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| BubblesMegee
Monday, September 4, 2006
Aimlessly Wandering
Through Life
Following, Leaderless
This Is
So, yeah. I jotted this down before my Materials and Science class began today. I blame my poetry professor for making me think of such things. I have been noticing lately that people will go to and from classes without thinking about it...they all flow into and out of the buildings at the same time, blank and lifeless expressions on their faces. It makes me wonder if I look the same way when I am walking to class. I try my darndest to walk to class with a smile on my face, just for that reason. My poetry professor today was on a random tangent of death and dying, and basically came to the conclusion that everyone dies, and people will be forgotten. People go on with life, with or without you. That's the way it has and will always be. He just made life seem so meaningless...I don't know, it was just somehow enlightening for me.
In happier news, I went home for the weekend and spent time with the camp crew again. It made me happy, although I was only here for 10 days prior to that. I really need to readjust to this place, but I do think I am doing a hell of a lot better than I was when I first got up here. I know that I am feeling better about things now that I am back and had a great weekend. I hope I am not going to have to continue to look to my camp friends to make me happy though, because, quite frankly, I am a poor college student, and I cannot afford to drive home every other weekend. In plus, I will be way too busy for that anyway. I like staying up here with my friends, I really do, but I still have some attachment to my summer as well. I am slowly getting better at it though, and that makes me happy. Now, if I could stop losing weight, that would be a good thing as well. I lost 3 pounds in 10 days. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but for me it is. Normally, I would complain about gaining a pound or whatever, but I know that my weight loss is starting to affect me, bith physically and mentally. It's not good, and I don't know what to do about it. "Eat more." Yeah. Good advice. I know. Thank you, Captain Obvious. *sigh* It's not that simple. That's what it comes down to. It's starting to scare my family, and quite frankly, myself as well. So, yeah. Fun times. I have homework to do. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to delve into the wonders of MatSci homework...aluve'
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