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Reading, Writing, Community Service With Alpha Phi Omega
Playing the Clarinet, Helping People, Being Personally Strong
| BubblesMegee
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Oh man. I don't even know where to start. Spring Break went well. I got home on Friday and ended up going out with a couple of my friends from home that I haven't spent time with in a couple of years. It was good to hang out with them again. I missed them. We went out to dinner and then watched "The Royal Tannenbaums," but I was exhausted and fell asleep shortly after the movie started. I spent most of the weekend doing work. On Monday, I took Arison (one of my friends from home) to his band rehearsal, so I took that opportunity to buy myself some new pants (which I was in desparate need of). The next day I went back out to the city with my Gram, and she bought me another pair of jeans, so that made me happy. Mitch also came up that day, which was glorious. Wednesday was filled with more homework, and Thursday I had an optemetrist and dentist appointment. On Friday, Mitch and I went to the Alpha Phi Omega spring semester sectional conference. It was by far the best conference I have been to. It was a ton of fun, a lot of out alumni showed up, and we won a shit-ton of awards. It made me happy. On Sunday we headed back to school, had a business meeting, and then I took Mitch and Matt to ice cream. Then it was back to work. Yeah...I had a ton of work to do over break. Then there was Monday, which turned out to be a pretty bad day. I was stressed because I still had a lot of work to do, and then on my way to rehearsal my sister called me to tell me that her friend Madison (one of her close friends) had gotten in a car accident. I was pretty good friends with Madison back in high school since we played sports together and she was in the band with me, and I have known her since she was 5. Madison's boyfriend had been driving, and he was in a coma and had to have brain surgery. Hearing it all just put me down. I got to rehearsal and forgot all of my lines, which pissed off my director, but I didn't care. After my scene I told her what was going on, and she told me to go back to my room, but I knew that I still had a lot of work to do, so I stayed at rehearsal. I got a lot of hugs though, and that made me feel better. I ended up getting back to my room around 10:30 that night, and was up until 2ish doing work. It was a long day. I am doing better today, so that's a plus. There are just so many things on my mind that are making it difficult for me to concentrate from time to time.
But that's for another post.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to study...aluve'
Your Old Fashioned Name Is...

Florence Narbridge
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