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| BubblesMegee
Friday, July 14, 2006
Week 2
So, I still am loving the job. This week was Tumble Camp/Cloverbud Camp. I had nine Cloverbud gals, ages 6-8. Since they were the little ones, they only stayed Monday-Wednesday. The girls were amazing for me. They were a little slow with getting things done, but they were little, and I let it slide. On Tuesday I had a breakdown that I didn't see coming -- it started off with my girls taking half an hour in the shower in the morning, and just as long to get dressed. We only had a half an hour for shower time before we had to go set up for breakfast, so I had to yell at them for that. Then I had a high ropes session to teach by myself, and I had to run all over camp to find the keys to the shed to get out the equipment, set up the course, and take the keys back across camp all in 10 minutes time. I only had 3 girls, and the course was taking me a lot longer to set up than it should have due to me being stressed. The girls got huffy, but I got it all set up. The first girl went up with no problem...the second girl got up on the obstacle, and there was an announcement over the loudspeaker saying that all of the campers and camp staff had to meet in the lodge due to a huge storm that was heading our way. So, I told the girl up on the element that she had to get down, and she said that she didn't want to; she wanted to complete the challenge. I threatened to come up and get her, which got her done. I had them wait in the shed while I took down the course. Then another announcement came on, saying to get up to the lodge NOW. Shit, I thought, I still have to coil the ropes. I ended up coiling up two of the three before the third announcement. I told the girls that they had my permission to run to the lodge while I locked up. Still in my harness, I ran up with them. After that fiasco, it was time for lunch. Already stressed out, I just wanted to relax at lunch. Of course, that was not going to happen. All of the campers at my table decided that it would be hilarious to all call my name just to say "hi." I tolerated that for about 20 minutes, and then I went outside to take a few deep breaths and try to calm down. I told myself that it wasn't worth getting worked up over, and calmed down a little bit. When I went back inside, all of my girls came up to me, calling my name, hugging me, etc. I looked to another counselor, and just started crying. Luckily, he got the girls away from me so I could go back outside and relieve my stress. I ended up getting a half an hour off so I could go relax in the staff lounge, and when I got back to my cabin, all of my girls apologized to me. Yes...they were amazing.
It's funny to say that that wasn't the worst part of the week. On Thursday, I had to go to the Emergency Room. Fun times, right? Well, here's the story:
I woke up in a good mood -- I didn't have any kids to worry about for the rest of the week, and although I didn't get much sleep, I felt rested. Breakfast went fine, and then all of the counselors had some time off so the kids could do their tumble classes. After the classes, we had free swim. I was talking to a counselor in her cabin, when a snake came in. Since all of the girls in her cabin were in their bathing suits (and I elected to take care of any snake problems with another male counselor that I work with), I decided to get rid of it ASAP. I picked it up with no problem and took it out of the cabin. I noticed that it was to shed soon, but thought nothing of it. That is, I thought nothing of it until it bit me. The loose skin gave it just enough room to bend its head up and strike my thumb 5 times. I dropped the little fucker, and called over the counselor that is the other "snake charmer." I was pissed because I got bit by a little 1.5 foot snake when I was taking care of 4-5 foot rat snakes all last week. I went up to the nurse to get it looked at and cleaned, and then I had to go to the emergency room. I hated going there...the people were super rude to me, they didn't know what kind of snake bit me or if it was venomous, and just gave me a bunch of shit. I had to get a shot of some sort of super antibiotics that basically made me out of it for the rest of the day. When I got back to camp, I wasn't allowed to teach the high ropes like I was supposed to due to liability reasons, which I understand. It still pissed me off. It's all good though -- my hand has feeling back in it, I got paid today, I got some great news last night, and I am just sitting here, loving life. That's not a bad thing, right? I know it isn't.
Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to make plans for the night...aluve'
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A | 
You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter |
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