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| BubblesMegee
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Late Nights and Early Mornings
So, yeah, it was a long night last night. I was bores out of my mind, so I was onlkne for most of the night. One would think that since I go to such an awesome college that I would have some sort of homework to do, but alas, I was homework-less. It kind of sucked, but I did get away with doing absolutely nothing and not feel guilty about it. At one point during the night, when there was abreak in all of my AIM conversations at once, a strange feeling came over me. It was like a feeling of depression that hit for no reason, with an overwhelming longing for something as well. I have no idea what triggered it, but it was odd indeed. It kind of got me thinking about what it was. When Cip got back from visiting some people at State, I talked to him about it. (I was talking to The Nik about it, but I couldn't figure it out at that point). So, as I began to explain it to Cip, I think I figured out what it was I was longing for. for some reason, my subconscious started longing for someone for me. Someone to be with, or something along those lines. Thinking it through more carefully, I think that's exactly what I was wanting. As I told this to Cip, he asked me if there was anyone in particular. Come to find out, there was, and the answer was something that no one would see coming. However,I am feeling better today (besides being sick). I was up until about 3:00am talking about it to Cip, and it seems like everything will go well (hopefully). And that's all I shall say about that. Guesses will be taken, but as of now, only two people know of this: Cip and my Roommate. Although she and I don't talk much, we di share a lot of secrets with one another. It's good to have that bonding with someone...I haven't had that since I left high school. Like I said, we don't talk much, but when we do, it's really good to just get things off of my chest. She has her friends, and I have mine, so it easy to talk to one another about our problems because the other cannot be biased on opinion because they do not know the other party. And,yeah, that's enough of my rambling. Artemis, Goddess of the hunt will be off now ^_^ aluve'
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