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| BubblesMegee
Sunday, June 17, 2007
So, I am not all moved in with Tosca, and it feels great. I went home for a night this weekend because I had a bad day on Friday. When I woke up after 7 hours of sleep (which is a lot for me), I was absolutely exhausted...when I got to the lab I could barely keep my eyes open. Then when I got to the lab I decided to take it upon myself to crunch all of the data that we obtained during the boat trip during the week, which took a good 3.5-4 hours. I skipped my lunch break to keep going with the data because I was on a good roll. When I got done with that, I took a 10 minute break to go get my mail out of the mail room, and when I got back, the girl that I work in the lab with was like, "since it's the weekend, and we don't have much else to do, there's no reason why we both need to be here...have a good weekend." Little did she know that she made a solution wrong, so I had to wait another half hour after remaking the solution to actually start any analysis. I ended up getting out of there an hour later than I usually do. I was pissed. Then, I went to pack my things into my car and get home, and my tire was flat. The same tire that I have had problems with 3 times now was flat again. I flipped out. It was far from pretty. I blew up my tire and finished packing, and then I got home. Being home was nice though. So that's a plus. I went in our pool on Saturday for the first time in a year and a half...and I even wore my two-piece bathing suit, which I hadn't worn in even longer. I was so self-conscious, but my mom told me that I looked good, so that made me happy. I left back up here that evening, and spent the night unpacking and hanging out with Tosca. Today I went to Walgreens and bought myself a bike lock; since I live off campus and such, I decided to bring up my bike from home to get to and from campus so I didn't have to drive. Then I went to the library and took out the first manga of Ranma 1/2, and finished it a little over an hour later. I loved it. Now I have something to do all summer during my free time...YAY! I have a meeting at 4 this afternoon for a dumbass presentation that I have to give on Monday. Needless to say, I am not going to be in the mood for that. After that I am going to grab the rest of my things from the townhouse I was loving in, and probably get back to our place for some din-din. Sounds interesting enough, no? Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is happy that she has a new manga to check out...aluve'

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