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| BubblesMegee
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
If it's not broken, don't fix it
So, I am still on the ship, and I can't wait to get off. The people here are real nice, and I enjoy being around them, but I miss being able to go for a walk outside or having a normal routine. I think it's the lack of a routine that is really bothering me. For example, I stayed up all night the second and third nights I was here, and that worked out great for me because I would go to bed around 4 or 5 in the morning and sleep until about 10 and be set. However, last night was different. Jes (the girl that I have worked with all summer) took a long break yesterday afternoon, so when midnight rolled around, the time that she usually goes to bed, she decided to stay up, causing me to have to go to bed then, or not until about noon the next day. Oh dang, was I mad. Not to mention that I wasn't tired at that point, so I had to force myself to go to bed, which didn't really work. So, I got a couple of hours of sleep in me, but I feel like absolute shit today. I just want to go home. I can't concentrate on my damned paper that I need to get done...soon (I am not sure of the due date) and when I did try to work on it, the data wasn't coming out right. I talked to my professor about it, and he said that he would help me in a couple of hours, when he got a chance to. Well, since excel wasn't working for me the way I needed it to, I decided to just do the calculations out by simple paper and pencil, and it worked out marvelously. I just entered that new data into my paper, and went on my merry way. Luckily for me, just after I did that, my professor wanted to help me, and I told him that I fixed the problem. He asked what the problem was, and I told him that I wasn't quite sure, so I just figured out things the "old-fashioned" way. Apparently, that wasn't a good enough answer for him. He told me that I should know exactly WHY I had a problem. But, if there isn't a problem anymore, should the initial problem actually matter? I got pissed and told him that the next time I had a problem and fixed it, he could go and fix it himself as well. It's like engineering. If it works well, you can just take it apart so it doesn't work, and then make it better...that was a terrible analogy. Well, whatever. What my point is, is that if it's not broken, then there's no need to fix it.
I am just irritable and exhausted. I need a normal schedule. I am not even able to keep track of my eating as I would like to because I lose all track of time on this ship, and I feel bad for not eating when the cook makes something special for me. I think I am eating about twice a day, but it could be more or less. I really have no idea. That's a big concern of mine, as always. For example, it's lunch time right now, and it's Mexican style, with a lot of vegetarian options, but I am not hungry whatsoever, so I probably won't eat, and then feel good about the fact that I didn't eat, but feel bad because the cook made a lot of things special for me. Or, I could eat now, and then not eat for the rest of the day, but I had a big breakfast that the cook made special for me. Yeah...that's what I go through in my brain every freaking day. Fun times.
Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, should go an work on her paper some more...aluve'

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