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Sunday, November 5, 2006
APO Sectionals
Overall, I had a good weekend. We left for sectionals around 5:00 Friday evening, and got to RPI around 9:30, after having stopped for dinner at a cute cafe. Once we got there, we dod some fun little activities, and then went to a general meeting thing. The theme of the conference was a Murder Mystery, so we got the low-down on the suspects of the murder, etc. We were getting ready to head over to the YMCA for the free housing that they were offering the visiting chapters, when our new section rep. offered to let us stay at his place. We decided that it would do no harm because he wanted to get to know us and all, since he needs to be there when we need him and all. Mitch and Matt decided that they wanted some ice cream, and I was lucky enough to be able to get some lactaid pills from "Fuzzy," our section chair. That's why I love APO, by the way. We are always there for a brother in need. ^_^ Anywho, we got the ice cream, and went back to the section rep.'s house. Once we got there, the section rep. started acting sketchy, telling telling us how he drank to ease the pain of living and all...and we kind of get weirded out by it. So, we all kind of slept on edge that night, with Mitch staying up a lot of the night to look over Niall and myself. He's a good boyfriend. ^_^ The next morning, we got to the RPI campus, had breakfast, and then Mitch, myself, and Jeremy, on of our alumni, went to a program called Launch, which is the first program in the LEADS courses. That was fun and interesting, even if it was three hours long. Then there was a break for lunch, and then Mitch, myself, and two other alumni went to Discover, another workshop for LEADS. Then we went back to the sketchy section rep.'s house, got changed, and went back for the banquet. The banquet was good...the food was actually pretty good. Then we had some speakers, roll call (where we dressed up as a giant schmoo) and then the end of the banquet, where we all sang the Toast Song. After the banquet, my little and I went to get the giant schmoo, only to find it missing. Now, it's a custom of sectionals for a chapter to kidnap another chapter's mascot or something, but this was our giant schmoo. In short, I was pissed, and I started crying. I thought that it ruined my night. Eventually, I went in to the dance, and watched people make asses of themselves, and that made me feel a bit better. Matt also told me something that made me happy: "Don't tell anyone, but I am more mad right now than I was when I had to get to Massachusetts." That made me cry a little bit more, but I knew that it was heartfelt, and that APO means so much to him, and me, and the rest of our brothers. I also know that I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but I am sure that there is only one person who will understand that anyway. (And I love him oodles, just so you know). Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to bed...aluve'
Your Wrath Quotient: 63% | 
Everyone around you pretty much fears your wrath... which is probably what you want.
But just remember, there's a very thin line between fear and hate! |
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Grumble, Grumble
So, I just took an exam, and it went a lot worse than I expected it to. I know I studied a bunch, but for some reason I completely blanked. Grr. My mom always says that bad things come in threes, so that makes a bad exam in Material Science, Physical Chemistry, and now in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Why do the bad things have to be exams? It would be so much better if it were homeworks, or something like that. I just know that the exam just ruined the A that I had in the class. *sigh* And I was doing so well too. I guess that means that I am up for an assload of extra credit. Grumble, grumble.
I have heartburn.
I also dressed as Tifa Lockhart for Halloween. I put some pictures up on the cosplay site. You should check them out and leave your comments. I loved the that's a plus.
This weekend we are going to the sectional conference for Alpha Phi Omega. I am looking forward to that. It better not go badly, or else I will be pissed.
Um, what else? I don't know. I have homework to do before I leave for the weekend. I suppose I should go and do that. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is pissed off and has a lot to do...aluve'
Your Quirk Factor: 52% | 
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them! |
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Venting Session
So, this one time, I was feeling sick because I was stressed. I am not even stressed about things that pertain to me either. I am stressed about the incopetence of the Theatre club and how friviously they spend their money (I am the treasurer), I am stressed about the ignorance and complete disrespect of one of my suitemates, and I am stressed about life in general. It gets to me that people can be so disrespectful because they are so self-absorbed that they do not realize that there are other people in the world, and that not everyone is their friend. Take, for example, my suitemate, JJ. She spends hours upon hours in the bathroom (3+ hours in the morning) doing makeup, and hair, and whatever else she has to do to maker herself feel good about herself. She gets pissed when my roommate and I need to use the bathroom for whatever reason and kick her out temporarily. Who honestly needs to spend that much time on looks? I hate shallow people that think that looks are all that matter. I mean, don't get me wrong, because I constantly obsess about how my body looks, but I go to the gym and work out to make myself feel good...not spend countless hours in the bathroom. Not only that, but she gets whatever she is using all over both their sink and the sick that my roommate and I share. Then there is the terrible music she plays WAY too loud. She doesn't let her roommate sleep much because she is so loud with it. I swear that girl is deaf. Not only is her music WAY too loud, but that also makes her AIM sounds way too loud. And she doesn't use the default AIM sounds, oh no, she uses kissing sounds when she talks on AIM....which is all of the fucking time. She has gotten to the point of ignoring my roommate because she has asked JJ many a time to shut the hell up. It's rediculous. I know that her roommate is fed up with JJ's disrespect...she vents to my roommate and I about it, and stays over at her boyfriend's place all of the time. I don't blame her. Ugh...there are so many things that bother me about it. Not to mention the fact that I got back from theatre today around midnight, and my roommate was still wide awake because JJ was playing her music WAY TOO LOUD and would not turn it down when my roommate asked her to. My roommate needs to be up at 5:00 in the A.M. for ROTC PT. She is going to be exhausted, and is just livid about it. Things like that piss me off, and as a result, I lose sleep as well. >.< It's already a week from hell anyway, but I know that my sister is going to be visiting me for the weekend, so I am definitely looking forward to that. Looking at the clock, I see that it is 1:30 in the morn. Since I am going to be up at 7:00, I should be off. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to try to get some sleep...aluve'

What Katamari Damacy Cousin Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Another long time in between posts, and again I apologize for that. I have been keeping busy lately, as surprising as that may sound *laughs.* I have been stressed out because of the ignorance of the theatre group here at school in which I am grudgingly a part of. Our musical is this weekend, and then that crap will be over with, at least. APO is going well, at least. I have four official pledges now, which is glorious. That makes me happy. There are a couple of instances where I want to just punch one of them in the face, but I know that he is a hell of a lot bigger than me, and that it will hurt me more than him. He's a good kid, don't get me wrong...I know he means well, it's just that he doesn't shut up some times. Oh well. One of the pledges is an Eagle Scout as well, which is great because our only other Eagle Scout Brother is graduating in May. :( I don't even want to think of that. Heck, it's going to be hard to lost two of the brothers at the end of this semester to of which is my Big. So, yeah. I figured out what classes I want to take next semester, and if I am able to get into all of them, well, it will make me extremely happy. Besides that, things are going well for me, overall. I have been sick this past week, which really sucks, but the other things in my life (i.e. Mitch) make up for the little upsets like that. So, yeah...things are good. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to play Sudoku before class...aluve'

What Yami no Matsuei character are you?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, October 16, 2006
It's been a while since my last post, as Mitch pointed out to me the other night. Things have come and gone, and everything in my life seems to be running into one another. I cannot seem to remember what happened on certain days, just that they happened at some point recently. It's kind of frustrating, and I don't know what it's about. I haven't been able to fall asleep as easily as I have been this past week or so, and that is frustrating as well. I am planning on going home this weekend, which I think will be a good break from this place. I got stressed out at the APO meeting last night, so I know that there must be something wrong for that to happen. I am just not sure what it is. Oh well. Shit happens. We get over it. I am happy with where my life is right now, and I am going to be applying for a couple of internships within this next week or so, so that will be good for me. Overall, I don't have much of anything to report. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off for now...aluve'

Who Is Your Most Compatible Saiyuki Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, October 9, 2006
"A Martian Sends a Postcard Home" by Craig Raine
Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings --
they cause the eyes to melt
or the body to shriek without pain.
I have never seen one fly, but
sometimes they perch on the hand.
Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on ground:
then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.
Rain is when the earth is television.
It has the property of making colours darker.
Model T is a room with the lock inside --
a key is turned to free the world
for movement, so quick there is a film
to watch for anything missed.
But time is tied to the wrist
or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.
If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep
with sounds. And yet they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger.
Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room
with water but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises
alone. No one is exempt
and everyone's pain has a different smell.
At night when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs
and read about themselves --
in colour, with their eyelids shut.

What Princess Tutu Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
The 8th
It's been a good weekend, I do believe. On Friday I had classes, and I got the music for playing in the pit band (first chair clarinet and alto sax...huzzah!) I was feeling sick, but I managed. I did homework, went to town to get some reeds for the instruments and some rubbing alcohol for sterilizing a mouthpiece. We had APO movie night, where we watched The Family Guy movie and an episode of Invader Zim. I was feeling pretty crappy by the end of the event, and I ended up going back to Mitch and Trent's place to watch TV and relax. It was a fairly unexciting time after that.
Saturday brought about an APO event...sitting at a table for 2 hours during Open House, and not having anyone show any interest. After that, Mitch and I went to town to get some fabric and sewing things for the remainder of my costume, which I am super-excited to finish. We went to a hockey game that evening with my roommate and her boyfriend, whom I love hanging out with. It was a lot of fun. After the hockey game, we went and played video games for a little while, and then came back to my place.
Sunday was busy for me. Mitch and I got breakfast, and then went to work on theatre things...I practiced some of my music, helped Mitch set up the sound system, and cleaned a little. Then I came back for Theatre e-board meeting, went to work for 3 hours, went to APO GBM, got asked out, said yes, was happy, and went to celebrate afterward with an ice cream for me and a smoothie for Mitch.
So ends a good weekend. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is looking forward to a busy week...aluve'

What Ouran Host Club Host Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Fall Break
So, this one time, we had Fall Break, and I got to spend the time in Massachusetts. Originally, it was supposed to be Mitch, Trent, and myself all going to Mitch's house to spend the long weekend. However, Trent's father decided that he wanted to visit Trent, so it ended up being just Mitch and myself in good old MA for the break. I was definitely looking forward to seeing Mitch's family again, because, well, I really like them. On Friday Mitch, Trent, and myself went to volunteer some time with Meals on Wheels, where I made lots of cookies. ^_^ We then went to lunch on campus, and then we headed out around 1:00. The trip through the mountains is absolutely beautiful, especially during the sunset. I skipped my poetry class on Friday, which was my only class, so we could head out sooner than later. We got to his house around 7:30 or so, had some pizza, and watched the Red Sox. Throughout the weekend, we went to the mall ,went to Barnes and Noble (which I love oodles), went to Newbury Comics, went out to eat at Panera (which I love as well), went to see the Covanent (which was decent), baked cookies, and I made dinner on Monday night. I also got some goodies for my Halloween costume, which made me happy. We also took his dogs for walks, and I played Spyro the Dragon for a while on Sunday and Monday. Mitch got to play in a hockey game on Sunday, which was great to watch...because, well...I love hockey. I really enjoyed being at his house, and I guess his mother has no hard feelings toward me, according to him, so that's a major Huzzah. We decided to leave Monday night around 7:00 so we could get back to do work on Tuesday. We got back to school around 2:00 in the a.m., where I just passed out at Mitch's place. It was a glorious weekend, and now we are back to the daily grind. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to eat breakfast...aluve'

What Is Your Ideal Anime Pet
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, September 25, 2006
My Weekend
So, this one time, I had quite the interesting weekend. I had to come home for the weekend because my little brother and sister were getting baptized on Sunday, which was weird enough in itself. It was the first time I had been in a church in years, for one...but I'll get to that later in the post.
I came home on Friday, expecting to spend time with my Mother dearest. When I got home, I got to spend a little time with my family, but then my sister had to go to work, and my Mom and her husband took my little brother and sister to a football game, leaving me home alone. Needless to say, I was not pleased. Mitch ended up calling me to see what was going on, and he ended up deciding to come visit me. So, my awesome APO brothers of Trent, Matt, and Steve all came to visit with Mitch. We went to see Jet Li's Fearless, which was an amazing movie, I must say. I loved it, and I had a great night. I could not ask for better brothers.
On Saturday, I went to my sister's soccer game. They ended up losing 4-0. After the game, I took her out shopping, where I got most of my Halloween costume. I am going as Tifa this year, and I am super-excited about it. I am even going to dye my hair black to complete the outfit...which will be quite a change from the blondish that is my natural colour. After that, we went home, because she had to work. I did homework, bakes zucchini bread, and spent time with my Mumsie. I was supposed to go hang with Scott, but my mom was acting weird about letting me leave, which is understandable after what happened last week. So, Scott was pissed about that, but I would rather not have had my mom all worried about me.
On Sunday was the baptism, which, as I mentioned before, was weird for me. I had to go to the church and listen to what I believe to be crap about religion before the actual ceremony took place. I didn't like the fact that my mom and her husband had to pledge themselves to their god and such...yeah. I am anti-religion, and not baptized...that's all. It was just weird for me. I had to leave to get back to school shortly after the baptism so I could go to work, and then do the Initiation ceremony for Alpha Phi Omega. We have two new pledges...yay. We're going to have two more after our break as HUZZAH! Work went fine, I was happy about the Initiation and GBM, and then I took Mitch and Trent to get some food on campus and get the rest of my MatSci homework done. I then came back to my room, argued with Scott some more, and told him what was going on. Needless to say, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is single again. So, yeah. Um...that was my weekend.
On my plate for this week: Physical Chemistry exam on Tuesday, exam in my Genetics lab on Thursday, rehearsals for the musical, work, homework, Meals on Wheels volunteering on Friday, and going to Massachusetts for the weekend. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is keeping herself busy...aluve'
You Are a Liberal for Life | 
You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.
For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.
You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.
Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too. |
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
So, after a rough beginning to the week, things are finally starting to look up. I would not be anywhere without my APO brothers, and they all know it (at least, I am pretty sure they do). This morning we took the potential pledges out to an early morning breakfast, and it was just fun. I love being around my brothers. It takes the little things, it seems, to make everything better. I am back on top of my work, and I am not too worried about the exam that I have to take tonight in my Biochemistry class. Things are looking hopeful for the size of the pledge class this semester, and that is uplifting as well. Stress levels are...well, getting back to controllable as well. Huzzah to that. I am currently running on three hours of sleep, sugar from the maple syrup of my M&M pancake this morning, and coffee...glorious, glorious coffee. Yeah...I am feeling a lot better. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to go to Poetry class now...aluve'
Your Power Level is: 68% | 
You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.
Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals. |
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