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myOtaku.com: BubblesMegee

Monday, November 29, 2004

Ah...back from break. I had a good Thanksgiving break. Not too much went on...and that's the way I like it sometimes. Granted, I do get restless, but the break from everything here was nice. Just two more weeks to go in the semester. It'll be a long two weeks. Tomorrow I have an orchestra concert...not too sure how that will go. Anyway, I had two thanksgiving dinners, as usual. The first was at my mother's husband's mother's house. The food there was decent. The only bad thing about hoiday dinners for me is that I can only eat a linited amount of food. I am a vegeterian, so that rules out all of the meat products. Then there's the fact that apples make me sick, so that rules out applesauce and apple pie. I think I had stuffing and dinner rolls for my thanksgiving dinner. It proves to be interesting. It was good to spend time with my family though. I also took my sister out shopping on Black Friday. I hate shopping, s dealing with all of the people was not something I wanted to deal with. Luckily, we went out in the late afternoon, so the crowds weren't that bad. I got most of my Chrostmas shopping done...I just have my Mumsie and my friends to get done now. That's excellent. Over the weekend, I went over to Nick's house. We watched a couple of movies, and then went to the mall and watched the Spongebob Squarepants movie. That was...good for a Nickelodeon movie. It had a lot of Ren & Stimpy antics to it. I never really liked Ren & Stimpy. Oh well. Now I know for next time. ^_^ Anyway, I am in an odd mood right now. I decided to put an awesome excerpt from my friend's profile in here. I hope he doesn't mind...
"Why did I do it? I had to... so what happened? Well I think it is pretty obvious that I failed miserably. But you know what? I am not really sad about it. A bit disheartened but not sad, in fact I am proud. Why? Because I tried. Never before would I have tried... I know failure all too well.
"So what am I talking about and why is it such a big deal? You don't need to know that part... but just think of it this way. It is a decision. Given this decision you can either live the rest of your life in wonder... what if I wasn't so afraid... what if this was the choice that gave you everything?
"I decided that it was time... do I believe in fate? Of course not. I don't like to think that I am not in control of my life... so I decided. The feeling in my body went away... I was flying. More free than I have ever been... and now I am. If you don't understand I am sorry. And if you do I live everyday for you. Don't be like me... let it all go. Just try."
Yeah...I really like that. Anyway, blah. It's dead week. Only one more week to go...having a bit of mixed emotions about that...emotions...blah. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt is off to do other things now...aluve'

Innocent Beauty

Your Beauty lies
in Innocence. Pure, sweet and child-like. You most
likely look far younger than
you are and your smile would brighten up anyone's
day. Seen as naive and
sheltered, you can be ignorant at times, but for
the most part, it's simply your
reputation preceding you. You are most likely
rather aware of the realities of
life. You are extremely good natured and
trustworthy. By the same token, you are
a bit too trusting. Be careful, few are as honest
and open as you. You might
seem girlish still with a love of dresses, ponies,
and things most might deem
you "too old for". But this doesn't
bother you. You enjoy your youth and are
going to make it last. After all you are only as
old as you feel.

Some Things
That Represent You:

Light, Wind Animal: Kitten Color:
White, Pink, Pastels Song:
Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney
Expression: Innocent Smile

Diamond Mythological Creature: Unicorn
Moon Hair Color: White Eye Color:

Quote: "A
stranger is just a friend you haven't met

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla

(How true...my innocence is something that I hold dear)

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