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Thursday, July 22, 2004
Has anyone ever wrestled on a Trampoline at 11:00 at night? If you haven't, you are missing a great time. Well, that's what I did last night. Did I mention that I sucked at wrestling? Yes, well, I do. I couldn't bring anyone down at all. I was wrestling at my friend Arison's house with him, his older brother, and one of his younger brothers, as well as one of his younger brother's friends. You'd think that I could at least bring down someone younger than me. Nope, that wasn't the case. I'm guessing it was a weight factor...all 115ish pounds of me couldn't seem to bring anyone down. Damn. I still had a blast though. I later gave up after I began to be eaten alive by bugs (bleh). We went inside and just layed down on the livingroom floor until I had to go home by curfew. It's strange, I've never had a curfew before, and now my Mumsie is giving me one. Then again, I never really left the house at night that much either. *shrugs shoulders* Between work and there, I am barely ever home anymore. That's a strange feeling for me. I'm not a people person at all, and I'm not one to go out any party or anything like that, but for some reason, I am really enjoying spending time with my friends (the few that I have) lately. Perhaps it's the fact that I am leaving for college in less than a month. I am not sure. I really have mied enotions about leaving for college. The colser it gets, the more nervous I become. I have never dealt with changes in my life very easily...I just hope that this goes better. Yeah, so that's enough of my babbling. aluve'

Take the "You're Senshi Who" Quiz at Wishing Moon.
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Well, well, well. What a weekend I had! It all started on Friday, when I got to go to the county fair with my best friend that I rarely see, my sister, and her best friend. The weather was kind of drizzly, so the lines were short. We got bored quickly though, so we went to the mall afterward. I had to bring my sister and her best friend back home so they could go to work, and then my best friend and I went back to the fair to meet a couple of guy friends of mine. It was more fun with those guys because they are crazy, and spent roughly $150 between the three of them on a game run by a creepy guy. Nicole (my best friend) and I just shook our heads in disgust. The sad thing is, they didn't win a single prize. Sheesh! That night I went over to her house and spent the night. However, after the fair, we ran into a problem. I couldn't find my car anywhere. We looked for half an hour to find the damn car! I am not supposed to drive after 9, and we never got home until 10. Whoops. (Hehe) I had to leave at noon on Saturday because I had to work from 1-9. After I got done with work, I went home until 10, when I was "kidnapped" by my friends that I met up with at the fair. I actually rode in the trunk to my friend Arison's house. When we got there, we jumped on the trampoline for about an hour. Then Arison's brother and I walked back to my house around 11 to get some Bicardi and Smirnoff. I only had two, so Arison's brother and I had them without the others knowledge. Hehe. Then my other friend got out some super-potent hard-liquor from Spain. It's 70-proof, and illegal to possess in the United States. The was the nastiest drink I have ever had. Bleh. *sticks out tongue* Around 1:30 my Mumsie wanted me home, so we all walked back to my house and sat on my front porch and talked until 4:30 in the morning. I never went to sleep that night/morning. I had a graduation party to go to, and then I went out clothes shopping with Arison's brother afterward. Why? Well, that's what happens when you get bored...guys have the urge to go clothes shopping. Funfun. It was a good time though. I have to work today though...and right now I am babysitting the little siblings, so I suppose I shall be off. aluve'
 Which Big O character are you?
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Boredom, Driving, and Work
I stayed up until 3:00 this morning. I was up for a while catching up on my letter-writing, and then one of my best friends called me around midnight. I didn't feel like talking, so I got off the phone after a while. I watched Inu Yasha and Case Closed on Adult Swim, and then I put on "I Love the 90's." That's why stayed up for so long. Normally I'm up until 1:30 or so, but 3 is kind of late for me on a weeknight. This morning the friend that I was talking to on the phone last night woke me up at 11 or so. I was pissed. My sister let him into my room to wake me up. Yes, HIM. Grrness. I can't believe that she let him into my room. I wasn't embarrassed or anything, because frankly I could give two shits about what condition he saw me in, but it was just the fact that I was up late and didn't feel like getting up yet. *le sigh* So, I eventually got up and around, and then I had to go driving to run an errand to get a picture of mine back from the newspaper so I could send it in for a scholarship thing. That was was pouring though. I love the rain, but I hate to drive in it. *shrugs shoulders* Oh well. I have to go to work in about an hour. Blah. It's pretty boring, but it gets me out of the house. I work at the only convenience store in town as a cashier. It's roughly a five-minute walk from my house, which is great so I don't have to drive. I live in a small town, so most of the people I see I already know. Oh well, it's a job, and I should be thankful that my Mumsie helped me get it. :-) I suppose that's all for this entry. I shall write more later. aluve'
 You're the Slightly Psychotic Villian!
What's Your Anime Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Freedom to the X-Squared (Cubed) Power
So, anyway, yeah. I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. Since it's summer, I'm working a lot, and since his mother didn't like me, he was never allowed to see me. What's the point of attempting to have a relationship if we never get to see one another? Well, at least, that's the reasoning I gave him. It's not all false, but I didn't tell him everything either. I am going off to college soon, and he'll still be staying here. I am not going to wait around for him if I can find someone at college. Plus, I just simply lost interest.
But that's enough of that.
Last night I went over to a friend's house for a little bit to watch "I Love the 90s" on VH1. That wasa so much fun, because one of my friends got drunk off of wine, and he was flirting with me. He is not the type of person that flirts a lot, so I was just having a ball, what with picking on him for slurring his words and whatnot. Anyway, yeppers. That's my life for the moment. I might go out driving later on before work, but I don't really know. *shrugs shoulders* Perhaps I'll just stay home and catch up on my letter writing. I had my pen-pal write me (she's from Australia) a five page letter...I'm normally the one who writes five-page letters. Unfortunately, I cannot think of something to write about at all. Bleh. It'll probably come to me about 3:00 tomorrow morning. :) Okay, I"m done babbling now. aluve' (farewell)
 You are the brunette, with an amazing personality. You like to have fun, fit in with the crowd, and are more often than not you look your best no matter what you are wearing! Your only down side is you can be a bit stubborn in your ways, so lighten up and listen to others once in a while.
Anime personality quiz ^_^ ^_~ brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Ackness Squared
It's the time of year when Graduation Parties are all about. We had Graduation on the 25th of June, and it went surprisingly well. I had to write a speech because I was Salutatorian, and it went rather smoothly. Out of my graduating class of 27, there were four of us that got the most scholarships...that was great. I am so happy; I only have to pay $600 out-of-pocket expenses for my first year of college so far. That really helps on the old pockets. I had my Graduation Party on the 27th, and that was fun. I got drunk for the first time. My best friend's party was last night...he was drunk off his ass before I even got there. I hung out with a guy that lives down the street from me for most of the's strange; he's lived down the road from me for a couple of years now, and last night I just got to know him. He even asked me out on a date. :) That's pretty cool. Hopefully it wasn't just the alcohol talking. *laughs* Anyway, yeah. That's my life for mow. Pretty interesting, eh? *looks around, sees people sleeping* Sheesh you guys. I am sorry I am so boring. At least I am enjoying life at the moment. *giggles* Smile! It takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown. And always remember: "To me, kung-fu is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other." {Later Days}
 Ten steps towards Marriage! Target : Rukawa Kaede Test by ibiki
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Hola! Today has been an alright day; I spent about three hours in the city today trying to find the perfect dress for graduation. It figures that it was the first thing I saw in the last store I looked. *laughs* Oh well, I suppose it was worth it...I got some pretty underbritches to go along with it! POW! So, let's see what my horoscope says for me today: "Your planet, Mercury, is harmonizing with diffusive Neptune, so don't worry if you are spacing out about things -- even if this isn't your normal style. Let yourself drift away from your regular routines. This doesn't mean, however, that others won't be watching you and listening to what you are saying. It just means that you may not be as precise and exacting as they expect. No worries -- your perfectionism will return soon enough." Indeed. Well, I shall be off for now; {Later Days}
 Best Inuyasha Partner Test by Ibiki
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Saturday, June 5, 2004
Good Morning
Okay, so it's not really morning. It's actually 10:42 here. This is my first post, so I decided to put in a little something about me so people know what I am all about:
Name Four Things That You Wished You Had:
- All of the books ever written by J.R.R. Tolkien
- A puppy
- The complete set of Yu-Yu Hakusho DVDs
- The first series of Inu Yasha books
Name Four Scents You Love:
- Cucumber Melon lotion
- Roses
- Vinyl
- Rain
Name Three People You Know Best:
- Gretchen
- Matt
- Dan
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- What to do about my current crush
- What to talk about
- The music I am listening to
- Graduation
Name Four Things You Done Today:
- Went to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Fed my rabbit
- Got online
- Had a parade
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
- The Ramones
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Queen
- Foo Fighters
Current Clothes: Jeans, shirt,hoodie, socks, slippers, and undergarments
Current Jewelry: 10 rings, 3 necklaces, and 2 bracelets
Current Mood: Bored
Current Music: J-pop
Current Taste: Peanut Butter
Current Hair: Down
Current Annoyance: My sister
Current Smell: Boredom
Current thing I ought to be doing: Homework
Current Desktop Picture: Inu Yasha
Current Favorite Group: London Symphony Orchestra
Current Book: The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1
Current Movie in DVD player: The Two Towers
Current Refreshment: Water
Current Worry: Should I tell him how I feel?
Current Crush: Ryan
Current Favorite Celebrity: Ethan Zohn
- hair: Dirty blonde, about shoulder length, spiraled
- height: 5’7"
- favorite feature: Eyes or personality
- clothing: weird
- music: Instrumental
- makeup: Lip gloss and eye liner
- body art: I write on myself, does that count?
- shoes: Anything I feel like putting on my feet
- wearing: Done^
- music: Done^
- thinking of: Done^
- feeling: Done^
- did: Talked to my Mumsie
- read: A Magazine
- watched on TV: Yu-Yu Hakusho
- club or house-party: I don't like social events
- tea or coffee: tea
- high achiever or easy-going:High achiever
- cats or dogs: Dogs
- pen or pencil: pen
- gloves or mittens: gloves
- cassette or cd: CD for the most part
- snuff or cigarettes: neither
- coke or Pepsi: I don't like soda
- matches or a lighter: Matches
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: My life could be a soap opera in itself
- kill: Heh heh heh
- hear from: Nicole
- look like: I look like myself
- be like: No one, I am happy being who I am
- food: Peanut Butter
- drink: Water
- color: Red
- shoes: Boots
- site:
- song: The Ramones- "Somebody put something in my drink"
- vegetables: Carrots
- fruit: strawberries
- last movie you saw: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- last movie you saw on the big screen: see above question
- last thing you had to drink: Snapple
- last thing you ate: Ice cream
- last time you cried: Last week
- last time you smiled: Ten minutes ago
- last time you laughed: see above
- last time you danced: Today
- last person you hugged: My Mumsie
- last thing you said: "Sure, whatever"
- last person you talked to online: Josh
- last thing you smelled: My hoodie
DO YOU...?
- smoke: no
- do drugs: no
- sleep with a stuffie: You bet
- have a dream that keeps coming back: yes
- believe there is life on other planets: yes
- read the newspaper: the comics
- have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes
- believe in miracles: yes
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: I hope so
- consider yourself tolerant of others: I am intolerant of ignorant people
- consider police a friend or foe: I used to be scared of them
- like the taste of alcohol: Depends on the drink
- have a favorite Stooge: Nope
- believe in astrology: Yes
- believe in magic: Not really
- pray: No
- go to church: No
- have any secrets: That I do (who doesn't?)
- have any pets: a cat and two rabbits
- go to or plan to go to college: yes
- have a degree: no
- talk to strangers who instant message you: yeah, sometimes... I'm a strange person myself
- wear hats: not really
- have any piercings: ears
- have any tattoos: nope
- hate yourself: no
- wish on stars: yes
- like your handwriting: it's alright
- believe in witches: Yes
- believe in Satan: No
- believe in ghosts: yes
- trust others easily: Not a chance
- like sarcasm: I am the sarcasm queen
- take walks in the rain: and go puddle-jumping
- kiss with your eyes closed: yes
- sing in the shower: Have you ever heard me sing? I though not!
 Which HP Kid Are You?
So, that's a little bit about me. I'll be off for now, aluve. {Later Days}
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