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| BubblesMegee
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Looks Can Kill
That's what the quiz result says anyway. So, I am up early this morning so I can do a ton of work that is due on Monday. I hate the weekends because I always have so much work to do. Yesterday, I went to the theatre to help clean the 4th floor; it's where we keep all of the props. Since the past two shows, it has become an absolute disaster. Mitch helped me clean, and then my friend Matt stopped by to help me as well. I felt completely overwhelmed being up there, but I made a lot of progress. It was rather difficult to leave after not finishing cleaning, because we had other things that we needed to do. It was difficult because of the OCD. I am convinced that I have a mild case of OCD, but once again I am too stubborn to go to a therapist to see what is actually wrong with me. So, I dealt with the internal freak out and left the theatre.
After that glorious time, I went to the mall with Mitchel and my other friend Matt. I needed to buy a new outfit because I have an important interview on Thursday. It's for an internship over the summer. I would be staying right up here at school for the summer, doing research, and taking a couple of classes. I generally don't do well in interviews because I am not an outgoing person, but I hope that since I want this so much, something will click in my head and I will do amazingly. But, yeah. We went to the mall, hung out, and I got a cute outfit. Matt also ended up buying a generic version of DDR for the gamecube, which was AMAZING! I love DDR, so finding it for cheap was even better.
So, that night we had a dance party, and it was a ton of fun. After that, I went with those two to Mitch's place to watch TV. Around 11:30 I became exhausted, so I had Mitch take me back to my dorm. He wanted to stay, but I didn't want him to. Afterwards, I felt really bad. He had had a terrible week, and was really looking forward to falling asleep with me in his arms. I have been feeling sick, which is why I didn't want him to stay. I don't really like being around people when I am sick. So...I don't know.
I need to get going for the day, so I can get all of my work done before my meetings starting at 3, and ending around 8:30. Lame. I hate Sundays. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to go shower...aluve'

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