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| BubblesMegee
Thursday, November 4, 2004
Yeah...Lighty Tends to do that to People....
Damn you, The Nik. Okay, now that is out of the way...maybe I should explain myself on that. I went over to State last night for our weekly Movie Night. I have some sort of a cold right now, so when we were watching South Park, I started hacking up a lung (or something very close to that). The Nik says to me, in a barely audible tone "Yeah, Lighty tends to do that to people." If people only knew who this Lighty character was, they would find it just that much more amusing. I even got a good laugh out of that. But anyway, yeah. You see, I go to an Engineering college...there are a good number of guys here, but a good portion of them are the typical "nerds, geeks, etc." In all truthfullness, I don't think he is much different. When The Nik and Cip found out, their reactions were the same: "What...a girl...liking Lighty?" *laughs* I go for the odd guys, what can I say? I know many people here that can confirm that if any of you had any doubts. *shrugs* I don't know why...but I'm not complaining. The thing is, I have no idea what to do now. It's like people are telling me what to do, and I just want to figure it out for myself. This all goes back to the problem of me telling how I feel. I am bad at it. That's why I am glad to have the friends that I do here. They know how to get me to tell how I am feeling and whatnot. ^_^ (You guys hard!) Now what? I am just sitting here, waiting for class to start, or for something interesting to happen...still waiting. Fortunately, the other day, I finally figured out what I want in a guy...which makes my life a little bit easier. Some people I know are looking for the perfect person; one with no flaws and just all around perfect. The way I see it, that's not what I want. Perfection is overrated. The way I see it, if you can be with someone despite their flaws, then it is a good thing. I am looking for the good guy with flaws. Not bad-guy flaws though, they need to be good guy flaws. Example? Being a man-whore whilst drunk is a bad guy flaw. Being a little bit of a nerd is a good guy flaw. See where I am going wit this? (Any questions, leave a comment, and I'll answer you). But, yeah, that is what I am looking for. That gives me something to work off of, at least. ^_^ I am just rambling on now, waiting for something to happen. Waiting sucks. This Saturday I have another worksession...hopefully that'll be something good. Who knows? I am such a geek when it comes to things like this...maybe I am going about everything the wrong way...maybe people don't get the hint sometimes...and maybe I am looking into everything completely the wrong way. Too many "what if's" and such. *laughs* If people only knew...(Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is flying off...aluve')
 You are Artemis, the virgin huntress and goddess of the moon.. You are probably shy but also have a very strong and couragious personality.
What Greek Goddess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
(now it's official)
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