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| BubblesMegee
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Nappie nap time
Well, yesterday I was extremely tired, so I decided to take a nap after my Calculus class, and before I went out for Chinese with Person W. I had an awesome 1.5 hour nap. You see, I never take naps because I hate to sleep...I see it as a major waste of time. Anyway, I actually had a dream during my nap. It was an odd dream that really made no sense, but I am going to talk about it anyway. It took place in a hotel room, and it was like a movie night. Kyle, Cip, The Nik, Kelvin, Matt, Jordan, and Katie B were all there. There were also other people there that I don't know in reality, but we were good friends in my dream. Anyway, we were watching "Four Rooms" in a hotel room, and I had just gotten back from ice skating. I wiped my skates off with a towel, and then sat down to watch the movie. Not long afterward, the girls that I don't know asked me to come out into the hallway and talk to them...someone was having a problem. So, I agreed. What was strange was that when I was leaving, I put my hand on Jordan's shoulder and told him that I'd be right back. Then I don't remember the rest of the dream. It was odd because I have talked to Jordan maybe twice since I've known him. I know that I ponder too long on my dreams, but it was just odd to me. I have been through so much lately with guys that I found it odd to pick out a certain instance with another guy in a dream. Anyway, here are what the symbols in my dream meant:
Hotel: (Vision) Seeing yourself in a hotel: a trip you have planned will be much more expensive that you thought.
(Depth Psychology) You are dealing with emotional confusion -- the hotel is a metaphor for your flight from yourself. Are you about to explore unknown places? The hotel also represents your present attitudes and actions; sometimes it is a sign that you want more comfort and luxuries.
Towel: (Vision)If you are drying your hands on a towel: you want to get out of an unplesant situation. Looking at a clean towel: be sure that you conclude a matter "cleanly!" A dirty towel means more pressure in your life.
Ice Skating: (Depth Psychology) If you are ice skating: with the right "tools" you will go far. Your expectations are reasonable -- you will have good relationships and exercise good judgement.
Darkness: (Vision) Dreaming about being "in the dark" is a sign that you feel insecure at work and in life in general. You can't quite figure something out, can't understand it.
(Depth Psychology) Dreaming about darkness always refers to an emotionally dangerous situation or one that is unresolved. This may have to do with a specific experience with other people or yourself. Try to shed some light on the situation.
I love how dreams relate so well to life...if you haven't kept up with my journal entries then this makes no sense to you, but it does to me. ^_^ Anyway, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt shall be off for now. aluve'
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