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Reading, Writing, Community Service With Alpha Phi Omega
Playing the Clarinet, Helping People, Being Personally Strong
| BubblesMegee
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Yesterday was a rough day. I didn't sleep well, and I was falling asleep in my favourite class. After that, I went to the lab to help out my forensics group. As soon as I got to the lab, my room mate called me to ask me if I had seen Eliza (my dwarf hamster) all day. I told her that she was up the night before, but I hadn't seen her that day. So, my room mate checked her cage, and told me that she wasn't breathing. Without any warning whatsoever, my hamster died. I kind of shrugged it off because I had other things to worry about that day. I got back to my room about an hour later and took care of the body and things in the cage, and then I went to the theatre with Gretchen to take care of costumes from the show. When we got there, I noticed that everything was left unlocked, which pissed me off, because we have a lot of expensive equipment there. When I got back to my room, I had a talk with my sister and told her about the goings on of the day. She told me that one of our horses finally had her baby, and my little sister named the pony Eliza. Well, that same day, the pony passed away as well. It was super strange. Then I had to take an online quiz...I spent 2 hours on it, and only got a 55% on it. Now THAT's disheartening. I spend so much time on it for nothing. Hell, I would have been better off guessing. I also had gotten in a fight with my mom earlier that day about getting my car fixed, and she assumed that I was putting it off, but I have a ton of work that is due in these last couple of weeks of school, so I just haven't had the time for it...yeah. It was just a bad day. I also lost an entire night of studying last night because we held elections for Alpha Phi Omega, and they lasted for a couple of hours. Fortunately, I was reelected President. So that's a plus, at least. Yeah. It was a rough day.
I hope today is better. I just want to finish this semester and go home for a couple of weeks. Then I'll be back to school for the summer to do research. YAY.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to watch the Price is Right...aluve'

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