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myOtaku.com: BubblesMegee

Monday, May 1, 2006

Total Slaughter,
Total Slaughter.
I won't leave a single man alive.

La de da de dai,
La de da de duh,
An ocean of blood.

Let's begin the killing time.

Yeah, that's my general feeling toward everything right about now. It's finals week for us, which means less free time than usual until the finals are over. I have 4 finals this semester: today I have Genetics, tomorrow is Organizational Behavious, and Wednesday is Physics II and Organic Chemistry II. The first two finals won't be that bad -- it's the two on Wednesday that I am worried about. >.< Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it except study. I am taking a break right now because I think I am overstudying for Genetics, which is usually counter-productive.
So, being the last week of school, of course I am rather down. I went out with Mitch the other night and bought myself Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I had a bootleg copy on my computer, but I realized that I wanted the real thing...yes, it's THAT good. ^_^ I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, but I will find time after finals. After we bought the movie, we went out to the movies and saw Silent Hill. In my opinion, it was horrible: the acting was mediocre, there was more plot in the Halo games, the CG sucked, and there were too many holes in the plot. Of course, that is my opinion. You can say otherwise, but you will be wrong. =P
Being the end of the semester and all, I seem to get depressed. I have to leave Mitch and my other friends behind, and go home, where I don't even feel like I belong anymore. I can't wait to get my own place after I graduate. Hopefully I will be able to graduate early and go to graduate school in the Boston area. That would be wonderful.
So, by now you're probably wondering why I put the genocide song at the beginning of the blog. Well, it's just the same shit that I have been dealing with all semester. I never thought I could go through so many emotions over a person inthe course of a semester. A fucking semester! He went from being my best friend to one of the people that I just want to kick in the balls and watch him writhe in pain. Of course, I am talking about Chris: He-who-can-do-no-wrong. Last night I went down to the second floor to ask my friend Mike to print off a paper for me, and I ended up sitting down there for a little bit to watch American Dad. Well, Chris walks by, like he always does when I am on the second floor, and then comes back, stands in the hallway, glares at me, and says "I want my physics books back." Then he leaves. I know he wants his fucking physics books back -- I am not a dumbass. I was tempted to go out last night and catch every one of them on fire...but then I realized that I still need to study for that damn class. Oh, another way he fucked me over! He told me that he would tutor me this semester with physics, and never did because he was being a fucktard and stopped talking to me. Now I am failing the goddamn class. I have never failed a class in my life. I am going to have to struggle to get a D+ in that class, let alone the C that I need. >.< But, no, I am the bad guy. I am always the fucking bad guy. I decided to move on in my life because I didn't have any reason to wait around for him to make up his fucking mind, and I am the one who is the bad guy. Because he "loved" me. He also only told me that after he found out that he couldn't have me anymore. He was only willing to fight for me by trying to be just one step ahead of Mitch. It's a pretty shitty friend that will try to ruin your happiness to make themselves happy. Rather selfish, if you ask me. No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow. That's all I have to say. Now I am all worked up. *le sigh* Why can't the highschool bullshit stop when we get to college? That's all I want to know.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is, well, pissed off...aluve'

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