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| BubblesMegee
Saturday, July 29, 2006
RIP Shmeagol
So, this one time, I came home on a Friday after staying late to help out my boss at camp, and my mom forgets to tell me that my anole, Shmeagol, passed away on Wednesday. After being home for an hour, she pulls the "By the way, your lizard died on Wednesday, and I was afraid to tell you." I couldn't help but giggle at that. I figured that he was on his way out when he stopped eating...again. I know that anoles don't have long life spans, so I chose to not get too attached to him. No biggie. I'll just have to get another pet when I get back to college.
In other news, this week was amazing for me. My girls were so good. I had 7 girls, all of them 11. My classes went smoothly as well, except for an incident on Tuesday's first class. Andy and I were setting up one of our elements (the Multi-Line) and right off, both of us knew that we were going to have a bad had stormed out that morning, and it just threw everything off. The first thing that I did was the snap the p-cord to bring up the dynamic rope. It was still halfway through the pulley, however, so in theory, I was just going to have to use the bear claws to climb up half of the element to pull the dynamic cord the rest of the way through. After I went to get the bear claws, I started to climb the tree, and I hear Andy basically say "Oh Shit." As I looked up, the dynamic cord fell out of the pulley. I just laughed to myself, and climbed up the rest of the way of the element (about 60 or 70 feet). I was up there for about an hour and a half, with Andy on the ground, the both of us trying to figure out what to do. Eventually we got the p-cord up on one of the cables of the element, which I strung through the safety belay device, and eventually got across the element to fix it. I am not going to lie, it was quite nerve-racking. I had the kids in the class go away from the high ropes course, because I was thinking to myself that it was so damned slippery up in the tree, that if I fell, I definitely did not want the kids to have to experience it. Luckily, I got through the element alive and safe, just a little shakey after getting out of the tree.
Then there was the weekend (actually, it was 10:30 on Friday night), where I went to Denny's with the camp crew. There we were, singing songs from RENT, after having ordered our drinks, and getting ready to order our food, when the waittress came back with the drink orders. She ended up spilling two sprites down my back. I was not pleased. Actually, I was extremely pleased with the way I reacted -- I waited for the waittress to leave until I exploded. I calmed down a couple of hours later with a couple of Schmirnoff peach iced teas (which are absolutely amazing, by the way).
Overall, it was an interesting week. I am certainly not going to complain. Anywho, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to take her sister to work...aluve'
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