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| BubblesMegee
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Well, this is probably the last post before I get back to school. My Mum and her husband went on a trip this weekend with a few friends, so my sister nad I are home alone for the weekend. I ended up being dragged to the movies tonight to see the Ring 2 with my sister and her best friend. To be honest, I got bored and there were too many plot holes to be a good movie for me. Besides that, tomorrow I have a volleyball tournament for the day, and then around 6:00 I am going to babysit for my down-the-road neighbours. On Sunday I am heading back to school, and I cannot wait. I am so ready to get back and be with some friends. Okay, so, more question answering, I suppose.
ghosthunter2007: As for continued questions... why did you never show your feelings? Why is red your favorite color? What would you rather be a duck or a goose and why? Why do you refer to yourself as Artemis? If you could steal anything in the world what would it be? Do you believe in ghosts? What does "speak friend and enter" mean to you? That oughta keep you busy for a few minutes anyway.
A few minutes indeed, ghosthunter2007. Okay, so, let the answering begin. Why did I never show my feelings? It made me think that I was weak, and I wanted to prove that I was stronger than I looked. When my Mum and Father divorced when I was 5, I became numb inside. IT felt like when I showed my emotions, they would get the best of me, and let me be weak and vunerable. I did not like that feeling at all, so I basically became a cold-hearted bitch and shut off all emotion from my life. With that came a loss of friends. College has changed me and allowed me to be happy. Granted, I still don't show a whole ton of emotion, but I show enough to make me happy.
Why is red my favorite color? Well, why is peanut butter my favorite food? It's just something that I like, and don't know why.
Would I rather be a duck or a goose? I was chased by a goose when I was 6 at my Grandfather's house. I had a duck once, and he was a great pet. I'd want to be a duck because I love the way they take to humans when they are young.
Why do I refer to myself as Artemis? Cip started calling methat one day, so I just decided to keep it.
If I could steal anything in the world, what would it be? Well, nothing, because shoplifting is illegal. ^_^
Do I bellieve in ghosts? Not really.
What does "speak friend and enter" mean to me? If you are a friend, speak the password, and the doors will open.
Well, that's a fun post for the night. Keep the questions coming, and I'll keep on answering them. ^_^ Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to do some late-night push ups...aluve'
![romantic girl]( Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and care for a lot of people.There is no evil in you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people don't feelt he same way as you do you keep on trying to change their mind.You love to help people out and you are always happy.Keep on trying to make the whole world smile because you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it seems like there is nobody who could love you as much as you could love them it doesn't matter the thing is that the only thing that matters is that he cares and loves you and it doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but don't set you standerds(sp?) to high cuz then you'll find nobody
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