution...but I don't know what I could resolve to do (or not to do). *ponders* I really don't know. I think I'll go to the gym three times a week...that sounds good, but I already do that. Drat. Okay. Let's think again...ohnoes! I don't know...what are your suggestions? Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to ponder...aluve'
 You're the high fashion trendsetter. You're confident, independent, outgoing, and love attention. You might become a star one day. All the girls like to follow in your foot steps because you're so cool, fashionable, and don't care about anything. You make the rules, never follow. But please be sure not to act bitchy. That could be bad. But keep the attitude. That's what makes you, you.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
So, I am in a strange mood...I have been for a few days. I have no idea what caused it r how to get rid of it. I was online talking to my friend Dave for three hours about it last night. I feel like I am bored with life, and I don't know why. I have been indulging myself in video games and fantasy reading more often lately. I want to get out of reality. I don't know where I would want to go or what I would want to do though. I am feeling confused as hell...Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to watch her friend play the N64...aluve'
 Setsuna Meiou, aka Sailor Pluto: The Guardian of the Gate of Time and keeper of the Time Keys, Sailor Pluto used to remain guarding the gate at all times. Finally, she got the chance to fight alongside her friends, and she fought good! Her attack, Dead Scream, would destroy anything in its path, and she even destroyed herself once by abusing her powers and freezing time during a battle when her friends were losing. You should be proud to be like Setsuna. She is strong, loyal, courageous, brilliant, and a great friend. She will always be there to cheer you up when you're feeling blue.
Which 'sailor moon' Outer Senshi are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Christmas time
This is an exerpt from a letter that was written to me the other day, and it just fits perfectly with the holiday spirit (and because he and I think exactly alike):
"Awakening experience. Or Re-affirmation. The other day I was at Target with my Mom for something to do. It was later in the evening when people would go to get stuff done. And being in a crowded place with many people, I realized how much I truly dislike being around a lot of people. A cabin in the woods is looking better and better. Another thing -- I was looking around, getting ready to go -- I walked by the children's toys section. They had those stereotypical toy-section pictures on the wall, which included a picture of a slinky. Oh yes, you know what I did. First I laughed, then informed my Mom I was going to buy a slinky. Again, many people were a factor so I didn't dig and dig, just scanned. And they don't have them! That gt me pissed so I started semi-ranting about how I couldn't find one because it didn't talk, didn't come from a movie, and didn't push little girls and boys into emotionally shallow stereotypes set by corporate idiots, that are inadvertently producing their own children in that fashion so that they will be pushed aside when old and spread more ignorance. Ah-hem...I digress."
I do feel bad for the children of today and the future. Ah well...there is nothing we can do except for not follow the mainstream of society. It may be difficult, but Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is ready for action! aluve'
 You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Hiya all. What's going on? *laughs* Sorry...that was corny. Not too much is going on around here at the's been an interesting, yet boring few days. Last night I went to my high school's production on Oliver Twist. For being a small town with bad acting talent, it wasn't that bad. I was pleasantly surprised. After the play I dropped off The Nik and then went to my friend Gretchen's house to stay the night. We talked for a while...we both think too much, and then we watched the Breakfast Club. It was a decent night. Tonight was the second production, but I stayed home to babysit. My sister and her best friend came back after the cast party covered in frosting...and then told me the story to go along with times. Then we got into talking about kissing boys, and who was the worst kissers and why. With my younger sister and her best friend! It was so much fun...hearing them describe the worst kiss as a "dead fish in the mouth." Mind you, I am petrified of fish...yeah. It was fun though. Then we listed the top best kissers...hehe. It was just a fun talk. Okay, that's about it. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt,is off to play Final Fantasy IV...aluve'
Are you an InuYasha fan? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Today was a decent day...I cleaned the house mostly, and then went to watch my sister play basketball, and then I did some Yogalates. I feel good now, and I was just modeling some clothes of mine in front of my mirror. I don't know why either. Ah well. I got my scores for my first semester last night...a 3.0. That's not too bad for my first semester, but I am a perfectionist and not too pleased with myself on that. Next semester I shall try harder, and hope that calculus goes better for me. Besides that, not too much is planned for the rest of the week. Tomorrow I am going to go to my sister's Band concert, Thursday she has another basketball game, and then on Firday The Nik is coming up (hopefully) and we are going to go watch the awful high school play that my sister and a few of my friends are in. I am allowed to say awful because the director is the same one that has done it for years, and this woman sucks at it. She had no idea what blocking is, and she is emotionally unstable. Plus, she holds a grudge against her actors/actresses if they miss a rehearsal. I went to one rehearsal of my sister's, and realized that knew more about directing than this woman does. That is a shame in itself right there. Plus, The Nik is a drama major, so that will be even more amusing for the both of us. And speaking of The Nik, he's going to be joining my family for Christmas this year (weather permitting). He's actually probably going to come over on Christmas Eve and staying the night. My Aunt is holding a cocktail party on Christmas Eve as well, so we might go to that to get out of the house. You never know. It basically depends on my mood and if I feel like driving or not. But yeah. I digress. Aretmis, Goddess of the Hunt is off to put back on some normal clothes...aluve'
 Brave, strong willed, loyal and passionate
You are a sprite of Fire. Full of passion, bravery and spice you are the living embodiment of fire. You are quite arrogant and think yourself above most but that is made up for by; your passionate ability to pursue your dreams, your strong will and your powerful well skilled ability for fighting. You are a natural leader, people are somewhat drawn to you and see you as someone to look up to but you only pay attention to them if they are useful, your equal or your superior. You are a very exciting person to be near for you have a vast love of adventure and battle. Fire is a symbol of Passion if and when you choose to love you are capable of beautiful, long lasting, devoted love. You are quite wondrous!
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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