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Monday, December 13, 2004
Egadzooks! I haven't posted in a while. I am home for the winter break, so that may be why. I don't like to be on the computer when I am at home. It's not like there is anything else to do, it's just that I don't want to. But, yeah. I got home on Thursday night after my last exam at 7:00. On Friday I visited my high school and talked with some of my old teachers. It was good to talk to them again. Then I went to talk to my band teacher, because I was actually chaperoning a band function later that night. I listened to some people play their music for that night, and my band teacher asked me if I wanted to play with them that night at the hockey game. How could I refuse? I played with the band at the hockey game, and then did my job as a chaperone and talked with some people and caught up with their lives. I had a good talk with an ex-boyfriend of mine, Mark, about school and life and everything like that. At the game I spent time with my most recent ex-boyfriend, Ryan. I had a good time talking with him again as was just a fun time to hang out with some people. The only downside is that I think Ryan still has a thing for me. On the bus ride back I noticed that he was playing with something I gave him while we were going out...ater on he mentioned to me that he still carries it around with him. It was just an "awww" moment for me...but I feel bad that he hasn't moved on. Oh well...there is nothing that I can really do about it. Besides that, I am already bothering my family with my constant motion. I can't sit still, and it had gotten worse since I went off to college. I could do something about it there...but here is a different story. *sighs* It is going to be a long break. I'll just have to grin and bear it. I'll be fine. ^_^ Now all I have to do is to find out my scores on my exams...Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to clean her already spotless room...aluve'
 Green Tea...
You are Green Tea!
Strong and very smart you prefer peace to violence and very rarely take action if it involves confrontation. But you make up for this with your keen insight and understanding of the world and people around you, you have a very mysterious nature. Many people see you as laid back and that may be true but you are very intelligent and make good decisions.
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Exams...first round
8:00am...calculus exam. I think I am ready for it...I am just taking a quick break before I have to go. I got up early because I thought I would review before I left, but then I realized that if I don't know the material now, then I am not going to know it for the exam. Oh, what else? Later today I have to help a friend of mine from theatre study for Chemistry, which is tomorrow at 8:00am as well. Slowly, it is beginning to become light out. It's always fun going to bed and waking up with the same look to the sky. Four more days until I get to go home. I think everyone is beginning to feel it. I have a few friends that have said the same thing. I am just hoping the roads get better as the week progresses. Last night the roads were rather icy. That makes me paraniod because of people that my family has lost due to bad road conditions and stupid people driving. I won't get into that. I believe Aretmis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to go relax before the exam...aluve'
 The Big Fat Outlaw Star Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
This is what counts...
'Twas the night before finals,
And all through the college,
The students were praying,
For last minute knowledge.
Most were sleepy,
But none touched their beds,
While visions of essays,
Danced in their heads.
Out in the bars,
A few were still drinking,
Hoping that liquor,
Would loosen up their thinking.
In my own room,
I had been pacing,
And dreading exams,
I soon would be facing.
My roommate was speechless,
His nose in his books,
And my comments to him,
Drew unfriendly looks.
I drained all the coffee,
Brewed a new pot,
No longer caring,
That my nerves were shot.
I'd nearly concluded,
That life was too cruel,
With futures depending,
On grades had in school.
Our teachers have pegged us,
So just do your best,
Happy Finals to All,
And to all a Good Test.
^ Lighty's away message...I thought it fit in wonderfully with the mood around here...Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to do more studying...aluve'
 What Cowboy Bebop Crew Member Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Snowball fights
Today was a decent day. I went to bed at 4:30 after watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and then woke up a few hours later to my roommate getting ready to leave for a day of skiing. I couldn't really get back to sleep after that. I did some studying, and then Cip and I went over to visit The Nik and watch Anchorman. I got back here a little before 8:00, and then I was supposed to go play some Ultimate Frisbee with some of my other friends. Unfortunately, the place that we play was locked, so we had to trash that idea. Instead, we decided to have a snowball fight. That was a blast. Then we made snowmen as well. These were not the ordinary snowmen though...more of an "X-rated" type of snowmen. It was good fun act like a kid again in the snow. I didn't make a snow angel though. *ponders* I'll have to do that later. After the fun in the snow we came inside and watched Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. I love that movie. I got so much more out of it this time through than I ever have..I picked up on a lot of subtleties that I have passed over in past watchings. That just made me happy for some strange reason. But, yeah. It was a fun night. I really can't wait until I can go home though. Ever since I got off from Thanksgiving Break I have wanted to go back. Something is just bothering me, and I don't know what it is. There was something following me around for about the past two weeks or so...and now that it is not as noticable, something just doesn't feel right. I want to get away from all of the people here who think that they can just drink their problems away. I'm not saying that drinking is bad or anything, because my saying that would make me a hypocrite. I drink from time to time, but only for special occassions. Drinking to make the problems go away is just maddness. Take, for example, my floor...the freshman party floor. We have exams starting Monday, and some people have been drinking since Thursday. I can't see how people could pay so much to go to this college, and then waste their time drinking. I suppose it just has to do with ambition, drive, and resistance to peer pressure. *sigh* I am sick of it...I just want to go home. Artemis, manipulative Goddess of the Hunt, is going to go do something...
 What Anime Angel Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
Dead Week
It's the last day of Dead Week! What does that mean? That means that next week is exam week. Then I get to go home. Normally, I wouldn't want to go home because I do love it here so much. It's strange though, because I really want to go home this time. When I got back here from Thanksgiving Break, it just didn't feel the same. I haven't felt well all week, so I just want to go home and recuperate. My bed and my Lord of the Rings filled room seems so good to me right now. Plus...good food. That's a major plus. I don't like to eat as it is, but when the food is bad...that's even worse. Oh well. I'll miss the friends that I have made here, but I'll get to see them in a month, so it's all good. Anyway, that's enough of that. Last night was my last Chemisrty Thursday, and it was something to remember. I think I finally accomplished getting my "stalker" off of my back. It truly is an evil that I must repeat. This kid was crazily obsessed with me...he even make a website dedicated to me and my sock collection. Last night I just got sick of it, and told this kid that my boyfriend was not too pleased with him. Then I got my best friend Dan to portray the jealous bastard boyfriend and tell this kid to back off. Oh my, that was something else! It was so fun. Evil, yes. Fun as well though. There is much more to the story, but basically this kid is now petrified of Dan, who was being an ass. It was great, because I have played the jealous girlfriend for him before as well. That's what friends are for -- they get annoying creepy people off of you. ^_^ What else are friends for? *laughs manaically* Anyway, yeah...two more classes left for me in the semester. Whoot! It'll be a good day indeed...Artemis, evil Goddess of the Hunt is off to plot more evil schemes...aluve'
 What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Ah...back from break. I had a good Thanksgiving break. Not too much went on...and that's the way I like it sometimes. Granted, I do get restless, but the break from everything here was nice. Just two more weeks to go in the semester. It'll be a long two weeks. Tomorrow I have an orchestra concert...not too sure how that will go. Anyway, I had two thanksgiving dinners, as usual. The first was at my mother's husband's mother's house. The food there was decent. The only bad thing about hoiday dinners for me is that I can only eat a linited amount of food. I am a vegeterian, so that rules out all of the meat products. Then there's the fact that apples make me sick, so that rules out applesauce and apple pie. I think I had stuffing and dinner rolls for my thanksgiving dinner. It proves to be interesting. It was good to spend time with my family though. I also took my sister out shopping on Black Friday. I hate shopping, s dealing with all of the people was not something I wanted to deal with. Luckily, we went out in the late afternoon, so the crowds weren't that bad. I got most of my Chrostmas shopping done...I just have my Mumsie and my friends to get done now. That's excellent. Over the weekend, I went over to Nick's house. We watched a couple of movies, and then went to the mall and watched the Spongebob Squarepants movie. That was...good for a Nickelodeon movie. It had a lot of Ren & Stimpy antics to it. I never really liked Ren & Stimpy. Oh well. Now I know for next time. ^_^ Anyway, I am in an odd mood right now. I decided to put an awesome excerpt from my friend's profile in here. I hope he doesn't mind...
"Why did I do it? I had to... so what happened? Well I think it is pretty obvious that I failed miserably. But you know what? I am not really sad about it. A bit disheartened but not sad, in fact I am proud. Why? Because I tried. Never before would I have tried... I know failure all too well.
"So what am I talking about and why is it such a big deal? You don't need to know that part... but just think of it this way. It is a decision. Given this decision you can either live the rest of your life in wonder... what if I wasn't so afraid... what if this was the choice that gave you everything?
"I decided that it was time... do I believe in fate? Of course not. I don't like to think that I am not in control of my life... so I decided. The feeling in my body went away... I was flying. More free than I have ever been... and now I am. If you don't understand I am sorry. And if you do I live everyday for you. Don't be like me... let it all go. Just try."
Yeah...I really like that. Anyway, blah. It's dead week. Only one more week to go...having a bit of mixed emotions about that...emotions...blah. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is off to do other things now...aluve'
 A:Your Beauty lies
in Innocence. Pure, sweet and child-like. You most likely look far younger than
you are and your smile would brighten up anyone's day. Seen as naive and
sheltered, you can be ignorant at times, but for the most part, it's simply your
reputation preceding you. You are most likely rather aware of the realities of
life. You are extremely good natured and trustworthy. By the same token, you are
a bit too trusting. Be careful, few are as honest and open as you. You might
seem girlish still with a love of dresses, ponies, and things most might deem
you "too old for". But this doesn't bother you. You enjoy your youth and are
going to make it last. After all you are only as old as you feel.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Light, Wind Animal: Kitten Color: White, Pink, Pastels Song:
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney Expression: Innocent Smile
Diamond Mythological Creature: Unicorn Planet:
Moon Hair Color: White Eye Color:
Quote: "A
stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
(How innocence is something that I hold dear)
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I HATE MY COMPUTER! I had a great post all done, and it crashes. I definitely did something to it last night when I was tryingto download a Lemmings game. That'll teach me to have fun! I was going into the depths of my heart and talking about emotions too. Boy, was that a good post. *throws angry wrath at wall* Oh well, here I go again. (I am not one to give up). It's now Thanksgiving break. I get to go home soon. I've been done with classes since noon, but I have to wait until 4:30 to leave. Why? Because I am a nice friend. I am giving The Nik a ride home, so I have to wait for him to get done with his classes. Yeah, I am just that awesome. So, I haven't done much today. I tried to fix my computer, but to no avail. I also packed, so yay me. Tonight my sister has a basketball game, and since it is on the way, I am going to stop by and watch. I rock. Okay, so now on to the emotion thing. I was talking about how I couldn't believe that we are almost done with the semseter. I have gone through so many emotions this semester...before I got here I almost forgot I had them. I suppose I could say that it is reassuring to know that I am still alive. Does anyone ever question that? I think it goes back to my mirror post. If you look in the mirror and do not recognize yourself, are you still alive? Or, were you not live before, and now you are -- you are just seeing an older version of yourself than you remember. Some people may think I am crazy, I don't know. *shrugs* Think what you will. It's just something that I have been thinking about lately. Any thoughts on the subject would be greatly appreciated...thanks. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going on Thanksgiving Break...aluve'
 Werewolves of folklore differ greatly from modern renditions seen in movies and shows. People believed there were many ways to become werewolves, such as drinking rainwater collected in a wolf's pawprint, eating meat gnawed on by a wolf, or being born with a full set of teeth or covered in a caul. And unlike movie werewolves, werewolves of old were oftentimes harmless and highly honorable!
As a werewolf, you are loyal, strong and honorable, and you will protect all you hold dear with your very life. Although you are not a violent individual at heart, you will fight for what you believe in. You are a good friend and truly are a wonderful person to be around.
Who is your inner Shapeshifter? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Well, I haven't posted in a couple of days, and my friends have encouraged me to post BAM! Here I am. Happy Birthday, Person W. Tonight is night one of two of "Humanities Insanities." It's a series of short little skits that Person W wrote and directed himself. I love being a part of the show. I hold four parts in the show: Bad Soldier #2 (where I just die), Burglar B (I get to rob a bank AND beat up Kyle!), the Interviewer in Chair Duels II (enough said), and the Line piece in Tetris: United we Fall (my favorite part). It shall be a fun weekend. My sister was supposed to come up and act in Saturday's show, but at the last minute, her director for her schol play decided to be mean about it. She said that if my sister skipped her rehearsal to spend time with me, that she would be kicked out of the play. Unfortunately, she can't really do that because there would be no replacement for my sister. (Plus, my sister is one of the best at her school) Oh well, whatever. I am so glad I am out of there...I don't have to deal with that stupidity anymore. But, yeah. Kind of a meaningless post, but I have to go take a test in a few minutes for my GFI class. Basically, GFI is an english class; it's called Great Ideas...I am sure you can figure out what the "F" stands for. ^_^ Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to take her test. aluve' (More on the "Straight" subject later)
 Your like an angel. You pocess love and bring love to any thing or person. You love being yourself. Even though your cute or not. I think your just awesome. Like you are peace:)
What Type Of Girl Are You???(Amazing Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Okay, so the test went...all right. I realized that I am pretty good at saying the same thing over and over again in a different way so it looks like I actually know what I am talking about. *shrugs* Whatever works, I suppose. Anyway, back to my subject of straightness. Yesterday I was bored, and sick of the way my hair was looking. I randomly got back to my room after my calculus exam and combed my hair. I got it permed about 6 months ago, and it still had the curl to it. So, when I combed it, it was quasi-straight. I actually put up my hair for the first time since I got it permed as well. It was just a change for me. After my shower this morning, I did different things to my hair, and I think the perm is pretty much gone now. So, people get to see me with straight hair. It's a change, that's for sure. Well, a change for people here at school at least. Anyway, that was my uninteresting straightness story, and now I am officially out. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt has something else to do...aluve'
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Don't ask
I don't know what kind of mood I am in right's a depressed, yet relieved state. I have had an awful week...I have been thinking too much, I made a quasi-bad decision, and my step-grandfather passed away. I did get to go see The nik's musical "Working" thought...twice. That was soooooo good! I loved it both times. My friend Jordan was in it too...I was amazed by his stage presence. It was fabulous. That was the highlight of the week. It got my mind off of things. i still look in the mirror and see some other girl, but she's not as unfamiliar at the moment. Hopefully things are getting back into order. I don't know though...I am so confused about everything in my life right now. At this time, I feel like I am going through life drunk...I have little control over what is going on, and little awareness of it as well. (I love that analogy) I have had some strange talks with friends lately...I don't know. sorry; just disregard my senseless rambling. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to shut the hell up now. aluve'
 You're a bunny!
What kind of animal are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 12, 2004
What do you see?
Take a moment. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Do you see your own refelction? Do you see you? Probably. Well, good for you. I, however, cannot say the same. I look in the mirror, and wonder who the person looking back out is. The girl in the mirror doesn't look like me. The other night I was brushing my teeth, and I looked away from the mirror to rinse off my toothbrush. When I looked back to the mirror, the refelction I saw surprised me. I mean, I saw my reflection, but it didn't seem like me. Something seemed different. I don't really know how to explain it. I haven't been feeling like myself lately. Something just doesn't seem right. I don't know what it is. It's possible that you think that I am just going crazy as well. (It's a thought that has crossed my mind before). But anyway, yeah. I just had to get that off of my chest. There have been a lot of things on my mind lately. That was just one of them. Other than's been an odd week indeed. I went to see The Incredibles, and I would reccoment that movie to anyone who was interested in seeing a good movie. That was Tuesday. Then Wednesday was movie night, but the guys at State were more interested in video games, so The Two Towers was in order back here. I had homework though, so I skipped out on that after about a half an hour. I came back to my rom, and realized that my homework only took 15 minutes, at most. all I had to do was study for Chemistry. Luckily, my friend Tony IMed me. His room mate was gone for the night, and he was wondering if I wanted to come over and watch the Return of the King. Why not? I can never get enough Lord of the Rings action. Yeah...that's as far into that story as I'll go. Let's just say that Pop Tarts were spoken of throughout the night...and I wish I was an elf, or knew one. *laughs* There is a story behind that too. But, I don't want to get into details...I'm not sure what I am feeling at the moment. I want someone to call mine...I've been feeling lonely as of late. I just want the satisfaction of being on someone's arms...the comfort of the touch...*le sigh* That's been getting me down lately. It's sily of me. I am not like that...things as such do not normally bother me. What? I have emotions? That's crazy. College does crazy things to people. Anyway, that's enough from me. I'll end with a song of how I have been feeling lately. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has finished her ramble; aluve'
Sally's Song
I sense there’s something in the wind
That feels like tragedy’s at hand
And though I’d like to stand by him
Can’t shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it’s not to be
What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I’d like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn’t last
And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it’s never to become
For I am not the one
 COOL! You are the badass Naruto! Which means your 50% human 50% Fox. =O.O=
Which Anime Character Are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
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