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| BubblesMegee
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Logic...Part 1
Okay, so let's see who can follow my scenario. There are four people involved in this scenario: Persons A, B, C, and D. Persons A and D used to date, but Person D dumped Person A. Person A though he was over the breakup, so he sort of fell for Person B. Person B enjoyed this greatly. Person D found out about Persons A and B, and became jealous. Person D told Person A that she still held feelings for him. Person A became confused. Person A still loved Person D. He told Person B that he still wanted to be with Person D. Person B became depressed, so Person C consoled her. Persons B and C became close. Person A was acting strange about it. He did not seem too keen on the idea of Persons B and C being together or whatnot. Things weren't going as smoothly for Persons A and D. Person A asked Person B what she felt about that. Person B began to think about Person A again. Person B thought she still had feelings for Person A, but didn't want to hurt Person C. Person B was now the confused one. What was Person B to do? Person B still does not know what her heart desires. Person B is still confused. Person B does not want to create problems between Persons A and C because they are friends. Person D needs to make up her mind so Person A knows what to do, which will ultimately help out Persons B, C, and D. How long can Person B keep feeling strong emotions?
Okay, so, that's a fun scenario that has been going on for much too long. And by fun, I mean F**ked up. Sorry for the implied profanity. It's movie night tonight, and my sister's soccer team just beat their biggest rivals. Hopefully the rest of the night will go smoothly...I don't want any more awkwardness.
Horoscope for the day:
Venus, planet of love, is opposite Uranus, planet of sudden and shocking events. Look for a perfect stranger to excite you more than the kisses of your lover. There is no need to pursue anything too deep, but do enjoy the feeling that you are in control.
I'm gone...aluve'
 Ritsuko- You're shy and like to keep distance between yourself and others. You're never without your trusty sniper rifle. While you're really caring, your shy attitude keeps you from getting close to people.
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