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| BubblesMegee
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
So, this one time, I realized that it was bad for me to get more than 5-6 hours of sleep a night. Why, you might ask? Well, that is because I dream if I get more sleep than that. I know, I know. You want to say something along the lines of, "But Artemis, REM sleep is good for the body! It keeps you healthy and happy. In addition, dreams are the window into the soul!" In which to that, I would respond, "But (enter name here) when I do dream, they are all screwed up, and I am preoccupied with them for the following week, trying to decipher everything about them that I can." Long story short, I had a dream last night, and it was definitely something I was not expecting. Then again, I was expecting it too. I won't get into it, because the details don't matter too much for your sake. I am just happy that I brought along my dreamer's dictionary. It's been pretty accurate so far. Huzzah to that. So, yeah. Strange dream, and I have been thinking about it all day. I started classes yesterday bright and early at 8:00 -- Ecology Lab. It's a sophomore level class, so the people thought I was the TA (I am a senior this year). But, yeah, so I had Ecology Lab, and then I started working as a lab prep assistant, which was great, then I had Neurobiology and Ecology following that. Today I had my first class of Current Topics in Biology and Medicine (where we will be discussing "Current topics in biology and medicine" (direct quote from my professor)) and I did some more lab work. I also have my Evolution class in about an hour and a half, and I am pretty much looking forward to that as well. I think it's going to be a pretty good semester...I am only taking 16 credits, which is a lot less than I am used to, plus I have two jobs and am President of Alpha Phi Omega and Theatre. So, I am going to be keeping myself busy, but I am not going to go insane. I'll probably start applying for Grad schools this weekend and next. I am pretty pleased with things right now as far as school is concerned. I enjoy my roommate and living in the two person apartment with her on campus, and things are staying pretty well put together. I mean, yes, it is only the first week of school, but that is usually a good indicator of how things are going to go in the future. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, has some things to take care of...aluve'

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