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| BubblesMegee
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Haruko: It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool.
Happy New Year everyone. Did any of you make a resolution? I thought about it...about making one, and then I thought that it would be depressing if I made one and wasn't able to stick with it. I could be like everyone else and try to change something about myself...stop doing this, lose 10 pounds, start working out more...yadda yadda. It's always my goal to lose weight, so I'll take that off the list. I am never happy with the amount that I work out, so I can always aim to do that more...the list could just keep going.
Basically, I just want to be happy.
New Year's Eve, during the day, was quite terrible. I had a mini panic attack and everything. I spent most of the day upstairs because there were too many people around, and all I wanted to do was cry. I hate it when I get like that. I was terribly unhappy. It was even worse because I am at Steven's house for a week or so until school starts up again.
I sometimes think that I should be on anti-depressants, as much as I am trying to hold off of them. It's just that my lows are so low that maybe the drugs would help me just stay at some constant. I'll talk to my counselor about it when I get back to school.
Yesterday was a good day. I ended up going shopping with Steven's mom. She got me a ton of clothes...most of which I didn't need, but it was fun spending time with her. She also got me some hair dye. Steven's sister dyed my hair last night. I absolutely love the colour. It's hard to describe, but it's like a darker brown colour with some red tint to it. It's great. =)
Overall, I am having a great time here. I love Steven's family, and the area that he lives in. Naturally, I miss my family, but it's good to be in a new place from time to time.
Anywho, I think I am going to go. I have a couple of books that are just screaming for me to read them. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is reading until her eyes fall out...aluve'

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