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| BubblesMegee
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Happiness, Camp, etc.
To make a long story short, this summer at camp is going to be amazing.
What? you're an eager reader? Nothing better to do? Wish that Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, would expand on such optimistic thoughts? Splendid! That I can do.
So, this week was Staff Training. There are 20 counselors this year. Er...make that 19. The head lifeguard quit because she "wasn't a camp person." It happens, but she brought it upon herself by keeping herself apart from the group. Anywho, staff training went by splendiferously. Our assistant director was my first camp counselor, and she's been in the camp scene for 8 years now, which is much better than last year's assistant director. the group as a whole is getting along amazingly. Of course, not everyone likes everyone, but that happens, and we deal with it. This year, I am co-coordinator of the High Ropes Course, which is one of the main reasons for me coming back this year. On Thursday, the other coordinator and I spent all day up in the trees. We had to replace some safety devices. I wish I could put into words the sensations that I was experiencing while up in the tree. To put it simply, it was amazing. I had a beautiful view of the lake, and there was a hawk that flew right past me, probably 30 feet away or so. Then there's the fact that I was just strapped to the tree so that I could just hang there hands-free 60 feet in the air...ohmigoshness, it was just such a rush. I love the ropes course. It just makes me so happy. That feeling has carried on through today, which is Saturday. just the feeling of happiness and feeling...I don't know...somehow free of any burdens that I may have been carrying. It's difficult to explain, but I know what I am feeling.
Another good way to tell that we have a good group is that fact that we all went out to dinner at Applebee's last night and had a GREAT time. (Unlike last year, where we just hung out to drink and party, etc.) We had to wait for an hour to get seated, but that was because there were 25 of us. We stayed for a couple of hours, just having a good time, and then we went to one of the counselor's apartments to watch a movie, but we ended up watching "So You Think You Can Dance" instead. That was fine with me...I have never watched the show before, but one of the counselors, who just happens to be the other coordinator of the High Ropes course, is going to audition for the show the next time around, which is awesome. We are all hoping that he makes it, of course, since dancing is basically his major in college. It would be great to watch the show and just be like "Hey, I worked with that person."
The Week was also full of a lot of new things for me. Take, for example, that I have completely opened up compared with last summer. Or how I willingly put on a bathing suit and went swimming. Hell, I even passed my swim test so that I could swim with the rest of the counselors. Now that is a feat. Last summer I wouldn't get in the water on my own free will whatsoever. So, yeah. Good times indeed.
Today, I went shopping (on my own free will) for some new clothes and some camp goodies. I ended up buying $40 of clothes in TJ Maxx, and a CD in FYE. I also bought the twins a birthday gif, since I won't be here for their 4th birthday this week.
So, in conclusion, life is good, I love my job and all of the people I work with, and being in this hyper-happy mood absolutely rocks!
I love my life.
Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off...aluve'

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